Package com.webmethods.portal.service.meta2
package com.webmethods.portal.service.meta2
Provides the object model for things stored in the portal's database.
ClassDescriptionTitle: Description: SkiLift Copyright: Copyright (c) 2000 Company: webMethods, Inc The Access Service controls storage and evaluation of rights on things for each user.Class IDBOPersistanceManagerThe meta context provides the various meta services for a given datasource.This event is fired by MetaEventService to refresh different meta data.The meta manager manages the meta contexts.IScheduleService manages a collection of Schedules.This event is fired by MetaEventService to refresh different meta data.For creation and manipulation of IThingIDCreate/delete of things Management of thing cache deprecated methods may not be supported in future versionsITypeService API's to get some information about base types.Allows manipulation of the local user/group/role list in the DBTitle: IXTypeService The XType Service is the main interface to manage, create, delete, and view XTypes.