Polling Notifications
Learn about polling notifications supported in IBM webMethods Integration.
Learn about polling notifications supported in IBM webMethods Integration.
Polling notifications are components in a system that actively monitor and retrieve updates or changes from a data source at regular intervals. For example:
The primary purpose of polling notifications is to detect changes in a data source, often a database table, and respond to those changes. Once changes are identified, polling notifications typically publish documents or messages containing information about the modifications. These published documents can then trigger further actions, such as invoking integration flow services that process the updated data.
Polling notifications play a key role in building event-driven integrations that respond to data events, making it easier to automate business processes and integrations based on external inputs. The choice of notifications depends on the specific requirements of your integration project and the data sources you need to connect to.
Polling interval is the time duration for the recurring check, and you can define this duration when scheduling a notification.
Polling notifications vary somewhat in how they work, depending on the type of notification. The notification types are:
Insert Notification
Monitors insert operations with one or more tables and publishes notification data. Notification data is the data which is inserted in the insert operation.
Update Notification
Monitors update operations with one or more tables and publishes notification data. Notification data is the data which is updated in the update operation. Using an UpdateNotification, you can:
Delete Notification
Monitors delete operations with one or more tables and publishes notification data. Notification data is the data which is deleted in the delete operation.
Basic Notification
Polls the tables to detect changes and publishes notification data. It is designed to track modifications in the tables in databases which do not support triggers. Notification data is the data which exists in the tables being monitored.
StoredProcedure Notification
Ordered Notification
Monitors multiple insert, update, or delete operations on one or more tables for a given database by creating a single notification using the same publishable document. Like Insert Notifications, Update Notifications, and Delete Notifications, Ordered Notifications use triggers and buffer tables to capture events that happen on specific tables in a database.
Tasks performed by IBM webMethods Integration system upon creation of polling notifications are as follows:
For Insert, Update, Delete and Ordered notifications:
Sequence to uniquely identify the data in the table.
Schedules the polling notification.
Configures the JMS provider details such as account and destination (queue) to which the data received must be published. The data is published as a document.
Configures the subscriber details such as subscriber name, invocation type, and destination name. Here, you have the option to configure the flow service that must be invoked when the document is received. The flow service contains the next set of actions that must be performed upon receiving the notification data.
Publishes the notification data to the messaging destination.
Log on to the IBM webMethods Integration.
Go to Projects and select your project.
Go to Events > Polling notifications. The list of existing polling notifications appears.
You can view, create, update, delete, enable or disable polling notifications in the Events page.
Go to Projects > <<YOUR_PROJECT>> > Events > Polling notifications. The list of existing polling notifications appears.
Click Add notification. The Add Polling notification page appears.
Select Database from the Connector type drop-down list.
Click Next. The Add polling notification | Database wizard appears, consisting of several pages. The initial two pages, namely Account and Action, are shared across all scenarios. Subsequent pages in the wizard appear based on the notification type chosen on the Action page. On the Account page, you must configure the user account to establish the connection between the system and the database.
Provide the details in the Connect account page:
Click Next. The Action page appears.
Select the notification type.
Click Next. The Tables page appears.
Do the following to add tables:
a. Click the icon to add a new table. The Add tables page appears.
b. Select the table from the catalog.
c. Click Add. The table is added and listed in the Tables page.
Click Next. The Joins page appears. Note that the Joins page is not available in case of Ordered Notification.
Define the joins, if any to retrieve data from different tables.
Click Next. The Data fields page appears.
a. Click the icon to add data fields. The Add data fields page appears listing all the columns of the selected tables.
b. Select the data fields. The selected data fields are added in the document which is received by the notification.
c. Click Add. The fields are added.
d. Click the corresponding field’s Edit button to configure the fields:
For Update Notification, you can publish the new or old or both the values. Click Add field to add a new field and retrieve the old values by selecting Old in the Output value type field.
In the Update Notification example, you can now see both the old and new values of the FIRSTNAME field.
