Interface IScheduleService

public interface IScheduleService
IScheduleService manages a collection of Schedules. A Schedule is a recurring event. The recurring period can be specified as an interval and offset.
  • Method Details

    • schedule

      IThingID schedule(IThingID ownerID, String interval, String time, String eventName) throws MetaException
      Create a schedule. This will generate an event based on the interval and time specified. The format of interval and time follows ISO8601 time format.
      The time should be smaller than the interval.


      • Y=Year
      • M=Month (1-12)
      • W=Week of Month (1-5)
      • w=Week of Year (1-52)
      • D=Day of Year (1-366)
      • d=Day of Month (1-31)
      • F=Day of Week (1-7) (1=Sunday)
      • HH:MM:SS - HH is in 24hour time. Seconds are optional. '*' means don't care.
      interval="1M" time="15d" - every month on the 15th.
      interval="1W" time="2F" - every week on Monday.
      interval="1W" time="2FT7:30" - every week on Monday at 7:30am.
      interval="1:00:00" time="*:30" - every hour at 30 minutes past the hour.
      interval="0:01:00" time="0" - every minute on the minute
      interval="1D" time="2:00:00" - every day at 2:00am (2 hours past midnight)
      interval="1D" time="2:00:00" - every day at 2:00am (2 hours past midnight)
      interval="1W" time="1FT2:00:00" - every week on Sunday at 2:00am
      interval="1M" time="1FT2:00:00" - every month on Sunday at 2:00am
      ownerID - the Thing ID of the owner
      interval - the time period that the schedule should repeat
      examples: "1H" "1D" "4W" "04:00:00"
      time - the time that the schedule should occur
      examples: "4F" "4FT12:00" "04:00:00"
      eventName - name of event that will be raised
      the Thing ID of the schedule. This can be used to create a subscription.
      See Also:
      • ISubscriptionService.subscribe
    • schedule

      IThingID schedule(IThingID ownerID, String interval, String time, String eventName, String callbackReference) throws MetaException
      Create a schedule. This will generate an event based on the interval and time specified. The format of interval and time follows ISO8601 time format.
      The time should be smaller than the interval.


      • Y=Year
      • M=Month (1-12)
      • W=Week of Month (1-5)
      • w=Week of Year (1-52)
      • D=Day of Year (1-366)
      • d=Day of Month (1-31)
      • F=Day of Week (1-7) (1=Sunday)
      • HH:MM:SS - HH is in 24hour time. Seconds are optional. '*' means don't care.
      interval="1M" time="15d" - every month on the 15th.
      interval="1W" time="2F" - every week on Monday.
      interval="1W" time="2FT7:30" - every week on Monday at 7:30am.
      interval="1:00:00" time="*:30" - every hour at 30 minutes past the hour.
      interval="0:01:00" time="0" - every minute on the minute
      interval="1D" time="2:00:00" - every day at 2:00am (2 hours past midnight)
      interval="1D" time="2:00:00" - every day at 2:00am (2 hours past midnight)
      interval="1W" time="1FT2:00:00" - every week on Sunday at 2:00am
      interval="1M" time="1FT2:00:00" - every month on Sunday at 2:00am
      ownerID - the Thing ID of the owner
      interval - the time period that the schedule should repeat
      examples: "1H" "1D" "4W" "04:00:00"
      time - the time that the schedule should occur
      examples: "4F" "4FT12:00" "04:00:00"
      eventName - name of event that will be raised
      the Thing ID of the schedule. This can be used to create a subscription.
      See Also:
      • ISubscriptionService.subscribe
    • getSchedules

      IThingIDList getSchedules()
      Collection of all ISchedule Things in the system.
    • getSchedule

      ISchedule getSchedule(IThingID id)
      Retrieves individual ISchedule specified by 'id'.
      id - Thing ID of ISchedule to retrieve
      null if ISchedule does not exist
    • getNextID

      IThingID getNextID() throws MetaException
      Retrieves the next scheduled ISchedule whose 'nextTime' attribute is less than the current system time of the calling machine.
    • fireScheduledEvent

      void fireScheduledEvent(IThingID schedule) throws MetaException
      Immidietly fires the event the ISchedule generates regardless of when the next scheduled time is.
    • unschedule

      void unschedule(IThingID scheduleID) throws MetaException
      Destroys the given schedule.
      schedule - to destroy
    • getSchedPubService

      ISchedPubService getSchedPubService()
      the instance of the sched pub service
    • getDbTimeMillis

      long getDbTimeMillis()
      Get the current time from the DB server so we can perform schedule calcs independent of local node OS time