Monitoring Transactions

Transaction Summary

The documents you exchange using IBM webMethods B2B appear on the Transactions page.

All Transactions

Apply multiple search filters to view specific types of transactions and search for documents based on keywords such as sender, receiver, business document types, or user status in either of the views.

List View

This view displays a list of all the transactions. Click icon to view the transactions in the List view.

Group View

This view displays transactions in a group format. This is the default view. If you are in the List view, click icon to view the transactions in Group view.

A transaction group collates all the transactions originating from a single inbound document received from a trading partner. Depending on the document type and channel configuration, the number of transactions you see in a group might differ from one trading partner to another. For example, for a certain trading partner that uses an AS2 OUT channel, if you disable the request MDN option, you will see fewer number of transactions under the group pertaining to that transaction group. Click icon to expand all the transaction groups. Click icon to collapse all the expanded groups.

In the Group view:

Adding Comments

Add or update a comment associated with the document in its transaction. For example, if many of you are responsible for handling documents with processing errors, you might want to add comments to indicate that you are resolving the issue and mention the steps that you have taken so far.
To add or update a comment for a transaction do the following:

  1. Click on the timestamp of the transaction to view the details.

  2. Click icon on the detailed view of the transaction to add or edit a comment and click update.

Viewing and Downloading Transactions

In the list of transactions, you can:

Note: When using IBM webMethods End-to-End Monitoring to monitor the end-to-end flow of a IBM webMethods B2B transaction, if you click the More details icon in End-to-End Monitoring, you will be redirected to the IBM webMethods B2B Transactions page. The Transactions page displays only the relevant transaction in Group view, after you apply the appropriate filter criteria.

The timestamps that appear on IBM webMethods B2B correspond to the timezone from where you are accessing the instance. If you do not configure a timezone then the IBM webMethods B2B the browser’s timezone. If you configure a timezone on IBM webMethods iPaaS, then timestamps on the Monitoring screens correspond to that. If you do not configure a date-time format on IBM webMethods iPaaS, then the following default format appears for all the timestamps: Jan 4, 2023, 2:09:54 PM.

To View and Download Transactions

  1. In IBM webMethods B2B, go to Monitoring > Transactions.

  2. Apply the appropriate filters to view the required transaction groups.
    This table lists the filtering and date range options that are common to the Transactions page:

    Transaction Filter Description
    Filters icon Allows filtering of transaction data based on certain criteria. The standard attribute filters available by default are:
    - Sender. Displays all the partners who are senders of a business document.
    - Receiver. Displays all the partners who are receivers of a business document.
    - Document type. Displays all the business documents types in the system. The possible values are: EDI, EDIINT, XML, unknown, and other.
    - Processing status. Displays all the possible processing statuses of the business documents. You can select multiple processing statuses. For the list of all the processing statuses, see Viewing and Downloading Transactions.
    - User status. Displays all the user statuses in the EDI business document. You can also type a custom user status.
    The search filters allow you to select multiple values as search criteria for each filter. Click icon to include all other document attributes as filters to refine your search result further.
    If you change the filters after selecting one or more transactions, and re-apply another set of filters, the refreshed table will not retain the selected transactions.
    You can use the Equals to criteria to search for multiple values of an attribute of string type, by separating them by using commas. For example, if you are searching for three documents using the documentID, then in the Equals to criteria, you must type, documentID1, documentID2, documentID3.
    You can bookmark or save a set of search filters to rerun them at a later point.
    Set date range Select one of the following options:
    - 24H. Displays transactions in the last 24 hours. This is the default option.
    - 7D. Displays transactions in the last seven days.
    - 30D. Displays transactions in the last 30 days.
    - Custom. Select a custom date range along with the timestamp to view the transactions in that date and time range.
    - All. Displays all transactions that are not archived or purged.
    Search Enables you to search for a particular transaction. Type a keyword related to the required transaction. For example, to view EDI related transactions that start with the word “edi”, type edi in the search bar. Similarly, to view all the successful transactions that has sender, receiver, processing rule status, business documents that start with the word “success”, type the word “success” in the search bar.
    You can also use transaction filters to search for a precise list of transactions. See Searching for Specific Transactions Using Transaction Filters for details.
    icon Filters to view a specific set of transactions and download them in CSV format as a ZIP file.
    To download all the transactions, click icon.
    Columns that appear in the default configuration are Date Received, Business Document, Sender, Receiver, Processing Status and User Status. You cannot exclude the default columns when you download the file, and the default column headers appear before the customized columns.

