Package COM.activesw.api.client
Class BrokerServerClient
Representation of an Broker Server client.
Many calls say they can throw a "communications exception". These exceptions are:
- BrokerCommFailureException
- If a networking error occurs.
- BrokerConnectionClosedException
- If the Broker disconnects from the application.
- BrokerFailureException
- If an error occurs on the Broker which prevents the operation from being completed.
- BrokerProtocolException
- If an error occurs in communication between the Broker and the application.
- BrokerTimeoutException
- If the request was not handled in a reasonable time. Most operations use the default timeout of 30 seconds.
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final int
static final int
static final int
static final int
static final int
static final int
static final int
static final int
static final int
static final int
static final int
static final int
static final int
static final int
static final int
Constructor Summary
(String broker_host, BrokerConnectionDescriptor desc) Create a Broker Server client. -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
Verifies that the backup of the meta-data is still OK to proceed.void
(String broker_name, String description, boolean is_default) Create a Broker.void
Destroy the Broker Server client.void
Notifies the Broker that backup of the meta-data is complete.Returns the active Broker Server Filter Collation
Get the base port currently being used by the Broker Server.Get the process information currently in use by the Broker Server.Get the SSL configuration currently in use on by the Broker Server.Get the SSL configuration currently in use on by the Broker Server.Get the BrokerServer's SSL identity that is currently in use on by the Broker Server.Get the Broker Server's administrative access control list (ACL).int
Returns 1 if the audit error state is enabled and 0 if the audit error state is disabledshort[]
Returns the audit operationsCOM.activesw.api.client.BrokerAuditLogEntry[]
(Integer noRecords, Integer AckId, int msecs) Reads the 'noRecords' number of audit records taking into consideration that AckId is the ID of the last record
Returns 1 if the audit state is enabled and 0 if the audit state is disabled.Locale[]
Returns the Broker Server's basic authentication identity that is in use.boolean
Returns whether basic authentication is configured on Broker Server.Get the list of Brokers in a given server.boolean
Returns whether to bypass basic authentication checks on Broker Server.Get the name of the default Broker in the server.Get the Broker Server description.getDNFromKeystore
(String keystore, String password, BrokerSSLConfigV2.KeystoreType keystoreType) Get the distinguished name in the given keystore on the Broker Server.String[]
(String certificate_file, String password) Get the list of distinguished names available in the given certificate file on the Broker Server.protected Locale
(boolean saved) Returns the FIPS mode set on the Broker Server.Get the Broker Server hardware info string.Get the host name of the Broker Server.getIssuerDNFromKeystore
(String keystore, String password, BrokerSSLConfigV2.KeystoreType keystoreType) Get the issuer distinguished name in the given keystore on the Broker Server.Deprecated.Get the Broker Server license file content.Get the Broker Server license file name.Get the Broker server logging configuration.String[]
Get the path names for the MetaData storage
Get the Broker Monitor port managing the current Broker Server.Get the Product display
Get the Broker Server publication processing state.String[]
(String certificate_file, String password) Get the list of trusted root distinguished names available in the given certificate file on the Broker Server.String[]
(String truststore, BrokerSSLConfigV2.TruststoreType truststoreType) Get the list of trusted root distinguished names available in the given truststore on the Broker Server.Returns the saved Broker Server Filter Collation locale.Get the SSL configuration to be used next time the Broker Server is started.Get the SSL configuration to be used next time the Broker Server is started.Get the BrokerServer's SSL identity that will be used the next time the Broker Server is restarted.getServerLogEntries
(BrokerDate first_entry, String locale, int num_entries) COM.activesw.api.client.BrokerServerLogInfo
Get the Broker Server log status.static int
(String broker_host) Specifies whether the Broker Server is online, stopped, starting, stopping, unresponsive, failed, or unknown.static int
(String broker_monitor_host, int monitorPort, int brokerPort) Specifies whether the Broker Server is online, stopped, starting, stopping, unresponsive, failed, or unknown.Get the current status of the Broker Server SSL configuration.getStats()
Get the Broker Server statistics.Get the Broker Server storage statistics.Get the Broker Server system usage statistics.Get the Broker Server version
Get the Broker Server's version number.boolean
