Package com.webmethods.caf.faces.component.table.html
package com.webmethods.caf.faces.component.table.html
ClassDescriptionAsync categorized table, with categories comprised of the contents of the first sorted column.UIData component that places its children into a single auto-generated column, and pages via asynchronous requests.DataList that looks like a listbox.Table that pages through data via asynchronous requests.DataList of tabs.Categorized table, with categories comprised of the contents of the first sorted column.UIData component that places its children into a single auto-generated column.Subclass the facelet tag handler to deal with the auto-wrapping of the child components with an implicit UIColumn control.Special event .Exports table as directed by
.Html ExtendedColumn.Subclass the facelet tag handler to deal with the auto-wrapping of the header component with a sort link.DataList that looks like a listbox.Column of row-wise headers.DataList of tabs.Truncating column.