Package com.webmethods.portal.service.meta2.thing
package com.webmethods.portal.service.meta2.thing
Provides the portal's base object model.
ClassDescriptionThis is a generic interface for a NoteAn interface that supports holding a proxy to a different IThingIDThis is the base thing interface.Basic thing informationBasic thing bean-like propertiesClass IThingChildEntryList of Thing IDs.Get and set the thing dates note that creation date can't be modified setModified must be explicitly operations/SPs at this level change it setModified uses the current system time.Get the thing datesIThingFactory XType developers (DBO's) must implement this interface to allow proper functioning.List of Thing IDs.Store a nice little clob for our thingStore a nice little clob for our thingstore a keyword clobGet and set name data.return structure for getNamesGet name data.Deprecated.may be replaces in a future version by threaded discussionsGets and sets parent information on a thing A thing can have only 1 "primary" parent Can have a null parent but this is not advisedcan get the parent IDDefined thing statesTitle: Description: SkiLift Copyright: Copyright (c) 2000 Company: webMethods, IncDeprecated.