Returns true if streaming is enabled on the Broker Server.void
pause Broker Server publication processing.void
(BrokerDate older_than) Delete entries from the Broker Server log.void
(BrokerServerConnectionCallback obj, Object client_data) Register a connection callback for this client.void
resume Broker Server publication processing.void
Set the Broker Server's administrative access control list (ACL).void
(int state) Sets audit on error and the action for the audit log error.void
(short[] ops) Sets the audit operations as specified by the values in ops.void
(int state) Enables/Disables the audit state.void
(COM.activesw.api.client.BrokerBasicAuthIdentity new_identity) Sets the Broker Server's identity for basic authentication.void
(String broker_name) Set the name of the default Broker in the server.void
(String description) Set the Broker Server description.void
(String locale) Set the Broker Server Filter Collation locale.void
(String license) Deprecated.Deprecated in webMethods Broker 9.0, instead usesetLicenseFileName(String)
(String licenseFileContent) Set the license file content for Broker Server.void
(String licenseFile) Deprecated.Deprecated in webMethods Broker 9.0, instead usesetLicenseFileName(String)
(String licenseFileName) Set the license file name for Broker Server.void
(BrokerLogConfig log_config) Set the Broker Server logging configuration.void
(BrokerSSLConfig new_config) Set the SSL configuration to be used next time the Broker Server is started.void
(String certificate_file, String password, String distinguished_name) Set the SSL configuration to be used next time the Broker Server is started.void
(BrokerSSLConfigV2 new_config) Set the SSL configuration to be used next time the Broker server is started.boolean
Notifies the Broker that backup of the meta-data is going to start.static void
(String broker_host) Start the Broker Server process (if it is not already started).static void
(String broker_monitor_host, int monitorPort, int brokerPort) Start the Broker Server process (if it is not already started).void
Stop the Broker Server process.toString()
Get a string with the server client information in a form suitable for human viewing.
Field Details
public static final int BROKER_SERVER_DEFAULT_PORT- See Also:
public static final int SERVER_STATUS_STARTING- See Also:
public static final int SERVER_STATUS_RUNNING- See Also:
public static final int SERVER_STATUS_STOPPING- See Also:
public static final int SERVER_STATUS_STOPPED- See Also:
public static final int SERVER_STATUS_ERROR- See Also:
public static final int SERVER_STATUS_UNKNOWN- See Also:
public static final int SERVER_STATUS_FAILED- See Also:
public static final int SSL_STATUS_ENABLED- See Also:
public static final int SSL_STATUS_ERROR- See Also:
public static final int SSL_STATUS_DISABLED- See Also:
public static final int SSL_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED- See Also:
public static final int SERVER_LOG_ALL_ENTRIES- See Also:
public static final int PUBLISH_PROCESSING_ACTIVE- See Also:
public static final int PUBLISH_PROCESSING_PAUSE- See Also:
Constructor Details
public BrokerServerClient(String broker_host, BrokerConnectionDescriptor desc) throws BrokerException Create a Broker Server client. A server client is used to by administration applications to manage Broker and system functions of Brokers in that server. A Broker Server client is said to have "limited access" if it is not authorized under the host's ACL. Some operations will give BrokerNoPermissionExceptions to clients with limited access. The shared state flag of the BrokerConnectionDescriptor is always ignored.- Throws:
- If problems occur establishing the connection.BrokerHostNotFoundException
- If the specified host does not exist.BrokerNotRunningException
- If the host exists but no Broker Server is running on that host.BrokerNullParameterException
- If broker_host is null.BrokerSecurityException
- If a secure connection is attempted but is rejected by the Broker Server.BrokerException
Method Details
Destroy the Broker Server client. Disconnects from the Broker Server. May throw any communications exception, but the local client object is marked as disconnected even if an exception is thrown.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerException
Get the Broker Server's administrative access control list (ACL).- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the client has limited access.BrokerException
Set the Broker Server's administrative access control list (ACL).- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the client has limited access.BrokerNullParameterException
- If ACL is null.BrokerException
public String getDNFromKeystore(String keystore, String password, BrokerSSLConfigV2.KeystoreType keystoreType) throws BrokerException Get the distinguished name in the given keystore on the Broker Server.The keystoreType parameter specifies the type of keystore: either PKCS12 or PEM. If the keystoreType is null, the type is assumed to be PKCS12.