    The transaction history for 30 days is visible in the Live transactions list by default. After a roll-over period of 30 days, the transactions are archived by the archive schedule, and these appear in the Archive section. If you do not find the transactions of your interest, you might want to examine the purge schedule to check if those were deleted.
    If you use Microsoft Excel to open the .csv file, to view the downloaded transactions, the leading zeroes are trimmed for the Document ID column.

    Note: You can download a maximum of 20,000 transaction records at once. The download fails if the search criteria results in a larger number. In such a case, modify the search criteria to adhere to the maximum limit.

    This table lists the filtering options that are specific to the list of transactions:

    Transaction Filter Description
    All transactions Displays all available transactions.
    In error Displays all transactions that are in error state.
    Resubmitted Displays all transactions that are resubmitted.
  3. To view the transaction details, do the following:
    In the List view, click the timestamp of a transaction to view its details.
    In the Group view, click the transaction group to expand the group and click the timestamp of a transaction to view its details.

    For each transaction, you can see the summary of transaction along with the Course of transaction appears, the associated document attributes, content, and the tasks created internally to track the completion of activities related to the transaction.

    Transaction Filter Description
    Date Received Timestamp when the document was received.
    Business Document Type of the business document associated with the transaction.
    Sender Sending partner’s full corporation name.
    Receiver Receiving partner’s full corporation name.
    Processing status Status of the transaction.
    ABORTED. Encountered a fatal error during document recognition or processing.
    DONE. Completed document processing. If the processing rule specified:
    - Asynchronous service execution. The service may not have finished executing.
    - Document delivery. The document may not yet have been delivered to the receiving partner.
    DONE W/ERRORS. Completed document recognition and processing with errors. Asynchronous execution of integration or document delivery might not have completed.
    NEW. Received the document.
    NOT ROUTED. Received and recognized the document, but no processing rule is to be used.
    REPROCESSED. Successfully reprocessed the document.
    REPROCESSED AND ABORTED. Encountered a fatal error while reprocessing the document.
    REPROCESSED W/ERROR. Encountered non-fatal errors while reprocessing the document, for example, when the service execution fails.
    REPROCESSING. Document reprocessing is in progress.
    RESUBMITTED. Successfully recognized and processed the resubmitted document.
    RESUBMITTED AND ABORTED. Encountered a fatal error while resubmitting the document.
    RESUBMITTED W/ERROR. Encountered non-fatal errors while resubmitting the document.
    RESUBMITTING. Document re-submission is in progress.
    NOT DELIVERED. Document was not delivered to the intended recipient.
    User Status User Status of the document set by the processing rule. You can change the user status of the document once the processing rule corresponding to the document is triggered.
    Actions Perform the following actions on the document associated with the transaction:
      Reprocess. Send a document back through processing rules. For example, you would reprocess if the document was processed by the wrong rule.
      Click icon to see a new entry in the Course of transactions section pertaining to this activity.
      You can select a maximum of 100 transactions to reprocess them all at once.
      Resubmit. Send a document back to IBM webMethods B2B as a new document. For example, you would resubmit a document if the root tag of an EDI document does not match any business document. You would rectify the root tag issue and resubmit the document.
      A new transaction entry for the resubmitted documents appears on the Transactions page after you perform this action. An entry also appears in the Course of transactions from the document you resubmitted.
      You can select a maximum of 100 transactions to reprocess them all at once.

    See the Transaction Monitoring Tutorial for examples.

