Interface IRemoteCommandTransport

All Superinterfaces:
IComponent, IInitializable
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface IRemoteCommandTransport extends IComponent
This is the implementation for marshalling command invocations to and from servers. This has pluggable impelentations like: rmi, http, soap
  • Method Details

    • invokeRemoteCommand

      Object invokeRemoteCommand(IContext context, ICommand command, ICommandBean commandBean, IServer server) throws BizException
      Invoke a command on a remote server Some restrictions are: all the properties of the commandBean must be serializable The return value must be serializable. Note, this will currently use the default IRemoteCommandTransport
      context - the context to invoke the command
      command - which command to invoke
      commandBean - the args for the command
      server - which server to contact