- Throws:
- If the keystore is not found or cannot be read.BrokerInvalidClientException
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the password is invalid or if the file is not a keystore, or if the client has limited access.BrokerNullParameterException
- If keystore is null.BrokerSSLConfigException
- If the keystoreType is invalid.BrokerException
public String getIssuerDNFromKeystore(String keystore, String password, BrokerSSLConfigV2.KeystoreType keystoreType) throws BrokerException Get the issuer distinguished name in the given keystore on the Broker Server.The keystoreType parameter specifies the type of keystore: either PKCS12 or PEM. If the keystoreType is null, the type is assumed to be PKCS12.
- Throws:
- If the keystore is not found or cannot be read.BrokerInvalidClientException
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the password is invalid or if the file is not a keystore, or if the client has limited access.BrokerNullParameterException
- If keystore is null.BrokerSSLConfigException
- If the keystoreType is invalid.BrokerException
public String[] getRootDNsFromTruststore(String truststore, BrokerSSLConfigV2.TruststoreType truststoreType) throws BrokerException Get the list of trusted root distinguished names available in the given truststore on the Broker Server.The truststoreType parameter specifies the type of truststore: either PEM or DIR. If the truststoreType is null, the type is assumed to be PEM.
- Throws:
- If the certificate file is not found or cannot be read.BrokerInvalidClientException
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the password is invalid or if the file is not a certificate file, or if the client has limited access.BrokerNullParameterException
- If certificate_file is null.BrokerException
Get the list of distinguished names available in the given certificate file on the Broker Server. The password parameter may be null if the certificate_file is the same as the Broker's active certificate file. In these cases, the Broker's active certificate file and password are used. If the Broker does not currently have an active SSL setup, then null parameter exceptions will be returned as appropriate.- Throws:
- If the certificate file is not found or cannot be read.BrokerInvalidClientException
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the password is invalid or if the file is not a certificate file, or if the client has limited access.BrokerNullParameterException
- If certificate_file is null.BrokerException
public String[] getRootDNsFromCertFile(String certificate_file, String password) throws BrokerException Get the list of trusted root distinguished names available in the given certificate file on the Broker Server. The password parameter may be null if the certificate_file is the same as the Broker's active certificate file. In these cases, the Broker's active certificate file and password are used. If the Broker does not currently have an active SSL setup, then null parameter exceptions will be returned as appropriate.- Throws:
- If the certificate file is not found or cannot be read.BrokerInvalidClientException
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the password is invalid or if the file is not a certificate file, or if the client has limited access.BrokerNullParameterException
- If certificate_file is null.BrokerException
Get the SSL configuration currently in use on by the Broker Server. This may not be the same as the most recently set configuration. See setSSLConfig() for more information.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the client has limited access.BrokerIncompatibleVersionException
- If the Broker does not support the old form of SSL configuration.BrokerException
Get the SSL configuration to be used next time the Broker Server is started. This may not be the same as the active configuration. See setSSLConfig() for more information.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the client has limited access.BrokerIncompatibleVersionException
- If the Broker does not support the old form of SSL configuration.BrokerException
Set the SSL configuration to be used next time the Broker server is started. To disable SSL, set the keystore to null. Note that the Broker keeps both its active SSL configuration and a saved configuration to use on the next startup. This is because the Broker must be restarted to change its SSL configuration. When the configuration is first made, the Broker will immediately adopt it, but all future changes are merely saved away for the next restart. Thus, the active and saved configurations might not match.- Throws:
- If the certificate file is not found or cannot be read.BrokerInvalidClientException
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the password is invalid or if the file is not a certificate file, or if the client has limited access.BrokerNullParameterException
- If distinguished_name is null when certificate_file is non-null.BrokerUnknownNameException
- If a distinguished name is specified but does not exist in the certificate file.BrokerIncompatibleVersionException
- If the Broker does not support the new form of SSL configuration.BrokerSSLConfigException
- If there is a problem with the SSL configuration.BrokerException
public void setBasicAuthIdentity(COM.activesw.api.client.BrokerBasicAuthIdentity new_identity) throws BrokerException Sets the Broker Server's identity for basic authentication. To disable Basic Auth, set the user name to null.- Throws:
- The BrokerServerClient has been destroyed or is disconnected.BrokerIncompatibleVersionException
- Broker Server does not support this operation.BrokerNullParameterException
- The new_identity parameter is null.COM.activesw.api.client.BrokerBasicAuthFailureException
- Basic Authentication failed for the user.BrokerException
public COM.activesw.api.client.BrokerBasicAuthIdentity getBasicAuthIdentity() throws BrokerExceptionReturns the Broker Server's basic authentication identity that is in use.- Throws:
- The BrokerServerClient has been destroyed or is disconnected.BrokerNoPermissionException
- The client does not have permission to obtain the Broker's basic authentication identity.BrokerIncompatibleVersionException
- Broker Server does not support this operation.BrokerException
Get the SSL configuration currently in use on by the Broker Server. This may not be the same as the most recently set configuration. See setSSLConfig() for more information.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the client has limited access.BrokerIncompatibleVersionException
- If the Broker does not support the old form of SSL configuration.BrokerException
Get the SSL configuration to be used next time the Broker Server is started. This may not be the same as the active configuration. See setSSLConfig() for more information.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the client has limited access.BrokerIncompatibleVersionException
- If the Broker does not support the old form of SSL configuration.BrokerException
public void setSSLConfig(String certificate_file, String password, String distinguished_name) throws BrokerException Set the SSL configuration to be used next time the Broker Server is started. To disable SSL, set the certificate_file to null. To change the distinguished name within the same file without giving the password again, pass the current certificate_file with the password as null. Note that the Broker keeps both its active SSL configuration and a saved configuration to use on the next startup. This is because the Broker must be restarted to change its SSL configuration. When the configuration is first made, the Broker will immediately adopt it, but all future changes are merely saved away for the next restart. Thus, the active and saved configurations may not match.- Throws:
- If the certificate file is not found or cannot be read.BrokerInvalidClientException
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the password is invalid or if the file is not a certificate file, or if the client has limited access.BrokerNullParameterException
- If distinguished_name is null when certificate_file is non-null.BrokerUnknownNameException
- If a distinguished name is specified but does not exist in the certificate file.BrokerIncompatibleVersionException
- If the Broker does not support the old form of SSL configuration.BrokerException
Set the SSL configuration to be used next time the Broker Server is started. To disable SSL, set the certificate_file to null. To change the distinguished name within the same file without giving the password again, pass the current certificate_file with the password as null. Note that the Broker keeps both its active SSL configuration and a saved configuration to use on the next startup. This is because the Broker must be restarted to change its SSL configuration. When the configuration is first made, the Broker will immediately adopt it, but all future changes are merely saved away for the next restart. Thus, the active and saved configurations might not match.- Throws:
- If the certificate file is not found or cannot be read.BrokerInvalidClientException
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the password is invalid or if the file is not a certificate file, or if the client has limited access.BrokerNullParameterException
- If distinguished_name is null when certificate_file is non-null.BrokerUnknownNameException
- If a distinguished name is specified but does not exist in the certificate file.BrokerIncompatibleVersionException
- If the Broker does not support the old form of SSL configuration.BrokerException
Get the BrokerServer's SSL identity that is currently in use on by the Broker Server. This may not be the same as the one most recently set.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the client has limited access.BrokerIncompatibleVersionException
- If the Broker does not support this call.BrokerException
Get the BrokerServer's SSL identity that will be used the next time the Broker Server is restarted. This may not be the same as the active identity.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the client has limited access.BrokerIncompatibleVersionException
- If the Broker does not support this call.BrokerException
Get the current status of the Broker Server SSL configuration. This operation is open to all users. The level value can be any of the BrokerConnectionDescriptor.ENCRYPT_LEVEL_* values. The status value can be any of the SSL_STATUS_* values. If the value is SSL_STATUS_ERROR, then the error string is set to a description of the failure, otherwise it is null.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerException
Returns whether basic authentication is configured on Broker Server. The possible values are "True" and "False". This operation is open to all users.- Throws:
- The BrokerServerClient has been destroyed or is disconnected.BrokerIncompatibleVersionException
- Broker Server does not support this operation.BrokerException
Returns whether to bypass basic authentication checks on Broker Server. The possible values are "True" and "False". This operation is open to all users.- Throws:
- The BrokerServerClient has been destroyed or is disconnected.BrokerIncompatibleVersionException
- Broker Server does not support this operation.BrokerException
Get the host name of the Broker Server. -
Get the base port currently being used by the Broker Server. This operation is open to all users.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerException
Get the Broker Monitor port managing the current Broker Server. This operation is open to all users.- Returns:
- the Monitor port managing this server
- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerException
Get the process information currently in use by the Broker Server.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the client has limited access.BrokerException
