Abstract API Email Validation
Abstract API Email Validation is a Node.js connector that allows you to verify and validate the email address format.
- Email Validation: Validates and verifies the email address.
Abstract API Phone Validation
Abstract API Phone Validation is a Node.js connector that allows you to verify and validate the phone number.
- Phone Validation: Validates and verifies the phone number.
Abstract Holidays
The Abstract Holidays connector allows you to retrieve the public and religious holidays of a particular country.
- Holidays: Retrieves the list of public, local, religious, and other holidays of a country.
Abstract IP Geolocation
The Abstract IP Geolocation connector allows you to retrieve location information, as well as address, timezone, and more, based on an IP address.
- IP Geolocation: Retrieves information about the location, timezone, and country of the IP address, as well as whether the address is IPv4 or IPv6.
Amazon Glue
Amazon Glue is a serverless data integration service that helps you to discover, prepare, and combine data for analytics, machine learning, and application development.
getTriggers: Get all the triggers associated with a job
getTrigger: Retrieve the definition of a trigger
listJobs: Retrieve the names of all job resources in this AWS account, or the resources with the specified tag
updateJob: Update an existing job definition
createTrigger: Create a new trigger
updateTrigger: Update a trigger definition
batchGetJobs: Return a list of resource metadata for a given list of job names
listTriggers: Retrieve the names of all trigger resources in this AWS account, or the resources with the specified tag
createJob: Create a new job definition
deleteJob: Delete a specified job definition. If the job definition is not found, no exception is thrown.
getJobs: Retrieve all current job definitions
getJob: Retrieve an existing job definition
deleteTrigger: Delete a specified trigger. If the trigger is not found, no exception is thrown.
startTrigger: Start an existing trigger
batchGetTriggers: Return a list of resource metadata for a given list of trigger names
Amazon Redshift
Amazon Redshift is a cloud based data-warehouse solution that makes it simple and cost-effective to analyze data using existing business intelligence tools
getClusterCredentials: Returns a database username and temporary password with temporary authorization to log in to an Amazon Redshift database.
modifyClusterSnapshot: Modifies the settings for a snapshot.
describeClusters: Returns properties of provisioned clusters including general cluster properties, cluster database properties, maintenance and backup properties, security and access properties.
resumeCluster: Resumes a paused cluster.
deleteCluster: Deletes a previously provisioned cluster.
describeClusterVersions: Returns descriptions of the available Amazon Redshift cluster versions.
modifyCluster: Modifies the settings for a cluster.
describeClusterSnapshots: Returns one or more snapshot objects which contain metadata about your cluster snapshots.
rebootCluster: Reboots a cluster.
createClusterSnapshot: Creates a manual snapshot of the specified cluster. Cluster must be in the available state.
resizeCluster: Changes the size of the cluster. You can change the type of cluster or change the number or type of nodes.
copyClusterSnapshot: Copies the specified automated cluster snapshot to a new manual cluster snapshot.
deleteClusterSnapshot: Deletes the specified manual snapshot.
createCluster: Creates a new cluster. To create the cluster in virtual private cloud (VPC), provide the cluster subnet group name.
pauseCluster: Pauses a cluster.
Amazon Redshift Data
ActionsCustom Actions
Amazon Redshift Data is a cloud-based data warehouse solution that enables you to extract new insights from your data to benefit your business and your customers.
listTables: Provides the list of tables in a database.
describeTable: Provides information about a table from metadata in the cluster.
describeStatement: Provides information about a particular instance that is used to run the statement by the Amazon Redshift Data API.
cancelStatement: Cancels a running SQL statement.
listDatabases: Provides a list of databases in a cluster.
getStatementResult: Retrieves the temporary cached result of an SQL statement.
listSchemas: Provides the list of schemas in a database.
executeStatement: Runs an SQL statement.
listStatements: Provides a list of SQL statements.
Custom Actions
Amazon Redshift Data connector also lets you create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks. The actions you create look and work exactly like the other actions do.
To know more about how to create custom actions, click here.
Data Police UK
Custom Actions
Using the Data Police UK connector, you can connect to Data.Police.UK API and access information about crime and policing in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
Custom Actions
Data Police UK connector also lets you create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks. The actions you create look and work exactly like the other actions do.
To know more about how to create custom actions, click here.