    Saving Transaction Filters

    1. Select the appropriate filters to obtain the transaction set of your interest.

    2. Click icon and click icon to bookmark the filter.
      When you save a bookmark, the search string, and the selected time duration, and the other applied filters, are saved to retrieve the same result set each time you apply the saved bookmark.

      You can rename the bookmarks appropriately and delete the bookmarks that you no longer use. These filters are saved based on your login credentials and you can create a maximum of 100 bookmarks per user.

      To edit the filter to include or remove filter criteria by clicking on icon .

      Click on Revert to retain the original filter criteria in the bookmark.

      Furthermore, click on icon to set a bookmark as default. This retains the bookmark and its results if you switch between different pages on the user interface or even when you log out of the current session and log in again.

    Column Personalization on the Transactions Page

    Personalize the Transactions page by selecting the columns of your choice.

    1. In IBM webMethods B2B, go to Monitoring > Transactions.

    2. Click icon and select the columns to view on the column header.

    Click Restore default icon to change the column header as per the default configuration. Columns in the default configuration are Date Received, Business Document, Sender, Receiver, Processing Status, User Status, and Action.
    Click Save.

    Points to note:

    • You cannot remove or replace the Date Received column.
    • Customization of columns is supported on Transactions page (list and group view).
    • The maximum number of columns you can select is 10.

    Reprocessing a Business Document

    When you reprocess a document, webMethods. io B2B sends the document back through the processing rules. For example, you will reprocess a document if the document was processed by the wrong processing rule.

    IBM webMethods B2B does not check for duplicate documents when you reprocess it, and therefore it will not stop the processing of a duplicate document if you have enabled the Stop processing duplicate documents option in the Action step of a processing rule.

    Note: If you reprocess a document for which the document attributes were not saved, the document will not match with processing rules that use those criteria. Instead, the document matches with another processing rule, such as the Default rule, and performs the processing actions defined in that rule.

    RosettaNet Implementation Framework (RNIF) requires the Partner Interface Process(PIP) version and PIP info along with the process version attribute of a document, to reprocess a document (you can find this in the pipeline matching step during attribute extraction). Only the Submit action is capable of providing the PIP version number. As these values are not available for documents that use the RNIF channels, they cannot be reprocessed.

    In the Applicability Statement 4 (AS4) channel, preprocessing of the received document happens before the document is persisted, as the preprocessing action cannot be triggered again, they cannot be reprocessed.

    When you do not select any transactions, but click on the reprocess icon, the topmost 10,000 transactions that are listed as part of the search criteria will be reprocessed. Only one such mass operation can be processed at once. When a large number of transactions invoke complex integrations on IBM webMethods Integration in asynchronous mode, you may experience slowness with running integrations on IBM webMethods Integration, and the system as a whole.

    To reprocess a document

    1. Address the issue that is causing you to reprocess the document. For example, if the document did not trigger the correct processing rule when it was originally received, create or modify the processing rules so the document triggers the correct rule when you reprocess it.

    2. In IBM webMethods B2B, go to Monitoring > Transactions.

    3. On the Transactions page, click the Actions menu for the transaction, and select Reprocess.

    4. On the Transactions summary page, in the Course of transaction click icon to see a new entry for the reprocessing action.

    Editing and Resubmitting a Business Document

    When you resubmit a document, IBM webMethods B2B considers it as a new document. For example, you might resubmit a document when it does not match any type of business document. When you edit a document and resubmit it, IBM webMethods B2B creates a new instance of the document, and continues to process it while the original document remains unchanged.

    Note: IBM webMethods B2B considers the Stop processing duplicate documents option if you enabled it in the Action step of the processing rule.

    RosettaNet Implementation Framework (RNIF) requires the Partner Interface Process(PIP) version and PIP info along with the process version attribute of a document, to resubmit a document (you can find this in the pipeline matching step during attribute extraction). Only the Submit action is capable of providing the PIP version number. As these values are not available for documents that use the RNIF channels, they cannot be resubmitted.

    The Applicability Statement 4 (AS4) channel requires specific parameters which can only be sent through the Submit operation available in the IBM webMethods B2B connector on IBM webMethods Integration. As these parameters details are not available for documents that use the AS4 channel at resubmission, they cannot be resubmitted.

