Class BrokerSSLStatus


public class BrokerSSLStatus extends Object
This class is a data structure used to describe a broker's SSL status.
  • Field Details

    • status

      public int status
      The SSL status. Uses BrokerServerClient.SSL_STATUS_* values.
    • level

      public int level
      The SSL level. Uses BrokerConnectionDescriptor.ENCRYPT_LEVEL_* values.
    • error_string

      public String error_string
      The error string.
  • Constructor Details

    • BrokerSSLStatus

      public BrokerSSLStatus()
      Create an empty SSL status object
    • BrokerSSLStatus

      public BrokerSSLStatus(int new_status, int new_level, String new_error_string)
      Create a SSL status with values set.
  • Method Details