Click Next. The Condition page appears. You can add the criteria or expressions to filter and retrieve specific data from the table.
Click Next. The Settings page appears.
Enter the following details in the Settings page:
a. Execution parameters tab
Query time out (sec): Time in seconds that the system waits for the notification to execute before stopping the SQL operation. You cannot add a negative value for this field. Possible values are:
Maximum row: Number of rows to retrieve from the buffer table. Use the Maximum row field if you are retrieving a large number of records and want to limit the number of documents sent each time the notification polls. Set the value to 0 if you do not want to set the limit on the number of rows retrieved. Not available in StoreProcedure Notification only.
b. Publish Document tab
Destination type: Pre-configured and disabled. Type of destination where the JMS provider publishes the document. Default value is Queue.
c. Schedule tab
Polling interval (sec): Duration in seconds between each poll. Minimum value is 60 seconds.
d. Subscriber tab. You can view subscriber details and configure the flow service to invoke.
Destination name: Pre-configured and disabled. Subscriber destination name which is a pre-configured value of cloud messaging.
Click Next. The Summary page displays the configurations and settings made by you throughout the wizard’s various pages. The success messages about queue and subscriber being created appear.
Review the details and click Done.
You are redirected to the Events page and the polling notification is listed. You can observe that the notification is in disabled state.
Move the slider on the toggle button in the State column to the right to enable the notification.
The notification now starts to poll the database at the configured time interval and if any events occur, the configured flow service is invoked to perform the next set of defined operations.
Go to Projects > <<YOUR_PROJECT>> > Events > Polling notifications. The list of existing polling notifications appears.
Click Add notification. The Add Polling notification page appears.
Select Database from the Connector type drop-down list.
Click Next. The Add polling notification | Database wizard appears, comprising a series of pages. The initial two pages, namely Account and Action, are shared across all scenarios. Subsequent pages in the wizard appear based on the notification type chosen on the Action page. On the Account page, you must configure the user account to establish the connection between the system and the database.
Provide the details in the Connect account page:
Click Next. The Action page appears.
Select the StoredProcedure Notification type.
Click Next. The Calls page appears.
Provide the following details:
Stored procedure name: Name of the stored procedure you want to call every time the polling occurs. When the stored procedure is selected, the input signature is listed with the following fields:
Parameter type: Type of parameter. Values are:
Actions: Edit the field parameters (OUT parameter) such as Output field name and Output field type.
Click Next. The ResultSet page appears. ResultSet describes the structure of the output returned when the stored procedure is invoked. ResultSet object received stores the data returned, which allows you to travese the data set and access specific column values using the cursor maintained by the ResultSet object.
Do the following:
a. Click Add ResultSet and enter the following details:
Name: Name of the resultset you want to create.
b. Click Add. You will be redirected to the ResultSet page.
c. Click (Plus) icon to add columns you want to view.
Click Next. The Settings page appears.
Enter the following details in the Settings page:
a. Execution parameters tab
Query time out (sec): Time in seconds that the system waits for the notification to execute before stopping the SQL operation.You cannot add a negative value for this field Possible values are:
Maximum row: Number of rows to retrieve from the buffer table. Use the Maximum row field if you are retrieving a large number of records and want to limit the number of documents sent each time the notification polls. Set the value to 0 if you do not want to set the limit on the number of rows retrieved. Not available in StoreProcedure Notification only.
b. Publish Document tab
Destination type: Pre-configured and disabled. Type of destination where the JMS provider publishes the document. Default value is Queue.
c. Schedule tab
Polling interval (sec): Duration in seconds between each poll. Minimum value is 60 seconds.
d. Subscriber tab. You can view subscriber details and configure the flow service to invoke.
Destination name: Pre-configured and disabled. Subscriber destination name which is a pre-configured value of cloud messaging.
Click Next. The Summary page displays the configurations and settings made by you throughout the wizard’s various pages. The success messages about queue and subscriber being created appear.
Review the details and click Done.
