Package com.webmethods.caf.faces.component.table
package com.webmethods.caf.faces.component.table
ClassDescriptionAdds a row to a table.Button that adds a row to a table.Button that adds a row to a table.Button that adds a row to a table.Base UIColumn with CAF column extensions.Base UIColumn with CAF column extensions.Applies the selection's submitted values when an action event is received.Sorts by specified key.Abstract data paging component (ie next/prev, items-per-page, etc.).Applies the pager's submitted values when an action event is recieved.Data pages (1 2 3 4 5 ...Hidden (data-only) column.Extended column component.Extended data table interface.Movement data structure.Row selection column.Interface for getting a setting the state of a control which should be kept on a per-row basis as a containing table iterates over the table's rows.Abstract base class for MoveRowUp and MoveRowDown controls.Button that moves the selected rows down one row in the table.Icon that moves the selected rows down one row in the table.Link that moves the selected rows down one row in the table.Abstract base class for MoveRowUpIcon and MoveRowDownIcon components.Button that moves the selected rows up one row in the table.Icon that moves the selected rows up one row in the table.Link that moves the selected rows up one row in the table.Prev/Next data pager.Removes a row from a table.Button that removes a row from a table.Button that removes a row from a table.Button that removes a row from a table.Scrollbar that pages a table.Checkbox that selects all rows in the entire table.Checkbox that selects all visible rows (rows on the current page).Abstract component that selects a table row.Applies the selection's submitted values when an action event is recieved.Deprecated.Checkbox that selects a row.Link that selects a row.Control that selects a row when a user clicks on the row.