Release 10.11

Explore the fixes for Software AG Cloud version 10.11.


Version Issue ID Release Date Description SCI-5156 February 18, 2022 In Software AG Cloud > Administration, pagination was not getting applied for user search results.
User search results are now paginated correctly. SCI-5310 February 18, 2022 Tenant provisioning emails are not coming up for pre-provisioned tenants.
Tenant provisioning emails are now sent for pre-provisioned tenants. SCI-4948 February 18, 2022 Error Handling mechanisms have been improved. SCI-5104 February 18, 2022 Switch Software AG Cloud account trial sign ups to 100% basic form.
Software AG Cloud account trial sign ups are now in 100% basic form. SCI-5159 February 18, 2022 [Master Account] Cloudmanagement Realm now displays subscription end date warning to all expired tenants. SCI-5062 February 18, 2022 Software AG Cloud was sending false provision failing alerts for Developer Portal.
False provision failing alerts are no longer receieved for Developer Portal. SCI-5183 February 18, 2022 Signup failure observed due to failure in environment provisioning.
This issue is resolved. SCI-5842 January 06, 2022 Vulnerable 3rd Party Component commons-beanutils. In Apache Commons Beanutils 1.9.2, a special BeanIntrospector class was added, which allows suppressing the ability for an attacker to access the classloader via the class property available on all Java objects. We however were not using this by default characteristic of the PropertyUtilsBean. See:
Upgraded the application to the safest version of commons-beanutils 1.9.4. SCI-5095 January 06, 2022 Library improvements have been done for better connection/socket management. SSCI-5097 January 06, 2022 AZURE AU Outage on 4th and 5th DEC 2021, CTP Product ACTIONS.
This issue is resolved. SCI-4928 January 06, 2022 Software AG Cloud does not have any error/exception for the static site URL certificate failure.
Proper error message is now displayed for the scenario mentioned. SCI-4947 January 06, 2022 Creating new accounts through API should return accountId.
AccountId is returened whenever a new account is created. SCI-4998 January 06, 2022 Switch trial sign ups to 100% basic form. trial sign ups are now in 100% basic form. SCI-5003 January 06, 2022 Provisioning failure in with tenant name as null.
This issue is resolved. SCI-5012 January 06, 2022 Analysis to improve the user search API performance.
User search task is optimized for perfromance. SCI-5030 January 06, 2022 Undo changes button in the Policy tab is not working properly.
The Undo button functions as expected and the the last changes done are reverted. SCI-5047 January 06, 2022 [PREPROD] After linking environment, clicking on Software AG Cloud > Profile shows a blank page. The Profile page now displays the profile information instead of blank page. SCI-5050 January 06, 2022 Roles are shown twice when the user edits or updates the details in the profile page.
Roles are correctly displayed in the Profile page. SCI-5106 January 06, 2022 Environment creation with product is failing - API request.
Users can create an Environment successfully. MTA-546 December 16, 2021 Contract is not always shown in the Metering user interface dropdown menu when more than one contract is available. The user cannot see the usage for the missing contract.
Contract cache is fixed to contain data for more than one contract, if linked to a Software AG Cloud environment.