Get the Broker server logging configuration. This operation is open to all users.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerException
Set the Broker Server logging configuration. Any log config entries which have the 'value' parameter set, when the value is not required by the config entry will simply cause the value to be ignored.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerInvalidLogConfigException
- If one or more log configuration entries are not valid. If this exception is thrown, all valid entries are still set.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the client has limited access.BrokerException
Get the Broker Server log status.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerIncompatibleVersionException
- If the version of the Broker is known not to this operation.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the client has limited access.BrokerException
public BrokerServerLogEntry[] getServerLogEntries(BrokerDate first_entry, String locale, int num_entries) throws BrokerException - Throws:
Delete entries from the Broker Server log. Deletes all entries from the given date (inclusive) and older.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerIncompatibleVersionException
- If the version of the Broker is known not to this operation.BrokerNullParameterException
- If older_than is null.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the client has limited access.BrokerException
Deprecated.Deprecated in webMethods Broker 9.0, instead usegetLicenseFileName()
- Throws:
Deprecated.Deprecated in webMethods Broker 9.0, instead usesetLicenseFileName(String)
- Throws:
Deprecated.Deprecated in webMethods Broker 9.0, instead usesetLicenseFileName(String)
- Throws:
Get the Broker Server license file name. Returns the license file name for webMethods Broker 8.0 or later. Returns the license key for webMethods Broker 7.1.2 or earlier versions.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the client has limited access.BrokerException
Set the license file name for Broker Server. Set the license file name for webMethods Broker 8.0 or later. Set the license key for webMethods Broker 7.1.2 or earlier versions.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerInvalidLicenseException
- If the license file is not a valid license file.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the client has limited access.BrokerNullParameterException
- If license is null.BrokerException
Get the Broker Server license file content. Applicable only for webMethods Broker version 8.0 or later.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerIncompatibleVersionException
- If the Broker does not support getLicenseContentBrokerNoPermissionException
- If the client has limited access.BrokerException
Set the license file content for Broker Server. Applicable only for webMethods Broker version 8.0 or later.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerInvalidLicenseException
- If the license file is not a valid license file.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the client has limited access.BrokerIncompatibleVersionException
- If the Broker Server does not support setLicenseContentBrokerNullParameterException
- If license is null.BrokerException
Get the Broker Server description. This operation is open to all users.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerException
Set the Broker Server description.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the client has limited access.BrokerNullParameterException
- If description is null.BrokerException
public int getVersionNumber()Get the Broker Server's version number. Returns one of the BrokerClient.VERSION_* contant values.If the Broker Server is newer than the client's version, the client's version is reported.
Get the Broker Server version string. This operation is open to all users.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerException
Get the Product display name. This operation is open to all users.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerException
Get the Broker Server hardware info string.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerException
Specifies whether the Broker Server is online, stopped, starting, stopping, unresponsive, failed, or unknown. The state can be any of the following values:SERVER_STATUS_STARTING
. Broker Monitor running at default portBrokerMonitorClient.BROKER_MONITOR_DEFAULT_PORT
is queried for the Broker Server status. UsegetServerProcessRunStatus(String, int, int)
to query Broker Monitor running at non-default port.- Parameters:
- Broker Server host name, e.g. "localhost:6859"- Throws:
- If the specified host does not exist.BrokerInvalidClientException
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerNotRunningException
- If the host exists but no Broker Monitor is running on that host.BrokerNullParameterException
- If broker_host is null.BrokerUnknownServerException
- If the specified host has a monitor running, but no server is configured on the specified port.
public static int getServerProcessRunStatus(String broker_monitor_host, int monitorPort, int brokerPort) throws BrokerException Specifies whether the Broker Server is online, stopped, starting, stopping, unresponsive, failed, or unknown. The state can be any of the following values:SERVER_STATUS_STARTING
.- Parameters:
- Broker Monitor host name, e.g. "localhost"monitorPort
- Broker Monitor portbrokerPort
- Broker Server port- Throws:
- If the specified host does not exist.BrokerInvalidClientException
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerNotRunningException
- If the host exists but no Broker Monitor is running on that host.BrokerNullParameterException
- If broker_host is null.BrokerUnknownServerException
- If the specified host has a monitor running, but no server is configured on the specified port.
