Interface IEvent

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
IAddEvent, IAddNoteEvent, IAddReferenceEvent, IAlertEvent, IAliasChangeEvent, IAutoClassificationEvent, ICacheEvent, ICacheInvalidateEvent, ICafAppConfigUpdateEvent, ICAFEvent, ICAFNotificationDeliveryEvent, ICAFNotificationEvent, IClassSyncEvent, IClassUpdateEvent, IClusterSystemEvent, IComponentDeploymentEvent, IComponentEvent, IConnectionManagerEvent, IContentServiceEvent, IContentSystemEvent, ICopyEvent, ICopyReferenceEvent, ICreateEvent, ICriterionEvent, IDeleteEvent, IDigestDeliveryEvent, IDirGroupMembershipChangeEvent, IDirPortalPrincipalModifyEvent, IDirPrincipalChangedEvent, IDirPrincipalDeleteEvent, IDirPrincipalDNUpdationEvent, IDirPrincipalEvent, IDirPrincipalLifecycleEvent, IDirPrincipalModifyEvent, IDirRoleMembershipChangeEvent, IDirServiceEvent, IDirSystemObjRefreshEvent, IDistributedConfigChangedEvent, IGetEvent, IHeartbeatEvent, IInsoEvent, ILicenseRefreshEvent, ILoggingConfigEvent, ILoginEvent, ILoginFailedEvent, ILogMessageEvent, IMetaEvent, IModifyEvent, IMoveEvent, IMoveReferenceEvent, IMWSCAFEvent, INotifiableEvent, INotificationEvent, INotificationSourceEvent, IOpenAjaxEvent, IPermissionsEvent, IPortal2ThingsEvent, IPortal3ThingsEvent, IPortalEvent, IPurgeEvent, IPurgeRequestEvent, IRefreshTaskEvent, IRemoveEvent, IRemoveReferenceEvent, IRuleChangedEvent, IScheduleEvent, IScheduleManagementEvent, IScheduleUpdateEvent, ISetAcesEvent, ISetAnonymousEvent, ISetAuthSchemeEvent, ISetOwnerEvent, ISetPolicyEvent, ISpy, ISSODataChangeEvent, ISubscriptionDeliveryEvent, ISubscriptionEvent, ISystemEvent, ISystemPropertyEvent, ITaskChangedEvent, ITaskDistributionChangedEvent, ITaskReindexStopEvent, ITaskTimedEvent, ITaskVoteEvent, ITaskVotingStrategyUpdateStopEvent, IThingEvent, ITransferEvent, IUpdateEvent, IWebSpaceChangedEvent, IWorkspaceUpdateEvent
All Known Implementing Classes:
Event, HeartbeatEvent

public interface IEvent extends Serializable
Title: IEvent Description: The base event interface. All event interfaces must be directly or indirectly derived from this interface. It also provides the gateway to the event delivery system to register event listeners. Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002 Company: webMethods Inc.
  • Method Details

    • raise

      void raise()
      Sends the event into the event delivery service to distribute/deliver to listeners.
    • getTimestamp

      long getTimestamp()
      Gets the timestamp when the event was raised. The time is the time on the machine that raised the event. In a cluster environment, unless the clocks are synchronized, comparing times between the machines may be meaningless.
      the timestamp as the system time obtained with System.currentTimeMillis().
    • getVMID

      VMID getVMID()
      Gets the id of jvm that the event was raised.
    • isLocalEvent

      boolean isLocalEvent()
      Determines if the event is raised on this JVM.
      true if the VMID is the same as the running VM
      See Also:
    • getSourceIP

      String getSourceIP()
      Get the source IP of the user initiating this event if available
    • getJcrSessionID

      String getJcrSessionID()
      Get the session ID of the JCR session that was the source of the event
    • getJcrSessionUserData

      default String getJcrSessionUserData()
      Get the UserData string of the JCR session that was the source of the event