Google Analytics (Deprecated)
Google Analytics is an analytics service, which enables you to track website activity of users to help gain insights on the website’s user engagement capabilities.
Create a Web Property-AdWords Link: Create a new AdWord link for the specified web property
Delete Web Property-AdWords Link: Delete AdWords link of the specified web property
Get Web Property: Retrieve the details of the specified web property
Get Web Property-AdWords Link: Retrieve the AdWord link for the specified web property
List Web Property: Retrieve one or all web properties of your Google Analytics account
List web property-AdWords Links: Retrieve all AdWords links of the specified web property
Google Analytics
Custom Actions
Google Analytics is an analytics service which enables you to track website activity of users to help gain insights on the website’s user engagement capabilities.
Custom Actions
Google Analytics lets you create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks. The actions you create look and work exactly like the other actions do.
To know more about how to create custom actions, click here.
Google Prediction
Custom Actions
Google Prediction includes the Hosted Model and Trained Model services that are used to predict data by using machine learning.
Custom Actions
Google Prediction connector lets you create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks. The actions you create look and work exactly like other predefined actions.
To know more about how to create custom actions, see Creating Custom Actions.
Loqate allows you to cleanse a batch of international addresses.
findAddressFromSearchText: Uses a text search to find addresses and places.
positionToCountry: Return the country based on the WGS84 latitude and longitude supplied.
reverseGeocode: Return the nearest address or location to the given coordinates.
validateAnEmail: Verify the existence of an email address.
cleanse: Cleanse an address or batch of up to 1000 addresses.
getDirections: Return the directions between two or more points.
retrieveCoordinates: Retrieve the coordinates of a place found using the FindPlaceNames service.
retrieveAddressFromId: Return the full address details based on the Id.
internationalBatchCleanse: Cleanse a batch of international addresses.
retrieveAddressFromGeoLocation: Accept a latitude longitude point and return addresses that are within a specified radius.
retrieveCountry: Return the country based on the WGS84 latitude and longitude supplied.
validateBatchOfEmails: Verify up to 100 emails per batch.
retrieveNearestPlaces: Calculate the nearest places of interest of a given category to a given location.
getGeocode: Return the WGS84 latitude and longitude for the given location.
validateAPhoneNumber: Start a new phone number validation request.
advancedCleanse: Cleanse an address or batch of up to 1000 addresses. Supports NCOA and bereavement flagging.
findPlaceNames: Retrieve the names of places
retrieveAddressFromUtilityCode: Service will return any addresses that match a specific utility code.
Melissa Data Email Verifier
The Melissa Data Email Verifier connector verifies validity of an email address, corrects common domain misspellings, updates domain names, and more.
- getGlobalEmail: Validates input email addresses and identifies bad email addresses, thus improves campaign delivery, and prevents bounce-banks and blocklisting of emails.
Microsoft Azure Data Lake Store
ActionsCustom Actions
Microsoft Azure Data Lake Store allows you to create directories, folders, and files in your Azure Data Lake Store instance. In addition, you can also store data in and retrieve data from directories, folders, and files.
API Versions: 2
Authentication and Authorization: OAuth V2.0
Key Capabilities: Custom Fields support
- Microsoft Azure Active Directory and a Microsoft Azure Data Lake License to access the API
- Working IBM webMethods Integration tenant
listFilesystems: Lists filesystems and their properties in given account
listPaths: Lists filesystem paths and their properties
Custom Actions
Microsoft Azure Data Lake Store connector also lets you create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks. The actions you create look and work exactly like the predefined actions do.
To know more about how to create custom actions, click here Custom Actions.
Optimizely is an experimentational platform that provides businesses continuous experimentation and personalization for websites, mobile applications, and other connected devices.
Create Audience: Create an audience for the specified project
Create Project: Create a new project
Get Experiment Results: Retrieve the result of the specified experiment
List Experiments: Retrieve some or all experiments associated with the specified project
Read a Project: Retrieve the details of the specified project
Update Project: Update the details of the specified project
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a web feed service that provides a list of all the latest news and features of the website. By providing the RSS URL in the workflow of the service, you get the information in a .xml file as soon as a new post hits the internet.
- getRSSFeeds: Obtains a summary of website updates in the form of links to articles.
- New Feed: Triggers when a new feed is posted on the specified URL.