You are redirected to the Events page and the polling notification is listed. You can observe that the notification is in disabled state.
Move the slider on the toggle button in the State column to right to enable the notification.
The notification now starts to call the stored procedure at the configured time interval and invoke the configured flow serviceto perform the next set of defined operations.
For more information about Database limitations, see Limitations.
Let’s create a polling notification that logs a message when a new customer is added to the CUSTOMER table. A sample representation of the table is as follows:
Ensure that the messaging capability is enabled for your IBM webMethods Integration tenant.
Ensure that you have the required details of the database that you want to connect to such as user account, driver group, database name, credentials, and server name.
Ensure that the database user has privileges to create table, trigger and sequence.
Creating and testing polling notifications involves the following steps:
Create a database account.
Create a polling notification.
Create a flow service to run when the notification is received.
Verify that the flow service runs when the notification is received.
For more information about creating Database accounts, see Creating a Database Account. For example, CustomerInfoAccDB.
Go to Projects and select your project.
Go to Events > Polling notifications. The list of existing polling notifications appear.
Click Add notification. The Add Polling notification page appears.
Select Database from the Connector type drop-down list.
Click Next. The Add polling notification | Database wizard appears.
Configure the database account details on the Account page. For more information about creating the Database accounts, see Creating a Database Account.
Click Next. The Action page appears.
Select the Insert Notification action.
Click Next. The Tables page appears.
Do the following to add tables:
a. Click the (Plus) icon to add a new table. The Add tables page appears.
b. Select the CUSTOMER table from the catalog.
c. Click Add. The table is added and listed in the Tables page.
Click Next. The Joins page appears.
Here, in our example, joins were not added.
Click Next. The Data fields page appears.
a. Click the (Plus) icon to add data fields. The Add data fields page appears.
b. Select the data fields to be added in the table.
c. Click Add.
You can also change the Output Field Type and Sort Order for a data field by clicking the corresponding Edit button. Here, in our example, we have changed the Output Field Type of the field DOB to the java.lang.String.
Click Next. The Condition page appears. You can see all conditions created and also add conditions.
In this example no conditions are specified.
Click Next. The Settings page appears.
a. The Execution parameters settings page appears. Configure the fields.
b. Click Publish Document to view the JMS provider details. You cannot modify any values. The newly added customer details are retrieved from the customer table and sent as a document to the destination (queue).
c. Click Schedule to set the polling interval.
d. Click Subscriber to configure the subcriber settings. You can view subscriber details and configure the flow service to invoke.
Click Save.
Whenever the document is published to the destination (queue), the subscriber invokes the configured flow service to process the next set of defined actions.
Click Next. The Summary page appears.
Review the settings. If you want to modify, then click the Previous button to go to the corresponding page and update the settings.
Click Done. The Events > Polling notification page appears listing the newly created notification. By default, it is disabled.
Move the slider on the toggle button in the State column to right to enable the notification
Now, this notification polls the database server at the configured interval of 60 secs and retrieves the details of the newly added customers. The details are retrieved in a document format and published to the destination (queue), the subscriber invokes the InsertCustomerFS flow service to process the next set of defined actions.
The flow service converts the document to a JSON format and logs the details.
Go to Integrations > Flow services.
Select the InsertCustomerFS flow service to edit. The flow service editor page appears.
On the flow service step, type documentToJSONString to convert the incoming document to a JSON string.
Click (View/Edit Pipeline) to map the input and output fields to the service. The Pipeline panel appears.
Map the pipeline input JMSMessage > body > data to documentToJSONString input document field.
On the flow service step, type logCustomMessage to log the message.
Click (View/Edit Pipeline) to map the input and output fields to the service. The Pipeline panel appears.
Map the pipeline input jsonString to logCustomMessage input message field.
Click (Save) to save the service.
Go to Monitor > Execution results > Flow service executions.
Filter the results for the project used and flow service created.
Use any database client and insert a record in the table monitored.
Click (Refresh) icon in the Monitor > Execution results > Flow service executions page.
