Interface IPortalEvent

All Superinterfaces:
IEvent, INotifiableEvent, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
IAddEvent, IAddNoteEvent, IAddReferenceEvent, IAutoClassificationEvent, ICacheInvalidateEvent, ICopyEvent, ICopyReferenceEvent, ICreateEvent, IDeleteEvent, IModifyEvent, IMoveEvent, IMoveReferenceEvent, IPermissionsEvent, IPortal2ThingsEvent, IPortal3ThingsEvent, IPurgeEvent, IRemoveEvent, IRemoveReferenceEvent, IScheduleEvent, IScheduleManagementEvent, ISetAcesEvent, ISetAnonymousEvent, ISetAuthSchemeEvent, ISetOwnerEvent, ISetPolicyEvent, IThingEvent, ITransferEvent, IUpdateEvent, IWorkspaceUpdateEvent

public interface IPortalEvent extends INotifiableEvent
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getThingId

      IThingID getThingId()
      Gets the id of the thing associated with this event.
      IThingID of the thing
    • getRelationId

      IThingID getRelationId()
      Gets the id of the relation thing associated with this event.
      IThingID of the relation
    • getRelationIsFrom

      boolean getRelationIsFrom()
      Gets the from value of the relation associated with this event.
      boolean value of relation from
    • getOperation

      int getOperation()
      Gets the operation code associated with this event.
      operation code
    • getStatus

      int getStatus()
      Gets the status code associated with this event.
      status code
    • getUserId

      IThingID getUserId()
      Gets the id of the user associated with this event.
      IThingID of the user
    • getOperationName

      String getOperationName()
      Gets the string representation of the operation code associated with this event. In most cases, it is the verb corresponding to the operation.
      operation name
    • getOperationTemplateName

      String getOperationTemplateName()
      Gets the notification rendering template name. The template name usually depends on the operation.
      template name
      See Also:
    • getStatusName

      String getStatusName()
      Gets the string representation of the status code associated with this event.
      status name
    • getOperationName

      String getOperationName(int operation)
      Looks up the string representation of the operation code.
      operation - the operation code
      operation name. If a name is not found for the code, the string value of the code is returned, for example "123".
    • getOperationTemplateName

      String getOperationTemplateName(int operation)
      Looks up the rendering layout name based on the operation code.
      operation - the operation code
      layout name. If the operation code does not have a layout defined, or the operation code is not one of the predefined, an empty string is returned.
    • getOperation

      int getOperation(String operation_name)
      Looks up the operation code using the operation name.
      operation_name - the operation name
      operation code name. If the operation name is not known, the returned value is undefined.
    • getStatusName

      String getStatusName(int status)
      Looks up the status name using the status code.
      status - the status code
      status code name. If the status code is not one of the known one, the string value of the code, for example "123" is returned.
    • getStatus

      int getStatus(String status_name)
      Looks up the status code using the status name.
      status_name - the status name
      status code name. If the status name is not known, the returned value is undefined.
    • isDeliverable

      boolean isDeliverable()
      Deliverable event flag which indicates if given event should be delivered to subscribers Normally this is 'true', but in some circumstances we would like to avoid notification on certain events