Custom Domain

A custom domain is a unique name that identifies your website. There are scenarios where you do not want to expose the default domain provided by IBM. In such cases, you can customize the default tenant URL or domain and access the tenant using your own domain.

Use custom domains if you want to make your application accessible on your own domain. Custom domains direct requests to your own URL.

Steps to configure custom domains

You can request for a custom domain name for your tenant, for example, if your company domain is, you can have the domain name as Contact IBM support for details on how to enable and configure the custom domain capability.

  1. Determine the number of domains to be configured for your account and the list of custom domains. The domain names are owned by you.

    • A subdomain name cannot have more than 20 characters, for example, exceeds the character limit.
    • A subdomain name cannot have a period (.), for example, should be
    • A subdomain name must be unique for each tenant, for example, it should be a different name for Development, Test, and Production.

  2. Decide the SSL certificate needed, which depends on whether you want to protect a single domain, multiple subdomains of a domain, or multiple domain names.

  3. Share the number of domains to be configured for your account and the list of custom domains with IBM.

  4. IBM will create a certificate signing request (CSR) and will provide you the CSR details.

  5. Based on the CSR, get the SSL certificates from a Certificate Authority (CA) and determine the number and type of domains you want the certificates to protect.

  6. Send the SSL certificates to IBM to confirm the certificate formats.
    Certificate format
    Provide the certificate in Base64 .cer or .crt format.
    Verification for base 64 format: The start of the file will be “————–BEGIN CERTIFICATE————–” and will end with “————–END CERTIFICATE————–”.

    Key format
    Provide the key in Base64 .key format.
    Verification for base 64 format: The start of the file will be “————–BEGIN PRIVATE KEY————–” and will end with “————–END PRIVATE KEY————–”.

  7. After the SSL certificate formats are confirmed, IBM will configure these certificates on the custom domain load balancer, and will send you the CNAME to be mapped to the respective DNS.

  8. Using the CNAME, configure your DNS to point to the custom domain load balancer.

After you have completed the configuration or mapping, you can start using the custom domain names to access the product.

Contact IBM support for information on allowing the custom domain network load balancer (NLB) IPs and the ports to open. See Allowed IP Addresses for more information.

Checks for existing assets after configuring custom domains