Start the Broker Server process (if it is not already started). Broker Monitor running at default portBrokerMonitorClient.BROKER_MONITOR_DEFAULT_PORT
is used for starting the Broker Server. UsestartServerProcess(String, int, int)
to use Broker Monitor running at non-default port.- Parameters:
- Broker Server host with port, e.g. "localhost:6849"- Throws:
- If problems occur establishing the connection.BrokerHostNotFoundException
- If the specified host does not exist.BrokerNotRunningException
- If the host exists but no Broker Server is running on that host.BrokerNullParameterException
- If broker_host is null.BrokerUnknownServerException
- If the specified host has a monitor running, but no server is configured on the specified port.
public static void startServerProcess(String broker_monitor_host, int monitorPort, int brokerPort) throws BrokerException Start the Broker Server process (if it is not already started).- Parameters:
- Broker Monitor host name, e.g. "localhost"monitorPort
- Broker Monitor portbrokerPort
- Broker Server port- Throws:
- If problems occur establishing the connection.BrokerHostNotFoundException
- If the specified host does not exist.BrokerNotRunningException
- If the host exists but no Broker Server is running on that host.BrokerNullParameterException
- If broker_host is null.BrokerUnknownServerException
- If the specified host has a monitor running, but no server is configured on the specified port.
Stop the Broker Server process. This operation will also destroy() this client.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the client has limited access.BrokerException
Get the Broker Server statistics. Each statistic is stored as a field in the event object. The statistics are:- now -- (date) Current time on the Broker Server's host.
- createTime -- (date) Time when the server was first started.
- serverStartTime -- (date) Time when the server was most recently started.
- numConnections -- (int) Current number of non-SSL connections.
- numSSLConnections -- (int) Current number of SSL connections.
- highestNumConnections -- (int) Highest number of non-SSL connections since the last time the server was started.
- highestNumSSLConnections -- (int) Highest number of SSL connections since the last time the server was started.
- highestNumConnectionsTime -- (date) Time when highestNumConnections last changed. Forever (zero date and time) if never had a non-SSL connect since the last time the server started.
- highestNumSSLConnectionsTime -- (date) Time when highestNumSSLConnections last changed. Forever (zero date and time) if never had an SSL connect since the last time the server started.
- licensedConections -- (int) Licensed number of total SSL and non-SSL connections. -1 if not limited.
- licensedSSLConections -- (int) Licensed number of SSL connections. -1 if not limited.
- isLicenseExpiringSoon -- (boolean) True if expiring within a month.
- isLicenseExpired -- (boolean) True if expired already.
- licenseExpirationTime -- (date) When the license expires. Forever (zero date and time) if will not expire.
- licenseTimeRemaining -- (int) Number of seconds until license expires. Forever (zero date and time) if will not expire.
- isMeteringEnabled -- (boolean) True if license metering is enabled.
- meteringLastReportTime -- (date) Last metering submission time to metering-agent.
- meteringDeltaBytesIn -- (long) Number of bytes published in current metering interval.
- meteringDeltaBytesOut -- (long) Number of bytes subscribed in current metering interval.
- meteringDeltaMessagesIn -- (long) Number of messages published in current metering interval.
- meteringDeltaMessagesOut -- (long) Number of messages subscribed in current metering interval.
- meteringDeltaTransactions -- (long) Number of new transactions in current metering interval.
- meteringDeltaConnections -- (long) Number of new connections in current metering interval.
- isDiskSpaceLow -- (boolean) True if disk free < 1 Meg.
- isDiskSpaceVeryLow -- (boolean) True if disk free < 100k.
- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerException
Get the Broker Server system usage statistics. Each statistic is stored as a field in the event object.- now -- (date) Current time on the Broker Server's host.
- userTimeUsed -- (double) Number of seconds (or fractions thereof) of CPU user time used by the Broker since it started.
- systemTimeUsed -- (double) Number of seconds (or fractions thereof) of CPU system time used by the Broker since it started.
- percentageCPUUsed -- (double) Percentage of host CPU used by Broker. This is an instantaneous value, not a long term one. Note: this is not set at all on the Windows platform.
- guaranteedSpaceUsed -- (long) Number of kbytes the guaranteed storage is using on the disk.
- guaranteedSpaceReserved -- (long) Number of kbytes the reserved for guaranteed storage on the disk. If zero, then storage will be resized as needed. If non-zero, then storage will be fixed at this size.
