Interface IPurgeRequestEvent

All Superinterfaces:
IEvent, ISystemEvent, Serializable

public interface IPurgeRequestEvent extends ISystemEvent
Raised to request that a system purge be conducted. During a purge items that have been deleted are removed form the system.
  • Method Details

    • getPurgeAll

      boolean getPurgeAll()
      Returns whether all deleted items should be purge or not. If this value is false, getThingsToPurge() should be used to obtain the list of deleted items that are being requested to be purged.
      boolean flag indicating whether all deleted items should be purged or not.
    • getThingsToPurge

      IThingIDList getThingsToPurge()
      Returns a list of deleted items that are being requested to be purged.
      {alink IThingIDList} of items that are being requested to be purged.