You can notice that the status is Success which means that the flow service has run without any errors.
Click the flow service to view the log details. You can see the customer details that were inserted using the database client.
Let’s create a polling notification that logs a message when the stored procedure is invoked at the polling interval specified. The stored procedure returns the contents of the CUSTOMER_SP table. A sample representation of the table is as follows:
Ensure that the messaging capability is enabled for your IBM webMethods Integration tenant.
Ensure that you have the required details of the database that you want to connect to such as user account, driver group, database name, credentials, and server name.
Ensure that the stored procedure exists in the database and returns an output. For example, stored procedure GET_CUSTOMER_NOTIF_DETAILS:
Creating and testing polling notifications involves the following steps:
Create a database account.
Create a polling notification for stored procedure.
Create a flow service to run when the notification is received.
Verify that the flow service runs when the notification is received.
For more information about creating Database accounts, see Creating a Database Account. For example, CustomerInfoAccDB.
Go to Projects and select your project.
Go to Events > Polling notifications. The list of existing polling notifications appear.
Click Add notification. The Add Polling notification page appears.
Select Database from the Connector type drop-down list.
Click Next. The Add polling notification | Database wizard appears.
Configure the database account details on the Account page. For more information about creating the Database accounts, see Creating a Database Account.
Click Next. The Action page appears.
Select the StoredProcedure Notification action.
Click Next. Provide the details in the Calls page.
Click Next. The Resultset page appears.
Do the following to add the resultset.
a. Click Add Resultset and add the resultset variable. The resultset variable name must be the same as the out parameter name provided in the store procedure.
b. Click Add. The Resultset page appears.
c. Click (Plus) icon to add columns you want to view.
Click Next. The Settings page appears.
a. The Execution parameters settings page appears. Configure the fields.
b. Click Publish Document to view the JMS provider details. You cannot modify any values. The resultset is retrieved by running the store procedure and sent as a document to the destination (queue).
c. Click Schedule to set the polling interval.
d. Click Subscriber to configure the subcriber settings. You can view subscriber details and configure the flow service to invoke.
Click Save.
Whenever the document is published to the destination (queue), the subscriber invokes the configured flow service to process the next set of defined actions.
Click Next. The Summary page appears.
Click Done. You will see the message *Queue created successfully**.
Review the settings. If you want to modify, then click the Previous button to go to the corresponding page and update the settings.
Click Done. The Events > Polling notification page appears listing the newly created notification. By default, it is disabled.
Move the slider on the toggle button in the State column to right to enable the notification.
Now, this notification polls the database server at the configured interval of 60 secs to run the stored procedure and retrieve the output. The details are retrieved in a document format and published to the destination (queue), the subscriber invokes the Customer_SP_FlowService flow service to process the next set of defined actions.
The flow service converts the document to a JSON format and logs the details.
Go to Integrations > Flow services.
Select the Customer_SP_FlowService flow service to edit. The flow service editor page appears.
On the flow service step, type documentToJSONString to convert the incoming document to a JSON string.
Click (View/Edit Pipeline) to map the input and output fields to the service. The Pipeline panel appears.
Map the pipeline input JMSMessage > body > data to documentToJSONString input document field.
On the flow service step, type logCustomMessage to log the message.
Click (View/Edit Pipeline) to map the input and output fields to the service. The Pipeline panel appears.
Map the pipeline input jsonString to logCustomMessage input message field.
Click (Save) to save the service.
Go to Monitor > Execution results > Flow service executions.
Filter the results for the project used and flow service created.
Enable the stored procedure polling notification.
Click (Refresh) icon in the Monitor > Execution results > Flow service executions page.
You can notice that the status is Success which means that the flow service has run without any errors.
Click the flow service to view the log details. You will see one entry for each row in the customer details.
To understand ordered polling notification, let us create a polling notification that logs a message when multiple operations are performed on a single table for a given database, using the same publishable document. For example, consider a scenario where multiple operations such as insertion, deletion, and updates are executed on a single table named PERSON.