- guaranteedSpaceMax -- (long) The maximum number of kbytes the guaranteed storage can grow to due to system limits, if disk space or reservation limits are not hit first.
- guaranteedDiskSize -- (long) Size of the guaranteed store disk in kbytes.
- guaranteedDiskFree -- (long) Amount of free space on the disk in kbytes.
- guaranteedDiskName -- (unicode string) Name of the guaranteed disk partition.
- persistentSpaceUsed -- (long) Number of kbytes the persistent storage is using on the disk.
- persistentSpaceMax -- (long) The maximum number of kbytes the persistent storage can grow to due to system limits, if disk space or reservation limits are not hit first.
- persistentDiskSize -- (long) Size of the persistent store disk in kbytes.
- persistentDiskFree -- (long) Amount of free space on the disk in kbytes.
- persistentDiskName -- (unicode string) Name of the persistent disk partition.
- swapSpaceFree -- (long) Number of kbytes of free swap space.
- swapSpaceMax -- (long) Total number of kbytes of swap space.
- systemMemorySize -- (long) Total number of kbytes of system memory.
- maxMemorySize -- (long) Number of kbytes Broker sets as a limit for memory usage.
- memoryUsed -- (long) Total number of kbytes allocated by Broker on Heap.
- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerException
Get the Broker Server storage statistics. Each statistic is stored as a field in the event object.- now -- (date) Current time on the Broker Server's host.
- sessions -- (structure array) An array of structures describing statistics of each of the storage files used.
- sessions[].session_url -- (unicode string) url describing the storage file name.
- sessions[].stats[] -- (structure array) An array of structures describing statistics of each of the storage files employed by the specified session.
- sessions[].stats[].filename -- (unicode string) Storage file name
- sessions[].stats[].max_kbytes_available -- (long) Maximum storage size available.
- sessions[].stats[].current_kbytes_reserved -- (long) Current storage size reserved.
- sessions[].stats[].current_kbytes_inuse -- (long) Current storage size in use.
- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerException
Set the Broker Server Filter Collation locale. Effective the next time the server restarts.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the client has limited access.BrokerNullParameterException
- If description is null.BrokerInvalidNameException
- If the locale name is invalid.BrokerException
Returns the active Broker Server Filter Collation locale.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the client has limited access.BrokerNullParameterException
- If description is null.BrokerInvalidNameException
- If the locale name is invalid.BrokerException
Returns the saved Broker Server Filter Collation locale.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the client has limited access.BrokerNullParameterException
- If description is null.BrokerInvalidNameException
- If the locale name is invalid.BrokerException
- Throws:
public void createBroker(String broker_name, String description, boolean is_default) throws BrokerException Create a Broker. It can optionally be created as the default Broker.- Throws:
- If a Broker with the given name already exists.BrokerInvalidBrokerNameException
- If the Broker name is not valid.BrokerInvalidClientException
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the client has limited access.BrokerNullParameterException
- If broker_name or description are is null.BrokerException
Get the list of Brokers in a given server. This operation is open to all users.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerException
Get the name of the default Broker in the server. Returns null if there is no default Broker. This operation is open to all users.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerException
Set the name of the default Broker in the server. If broker_name is null, then there will be no default Broker.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the client has limited access.BrokerUnknownBrokerNameException
- If the Broker does not exist in the server.BrokerException
public void registerConnectionCallback(BrokerServerConnectionCallback obj, Object client_data) throws BrokerException Register a connection callback for this client. Calling this on a client which already has an existing callback will replace that callback. 'obj' may be null to clear the callback. 'client_data' may be null. The callback method will be called with connect_state set to BrokerClient.CONNECT_STATE_DISCONNECTED if the client is disconnected. It will be called with BrokerClient.CONNECT_STATE_CONNECTED if the client connection is re-established (only happens if automatic reconnect is enabled). It will be called with BrokerClient.CONNECT_STATE_RECONNECTED if the disconnect is discovered, but the connection is re-established immediately (only happens if automatic reconnect is enabled).- Throws:
- If the client has been disconnected or destroyed.BrokerException
Notifies the Broker that backup of the meta-data is going to start.- Returns:
- True if it is safe to proceed with the backup
- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed or disconnected.BrokerIncompatibleVersionException
- If the Broker does not support changelocks.BrokerException
Notifies the Broker that backup of the meta-data is complete.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed or disconnected.BrokerIncompatibleVersionException
- If the Broker does not support changelocks.BrokerException
Verifies that the backup of the meta-data is still OK to proceed.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed or disconnected.BrokerIncompatibleVersionException
- If the Broker does not support changelocks.BrokerException
