Package com.webmethods.rtl.event
Interface ISpy
- All Superinterfaces:
Title: ISpy
Description: A special hook into the event system to listen on all events.
This is not a true interface, we just use it to expose the normally unaccessible
features declared in IEvent.
Note: internal use only.
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002 Company: webMethods, Inc.
Nested Class Summary
Nested ClassesNested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.webmethods.rtl.event.IEvent
IEvent.IListener, IEvent.ISynchronousListener, IEvent.QueueListeners, IEvent.SynchronousListeners
Method Summary
Methods inherited from interface com.webmethods.rtl.event.IEvent
getJcrSessionID, getJcrSessionUserData, getSourceIP, getTimestamp, getVMID, isLocalEvent, raise