Interface IThingParentView

All Known Subinterfaces:
IArchived, IBizPolicyData, ICategory, IContainer, IContent, IDirServiceThing, IFolder, IForm, IForum, IGroup, IHandlerData, ILink, IMechanicsData, IMessage, IPortlet, IPrincipal, IRelation, IRole, ISchedule, IServiceThing, IStyle, ITemplate, IThing, IThingComponentData, IThingParentInfo, ITopic, ITopic, IUser, IWorkspace, IXType

public interface IThingParentView
can get the parent ID
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Get the ID of the primary container of this thing.
  • Method Details

    • getParentID

      IThingID getParentID() throws MetaException
      Get the ID of the primary container of this thing. For non-topics, the primary container is always a folder. For topics, the primary container is always a topic.
      thingID of parent or NULL for no parent