Package com.webmethods.caf.faces.component
package com.webmethods.caf.faces.component
ClassDescriptionThis base class can be used to help expose a prototyped .view + page bean as a control.AbstractCompositeView implementation for a .view that contains only a modal dialog.MWS-15055 - For backward compatibility, listen for dynamic components that were added during the page bean preRenderResponse callback and ensure that those dynamic components are given the opportunity to populate their initial children.Reports errors for invalid AXSFT tokens in action requestsBase CAF component class.Clears submitted values from all the input controls in current view tree after the render phase has completed.Faster version of the Component attributes map.Propagates phase listener events to components in current view tree.Subclass the facelet tag handler to deal with compatibility issues with the controls that manipulate the component treeFor backward compatibility.Common faces component properties.Interface that can be implemented by a page bean for an AbstractCompositeViewControl.Implemented by a component to do programmatic manipulation of the component tree.Component that can be toggled between hidden and visible.Component that can be toggled between hidden and visible, asynchronously loading content on demand.HTML <meta> tag properties.Components may implement this interface to get callbacks after the phase listener of the primary page bean has executed.Controls that provide scoped variables for use in expressions should implement this interface to get callbacks when the variables go into and out of scopeVisitCallback implementation that will call the populateInitialComponents API for any components that implement the IDynamicComponent interfacePropagates phase listener events to components in current view tree.Subclass the facelet tag handler to deal with the MethodBinding property of the control type.Listener for PreRenderComponentEvent system events that takes care of registering the client-side components (model & validators) for the controls right before the control is rendered.View root.