Package com.webmethods.portal.bizPolicy.command

package com.webmethods.portal.bizPolicy.command
  • Interfaces
    This is the base Handler for all Commands.
    Enables a lookup of a Command
    Assists the command manager in aquiring the command for a particular type of resources managed by the service associated with this resolver.
    This is an interface a command may implement to enable the result of the command be written in the http response headers.
    This entry holds the target server and response, it also may throw an exception on getResponse, if the invocation of the command has thrown an exception.
    This is an interface a command may implement to indicate that the result object of the command may be serialized to the http response.
    Register OSGi services under this interface to enable adaptation of a object to a different object that is more suitable for usage in JSON
    Register OSGi services under this interface to enable adaptation of a object to a different object that is more suitable for usage in JSON
    This is the implementation for marshalling command invocations to and from servers.