
Familiarize yourself with the IBM webMethods Integration terminology.

Key Term Definitions



Account An account contains the connection details of the application you are connecting to, for example, the URL and credentials to access the application or data source.
Action An action specifies the tasks you want an integration to perform. For example, if your workflow is, Whenever a New Lead is created in Salesforce, create a New Card in Trello , the latter part, that is, create a New Card in Trello is an action.
Alert Rules Automated rules for your projects to send notifications to specific users when a workflow or Flow service fails, timeouts, or completes execution.
Audit Logs A log that maintains a history of all actions that are performed within a tenant, including details such as the type of action performed, the user who performed the action, and date/time when the action was performed.


Conditions Conditions are programming constructs in an integration. Based on the conditions defined, the integration performs different computations or actions depending on whether a specified condition evaluates to true or false.
Container A container is an isolated run-time environment. It contains all dependencies such as, configuration files, binaries, system libraries, and code, that are required to run your workflows.
Connectors Connectors are components that connect and integrate applications or data sources to send and receive data. Regardless of whether direct integration between the two applications is available, connectors use data that comes from one application to make it understandable and accessible in another.
Connector Builder Connector Builder is a utility that allows you to build custom actions or triggers for an API.


Environments Each IBM webMethods Integration tenant comes with a default environment, which can be used to create projects and add integrations in it. Through your default environment, you can register other tenants as different environments to which you can publish the created projects. Once you have created a project with necessary integrations, you can publish it to one of the registered environments. When you do so, your default environment becomes the source environment for that particular project. The published project becomes available in the destination environment as a deployment. The destination environment user can then configure this deployment to start using the integrations.
Execution Results Provides a quick overview of the statistics associated with a Workflow or Flow service executions along with their respective execution logs.


Flow service A Flow service can be used to encapsulate a sequence of services within a single service and manage the flow of data among them. You can create complex, advanced integration scenarios involving multiple application endpoints.


Hybrid Connectivity Hybrid connectivity allows you to establish a secure connection between IBM webMethods Integration and your server behind the firewall. As a result, you can consume data from your on-premises applications and use those applications in your Workflow or Flow service.


Listeners Listeners allow you to integrate with streaming APIs and process streaming API events. You can subscribe to any supported streaming API event and specify the Flow service that must be invoked when the subscribed event occurs.


Messaging Messaging is one of the integration patterns used by the enterprise applications to solve integration challenges. Messaging systems allow independent applications to work together to accomplish some common tasks by means of exchanging messages without requiring direct connections. Messaging is also known as message-oriented middleware (MOM), as it allows software components that were developed independently and ran on different networks to interact with each other.


Parameters Parameters let you set key-value pairs for your workflows. Once you set a parameter, you can use it anywhere in your workflows.
Pipeline A general term used to refer the data structure in which the input and output values are maintained for each step of a Flow service. It provides a graphical representation view for all of your data and allows you to map the data between user input and connectors or services.
Project A project corresponds to a folder or container for organizing your integrations. For example, when you create or add a workflow inside a project, all the configurations related to that workflow are also stored inside the project. Every tenant, by default, has a default project. You can create additional projects as per your requirements.


Recipes Pre-built templates that you can readily use. The templates are created based on the most common integration needs and can significantly reduce the effort required to build a Workflow or a Flow service.
Roles A role is a set of permissions. When you assign a role to any user, the permissions applicable for that role are assigned to the user.


Triggers A trigger automatically launches a workflow when a defined event happens. This enables you to automate a complex business process without having to manually run the workflow every time. For example, if your workflow is Whenever a New Lead is created in Salesforce, create a New Card in Trello, the first part, that is, New lead in Salesforce is the trigger.


Workflows A workflow is a connection between two or more web apps or services. Creating a workflow means defining the steps of a recurring task that you want to automate. For example, whenever a New Lead is created in Salesforce, create a New Task in Wunderlist .
Webhooks A webhook is a user-defined HTTP callback, triggered by an event. IBM webMethods Integration supports incoming webhooks in Workflows that allows you to receive messages from an external application through HTTP posts. If a webhook is enabled for a workflow, IBM webMethods Integration generates a unique webhook URL, which you need to provide to the desired external application. This external application then sends an HTTP request with JSON payload, which can be used in your workflow.