Integration Runtime Management

Discover various operations you can perform on runtimes.

Enabling and Disabling Edge Runtimes

The edge runtimes can either be enabled or disabled based on your needs.

Click the toggle button available on the left corner of the corresponding edge runtime card to either enable or disable the edge runtime.

The behaviour of edge runtime is as follows:

Editing Edge Runtimes

You can edit the details of an edge runtime using the Edit option.

  1. Locate the edge runtime that you want to edit in the Integration Runtimes page.

  2. Click the vertical ellipsis icon () on the lower-right corner of your runtime card and click Edit. The Edit dialog box appears.

  3. Update the required fields.

  4. Click Save. The details are saved, and you can view the updated details on the edge runtime card.

Restarting Runtimes

Sometimes, you might require restarting a runtime due to some changes. For example, when you make changes to any of the database functions of the runtime in the Connections page, the runtime requires a restart.

Cloud Runtime

You can restart a cloud runtime by clicking the Restart button in the vertical ellipsis menu located in the lower-right corner of the cloud runtime card.


Restarting a cloud runtime causes a temporary disruption in the functioning of the develop anywhere, deploy anywhere capabilities such as,

  • Deploy anywhere integrations do not appear.

  • Integrations using packages may appear but not function as expected.

  • Packages are not listed , and you cannot add or manage packages.

  • Runtime dashboard details are not visible.

  • Changes made to your integrations or packages are not saved.

You must wait until the Cloud Runtime has fully restarted and is in the Running state before continuing with your operations.

If the runtime continues to be in offline state, contact support.

Edge Runtime

You can restart an edge runtime that is in either Provisioning, Created, or Running states. However, if any hybrid integrations use the specified edge runtime that has only one accessible runtime instance, the hybrid integrations might fail.

To restart an edge runtime,

Deregistering Edge Runtimes

Deregister edge runtimes if you do not want to use them in the future. Deregistering an edge runtime removes all instances associated with that edge runtime. To delete a particular instance of an edge runtime, see Deleting Edge Runtime Instances.

The degistered runtime is no longer available in the Integration Runtimes page. However, the instances still continue running in your environment, but they would not be able to communicate with the control plane.

To deregister an edge runtime,

  1. Locate the edge runtime that you want to deregister in the Integration Runtimes page.

  2. Click the vertical ellipsis icon () on the lower-right corner of your runtime card and click Deregister. A warning message appears.

  3. Click Deregister. On successful deregistration, the edge runtime card is not visible in the Integration Runtimes page.

  • If the Deregistering status appears on the edge runtime card for more than five minutes, submit the deregistration request again without further delay.

  • Deregistering an edge runtime only disconnects the runtime from your tenant. However, the edge runtime remains running after deregistering it. Further, any dynamic licensing on the edge runtime is revoked and if the runtime does not have an individual license, it is automatically shut down after 30 minutes.

  • If you deregister an edge runtime, any configurations that were overridden for that runtime are lost.

Deleting Edge Runtime Instances

You can delete a particular instance of an edge runtime in the Instance Listing page. It is not possible to delete multiple instances simultaneously.

You cannot delete an instance if it is the only instance associated with a runtime. This is to prevent the runtime to enter an Offline state.
  1. Click the edge runtime card on the Integration Runtimes page for which you want to delete an instance. The Instance Listing page appears listing all instances created for that edge runtime.

  2. Click the Delete button that corresponds to the instance you want to delete. The instance is deleted.

Starting Edge Runtimes

Use the Add Instance command to create a new instance for an edge runtime. For more information about adding new instances, see Edge Runtime Multiple Instances.

At times, edge runtime might not respond even though the status is shown as Running. This could be due to connectivity loss. In this case, you can create a new instance of the edge runtime using the Add Instance option from the Integration Runtimes page and proceed with your work. This new instance will be an exact replica of the old instance and has all committed changes done by the user.