Package COM.activesw.api.client
package COM.activesw.api.client
ClassDescriptionAn access control list (ACL) consists of a list of names of users who should be allowed access, plus a list of names of authenticators which can issue users their identities.Representation of an Information Broker administrative client.This type is used to represent a type definition as used by admin clients.This class is a data structure used to describe a Broker Client's Authentication info for each session.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when an API call is made that conflicts with the current system state.This class is implemented by any object which needs to be registered for Information Broker event callbacks.This class is a data structure used to describe the result of acquiring the broker change lock.Representation of an Information Broker client.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when client contention is detected.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when an attempt is made to create a client and that client's ID is already in use.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when an attempt is made to create a client group and that client group name is already in use.This class is a data structure used to describe client group information.This class is a data structure used to describe client information.This class is a data structure used to describe client poll information.This class provides queue browsing capabilities to view events from client queue.This exception is thrown by queue browser methods when an operation on a BrokerClientQueueBrowser (including the locked) fails.This class holds details of a client queue browser.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when the specified operation cannot be affected as the BrokerClient is determined to be locked for queue browser operations.This class is a data structure used to describe client sessions.This class stores configuration information about a cluster gatewayThis class stores configuration information about a clusterThis exception is thrown by BrokerClusterPublisher methods when an error occurs while invoking methods on BrokerClusterPublisher object.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when a network communications failure occurs.Holds all of the information describing a broker as far as import and export are concerned.Holds all of the information describing a client as far as import and export are concerned.Holds all of the information describing a client groups as far as import and export are concerned.This class is used as a container to collect various Broker objects.Holds all of the information describing an event type as far as import and export are concerned.Holds all of the information describing a server as far as import and export are concerned.Holds all of the information describing a broker as far as import and export are concerned.Holds all of the information describing a broker as far as import and export are concerned.This class is implemented by any object which needs to be registered for client connection callbacks.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when an action is attempted on a BrokerClient which has been disconnected from the broker previously or was disconnected during the operation.This class provides a way to configure the connection which a BrokerClient object uses.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when internal data is discovered to be corruptThis class is implemented by any object which needs to be registered for cluster publisher connection callbacks.This class is implemented by any object which implements a cluster publisher selection callback for cluster operations.This class provides a powerful and flexible date/time system for use with the Java client API.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when an opperation cannot be completed due to a dependency.Represents an Information Broker event.This class is the base exception type for all exception thrown by Information Broker client classes.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when an attempt is made to create a broker and that broker's name is already in use.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when an internal failure happens when communicating with the broker.This class is a data structure giving a field's type and value.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when an application tries to get or set a non-existant field in an event.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when a field is accessed as a type other than what it really is.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when an application tries to access a non-existant file.This class is a data structure used to describe a filter.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when an error occurs during the parsing of a filter string.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when an error occurs during a filter match.String formatting functions.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when an internal formating error is detected.This class provides queue browsing capabilities to view events from remote broker's queue.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when a host is not found.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when the broker is running which is incompatible with the client class version being used.This class represents the description of a Broker.This exception is thrown by the ADL parser when the import file contents are invalid in some way.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when a territory join or create operation is performed on a broker that is already in a territory.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when an interruption occurs.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when the access list specified to a call is not valid.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when an acknowledgement is determined to be invalid.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when the client group name specified to a call is not valid.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when a BrokerClient is determined to be invalid because it has already been disconnected or destroyed.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when the client group name specified to a call is not valid.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when the client ID specified to a call is not valid.This exception is thrown by Broker client when supplied client license property value is empty/null.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when an attempt is made to publish an event that is not properly formed.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when an invalid event type name is used.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when an invalid field name is used.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when the license string specified to a call is not valid.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when the log configuration specified to a call is not valid.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when a name specified to a call is not valid.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when the platform key specified to a call is not valid.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when the port specified to a call is not valid.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when a subscription contains an invalid event type name or subscription ID.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when the client group name specified to a call is not valid.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when a name is specified which does not exist in the resource being accessed.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when an internal type caching failure occurs.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when using a type definition from a client that is no longer connected to the broker or after the type cache has been flushed.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when a type is used which is not supported by the client classes.This class is used to report failures from the BrokerAdminClient.joinTerritory() method.This class provides queue browsing capabilities to view and modify events of a client queue.This class provides queue browsing capabilities to view and modify events of a client queue.A log configuration object.This class is a data structure used to describe a log setting.Representation of a Broker Monitor client.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when access permission is denied for the operation.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when the requested operation is not available.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when a cluster operation is performed on a broker that is not in a cluster.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when a territory operation is performed on a broker that is not in a territory.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when the host is available but no broker is running on that host.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when a paramter value is null.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when an out of range value is encountered.This class represents the process information for a Broker.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when an internal protocol failure occurs.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when an internal failure happens when communicating with the broker.This exception is thrown by queue browser methods when an operation on a BrokerQueueBrowser (including the locked) fails.This class holds details of a queue browser.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when an error occurs with the security system.Representation of an Broker Server client.This class is implemented by any object which needs to be registered for server client connection callbacks.This class is a data structure used to describe server log entry information.This class is used to report failures from the BrokerAdminClient.setEventTypesAndClientGroups() method.This class stores configuration information about how an event type is shared across a territory gatewayThis class stores configuration information about how an event type is shared across a territory gatewayThis class represents an SSL certificate.This class is a data structure used to describe a broker's SSL configuration.This class is a data structure used to describe a broker's SSL configuration.This class is a data structure used to describe a broker's SSL identity - distinguished name (DN) and issuer distinguished name (issuer DN).This class is a data structure used to describe a broker's SSL status.This class is a data structure used to describe a subscription.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when an attempt is made to open a subscription which is the same as another existing subscription.This class stores configuration information about a territory gatewayThis class stores configuration information about a territoryThis exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when the operation times out.This class is a data structure used to describe trace event.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when an action is attempted on a BrokerClient transaction which has been either committed or aborted.This type is used to track broker type definitionsThis type is used to represent a type definition.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when a broker name is specified that does not exist on the host.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when a client group name is specified that is not defined in the broker.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when a client ID is specified which does not exist in the broker.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when a Cluster name is specified that does not exist on the Broker.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when an event type name is specified which does not exist in the broker.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when an infoset name is specified which does not exist on the event type definition in the broker.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when a platform key is specified which is not in the platform information.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when a name is specified which does not exist in the resource being accessed.This exception is thrown by Broker Monitor methods when the server specified to a call does not exist.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when the session ID specified to a call is not valid.This exception is thrown by Information Broker client methods when a broker name is specified that does not exist on the host.