Class BizException

All Implemented Interfaces:
IPortalException, Serializable

public class BizException extends PortalException
BizException is the subclass of PortalException that gets thrown from Business Policies (IBizPolicy and ICommand).
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • m_bizCommand

      protected String m_bizCommand
      Name of component that threw this exception.
  • Constructor Details

    • BizException

      public BizException(Throwable target, boolean isExpected, String bizCommand)
      BizException with wrapped Throwable or Exception, flag indicating whether exception was expected or not, and name of throwing component.
      target - the wrapped Throwable or Exception. see PortalException.getTargetException()
      isExpected - if this is an expected exception, it won't be written to the logs
      bizCommand - the name of the IComponent that threw this exception
    • BizException

      public BizException(Class<? extends ResourceBundle> resourceBundleClass, String messageKey)
      Constructor to create a localized exception message. The ResourceBundle will be inferred from the source paramter The messageKey will be used to obtain the correct localized message
    • BizException

      public BizException(Class<? extends ResourceBundle> resourceBundleClass, String messageKey, Object[] messageArgs)
      Constructor to create a localized bundle. The ResourceBundle will be inferred from the source paramter The messageKey will be used to obtain the correct localized message The messageArgs will be used to format the messag
    • BizException

      public BizException(Class<? extends ResourceBundle> resourceBundleClass, String messageKey, String bizCommand)
      Constructor to create a localized exception message. The ResourceBundle will be inferred from the source paramter The messageKey will be used to obtain the correct localized message
    • BizException

      public BizException(Class<? extends ResourceBundle> resourceBundleClass, String messageKey, Object[] messageArgs, String bizCommand)
      Constructor to create a localized bundle. The ResourceBundle will be inferred from the source paramter The messageKey will be used to obtain the correct localized message The messageArgs will be used to format the messag
    • BizException

      public BizException(Throwable target, Class<? extends ResourceBundle> resourceBundleClass, String messageKey, Object[] messageArgs, String bizCommand)
    • BizException

      public BizException(Throwable target, String bizCommand)
      BizException with wrapped Throwable or Exception and name of throwing component.
      target - the wrapped Throwable or Exception. see PortalException.getTargetException()
      bizCommand - the name of the IComponent that threw this exception
    • BizException

      @Deprecated public BizException(String message)
    • BizException

      @Deprecated public BizException(String message, String bizCommand)
    • BizException

      @Deprecated public BizException(String message, boolean isExpected, String bizCommand)
    • BizException

      @Deprecated public BizException(String message, Throwable target, String bizCommand)
    • BizException

      @Deprecated public BizException(String message, Throwable target, boolean isExpected, String bizCommand)
  • Method Details

    • getBizCommand

      public String getBizCommand()
      Get the name of the component that threw this exception.
      bizCommand the name of the IComponent that threw this exception
    • setBizCommand

      public void setBizCommand(String bizCommand)
      Set the name of the component that threw this exception.
      bizCommand - the name of the IComponent that threw this exception