Interface IPortal2ThingsEvent

All Superinterfaces:
IEvent, INotifiableEvent, IPortalEvent, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
IAddEvent, IAddReferenceEvent, ICopyEvent, ICopyReferenceEvent, ICreateEvent, IDeleteEvent, IMoveEvent, IMoveReferenceEvent, IPortal3ThingsEvent, IRemoveEvent, IRemoveReferenceEvent, ITransferEvent

public interface IPortal2ThingsEvent extends IPortalEvent
  • Method Details

    • getContainerID

      IThingID getContainerID()
      Gets the container thing id associated with the event.
      com.webmethods.service.meta2.thing#IThingID of the container associated with the event
    • getContaineeID

      IThingID getContaineeID()
      Gets the containee thing id associated with the event.
      com.webmethods.service.meta2.thing#IThingID of the containee associated with the event