Get the path names for the MetaData storage files.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed or disconnected.BrokerIncompatibleVersionException
- If the Broker does not support changelocks.BrokerException
Get a string with the server client information in a form suitable for human viewing. Returns null if the server client is not valid. -
- Throws:
Get the Broker Server publication processing state. This operation is open to all users.- Returns:
- the publication processing state of this server. PUBLISH_PROCESSING_ACTIVE (0) - event publication is active PUBLISH_PROCESSING_PAUSE (1) - event publication is paused
- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerException
pause Broker Server publication processing. This operation is open to all users.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerException
resume Broker Server publication processing. This operation is open to all users.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerException
public COM.activesw.api.client.BrokerAuditLogEntry[] getAuditRecords(Integer noRecords, Integer AckId, int msecs) throws BrokerException Reads the 'noRecords' number of audit records taking into consideration that AckId is the ID of the last record accessed. Throws the timeout exception if the Broker Server does not respond.- Parameters:
- Number of records to be read from the Audit log. This number must be less than the total number of audit records.AckId
- This is an optional parameter. This is the ID of the last record read.msecs
- The number of milliseconds to wait for a reply from the Broker Server before timing out.- Throws:
- If the request was not handled within msecs (No audit log entries in this case)BrokerInvalidClientException
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the client has limited access or has no permission to retrieve the audit records.
Sets the audit operations as specified by the values in ops.- Parameters:
- If the request was not handled within the default timeout of 30000 milliseconds.BrokerInvalidClientException
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerIncompatibleVersionException
- If the Broker Server version is incompatible and does not support the old form of SSL configuration.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the client has limited access or has no permission to set the audit operations.
Enables/Disables the audit state.- Parameters:
- Boolean value to enable or disable audit logging.- Throws:
- If the request was not handled within the default timeout of 30000 milliseconds.BrokerInvalidClientException
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerIncompatibleVersionException
- If the Broker Server version is incompatible and does not support the old form of SSL configuration.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the client has limited access or has no permission to set the audit state.
Returns 1 if the audit state is enabled and 0 if the audit state is disabled.- Throws:
- If the request was not handled within the default timeout of 30000 milliseconds.BrokerInvalidClientException
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerIncompatibleVersionException
- If the Broker Server version is incompatible and does not support the old form of SSL configuration.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the client has limited access or has no permission to get the audit state.
Sets audit on error and the action for the audit log error. Specify 1 to enable the audit logging error action. Specifies whether or not to perform an audit logging operation if there is an error during audit logging.- Parameters:
- Enable or disable auditing when an error occurs.- Throws:
- If the request was not handled within the default timeout of 30000 milliseconds.BrokerInvalidClientException
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerIncompatibleVersionException
- If the Broker Server version is incompatible and does not support the old form of SSL configuration.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the client has limited access or has no permission to set the audit on error state.
Returns 1 if the audit error state is enabled and 0 if the audit error state is disabled- Throws:
- If the request was not handled within the default timeout of 30000 milliseconds.BrokerInvalidClientException
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerIncompatibleVersionException
- If the Broker Server version is incompatible and does not support the old form of SSL configuration.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the client has limited access or has no permission to get the audit on error state.
Returns the audit operations- Throws:
- If the request was not handled within the default timeout of 30000 milliseconds.BrokerInvalidClientException
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerIncompatibleVersionException
- If the Broker Server version is incompatible and does not support the old form of SSL configuration.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the client has limited access or has no permission to get the audit operations.
- Throws:
Returns the FIPS mode set on the Broker Server.- Returns:
- the version of Open SSL used if FIPS mode is enabled or null if FIPS mode is disabled.
- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerIncompatibleVersionException
- If the Broker does not support getFipsModeBrokerNoPermissionException
- If the client has limited access.BrokerTimeoutException
- If the request was not handled in a reasonable time.BrokerException
Returns true if streaming is enabled on the Broker Server.- Throws:
- If the client has been destroyed.BrokerIncompatibleVersionException
- If the Broker does not support streaming.BrokerNoPermissionException
- If the client has limited access.BrokerTimeoutException
- If the request was not handled in a reasonable time.BrokerException