Interface IDigestDeliveryEvent

All Superinterfaces:
IEvent, INotificationSourceEvent, Serializable

public interface IDigestDeliveryEvent extends INotificationSourceEvent
  • Method Details

    • getSubscriptionID

      IThingID getSubscriptionID()
      Returns subscription thingID for this events digest
    • getDeliveryMode

      int getDeliveryMode()
      Returns delivery mode of the subscription that used to trigger digest This is stored separately from actual subscriptionID because subscription may change, but DigestDeliveryEvent should keep track of delivery mode of the original subscription
    • getSourceEvents

      List<IPortalEvent> getSourceEvents()
      List of source IPortalEvents in this digested, ordered by the receve time
      List of IPortalEvent
    • getAppCriterias

      List<IThingID> getAppCriterias()
      List if application criteria that triggered the subscription
      List of IThingID