Ensure that the messaging capability is enabled for your IBM webMethods Integration tenant.
Ensure that you have the required details of the database that you want to connect to such as user account, driver group, database name, credentials, and server name.
Ensure that the database user has privileges to create table, trigger and sequence.
Creating and testing polling notifications involves the following steps:
Create a database account.
Create a polling notification.
Create a flow service to run when the notification is received.
Verify that the flow service runs when the notification is received.
For more information about creating Database accounts, see Creating a Database Account.
Go to Projects and select your project.
Go to Events > Polling notifications. The list of existing polling notifications appear.
Click Add notification. The Add Polling notification page appears.
Select Database from the Connector type drop-down list.
Click Next. The Add polling notification | Database wizard appears.
Configure the database account details on the Account page. For more information about creating the Database accounts, see Creating a Database Account.
Click Next. The Action page appears.
Select the Ordered Notification action.
Click Next. The Tables page appears.
Do the following to add tables:
a. Click the icon to add a new table. The Add tables page appears.
b. Select the table from the catalog. In this example we are selecting the PERSON table.
c. Click Add. The table is added and listed in the Tables page. In this example we are selecting the different Operation type as Insert, Update and Delete on the same table PERSON.
Click Next. The Data fields page appears.
a. Click the icon to add data fields. The Add data fields page appears.
b. Select the data fields to be added in the table.
c. Click Add.
You can also change the Output Field Type and Sort Order for a data field by clicking the corresponding Edit button.
You also have the option to select unique records for changes in a table by enabling the option Select distinct.
Click Next. The Condition page appears. You can view all the conditions that have been created and also add conditions for update and delete operations on this page.
In this example no conditions are specified.
Click Next. The Settings page appears.
a. The Execution parameters settings page appears. Configure the fields.
b. Click Publish Document to view the JMS provider details. You cannot modify any values. In this example, the operations executed on the PERSON table are retrieved and sent as a document to the destination (queue).
c. Click Schedule to set the polling interval.
d. Click Subscriber to configure the subcriber settings. You can view subscriber details and configure the flow service to invoke.
Click Save.
Whenever the document is published to the destination (queue), the subscriber invokes the configured flow service to process the next set of defined actions.
Click Next. The Summary page appears.
Review the settings. If you want to modify, then click the Previous button to go to the corresponding page and update the settings.
Click Done. The Events > Polling notification page appears listing the newly created notification. By default, it is disabled.
Move the slider on the toggle button in the State column to right to enable the notification.
In this example, the notification polls the database server at the configured interval of 60 secs and retrieves the details of Insert, Update and Delete on the same table PERSON. The details are retrieved in a document format and published to the destination (queue), the subscriber invokes the flow service to process the next set of defined actions.
The flow service converts the document to a JSON format and logs the details.
Go to Integrations > Flow services.
Select the Flow flow service to edit. The flow service editor page appears.
On the flow service step, type documentToJSONString to convert the incoming document to a JSON string.
Click (View/Edit Pipeline) to map the input and output fields to the service. The Pipeline panel appears.
Map the pipeline input JMSMessage > body > data to documentToJSONString input document field.
On the flow service step, type logCustomMessage to log the message. Click (View/Edit Pipeline) to map the input and output fields to the service. The Pipeline panel appears.
Map the pipeline input jsonString to logCustomMessage input message field.
Click (Save) to save the service.
Go to Monitor > Execution results > Flow service executions.
Filter the results for the project used and flow service created.
Use any database client for performing the insert, delete, and update operation. In this example, we first executed a Delete operation, followed by an Update, and finally an Insert operation on the same table, PERSON.
Click (Refresh) icon in the Monitor > Execution results > Flow service executions page.
You can notice that the status is Success which means that the flow service has run without any errors.
Click the flow service to view the log details. In this example, you can see that the notifications are received in the order of operations executed. The polling notification is first received for the person details that were deleted, followed by the updated records, and lastly by the newly inserted person record using the database client.