    You can also resubmit a document without making any edits to it.

    When you do not select any transactions, but click on the resubmit icon, the topmost 10,000 transactions that are listed as part of the search criteria will be resubmitted. Only one such mass operation can be processed at once. When a large number of transactions invoke complex integrations on IBM webMethods Integration in asynchronous mode, you may experience slowness with running integrations on IBM webMethods Integration, and the system as a whole.

    To edit and resubmit a document

    1. In IBM webMethods B2B, go to Monitoring > Transactions.

    2. On the Transactions page, click the timestamp of the transaction that you want to resubmit.

    3. Click Content in the navigation pane, expand the content part that you want to edit, and make necessary modifications.

      Note: You can edit and resubmit documents of size 2 MB or lesser. If the document is more than 2 MB, you can only view the content of the document, but cannot resubmit it.

    4. Click Resubmit.

      Tip: To undo all the changes you made to the content of the document, click Revert.

    5. On the Transactions summary page, in the Course of transaction section, click icon to see a new entry for the resubmitting action. IBM webMethods B2B includes an entry for the document resubmission on the Transactions page.

    Inspecting a Transaction with Errors

    Examine transactions with errors or warnings on the Transactions page.

    Important: The timestamps that appear on IBM webMethods B2B correspond to the time-zone from where you are accessing the instance. If you do not configure a timezone, then IBM webMethods B2B displays the browser’s timezone. If you configure a timezone on IBM webMethods iPaaS, then timestamps on the Monitoring screens correspond to that. If you do not configure a date-time format on IBM webMethods iPaaS, then the following default format appears for all the timestamps: Jan 4, 2023, 2:09:54 PM.

    To inspect a transaction with errors

    1. In IBM webMethods B2B, go to Monitoring > Transactions.

    2. Click the timestamp of the transaction to inspect the error.

    3. Under the Course of transaction section, identify the error and take appropriate action.

    4. Click Resubmit. Go to the Resubmitted tab on the Transactions listing page to see the resubmitted transaction.

    Content Parts in a Business Document Can Be Edited and Resubmited

    The following table lists the types of business documents and the content parts that you can edit and resubmit:

    Business Document or Transaction Content Part Possible Actions
    Any outbound AS2 document Content (payload) Edit and resubmit
    Any outbound AS2 document Headers of an AS2 document (inputs) Edit and resubmit
    Any outbound AS2 document Entire content along with transport data (ediintdata) Resubmit
    Any MDNs you send or receive for an AS2 transaction Entire document Read only
    Transaction received through any inbound AS2 channel Entire document Read only

    Document Submission

    Partners exchange documents through channels that you create in IBM webMethods B2B. Before the actual document exchange, submit a sample document and validate the processing flow of the document from IBM webMethods B2B. This is to ensure that you have configured the partners, document attributes, document types, and processing rules properly, and the submitted document picks the intended assets for processing.

    Note: IBM webMethods B2B does not recognize or process the flat file documents submitted through IBM webMethods Cloud Container.

    You can submit business documents manually in IBM webMethods B2B without using channels on the Transactions page by clicking on the document submission icon . IBM webMethods B2B allows submission of EDI and XML documents.

    How do I Submit a Document?

    Document submission enables you to validate and hence ensure an error free document exchange process between partners.

    Before you begin

    1. In IBM webMethods B2B, go to Monitoring > Transactions and click on the document submission icon.

    2. On the Document submission dialog box, select the type of document to submit.
      Select a file with a .xml extension for XML document and a file with .txt extension for the EDI document.

      Note: For all the supported EDI document types such as VDA, UNEDIFACT, X12, TRADACOMS and so on, select EDI.
      Alternatively, you can also copy and paste the content of the document.

      Browse the document or copy and paste the content of the document. When one option is selected, IBM webMethods B2B disables other options.

    3. Click Submit. The Document summary section reflects the transaction details such as Transaction ID, Business document, Sender, Receiver, Processing status, and User status identified during document submission.

    Next steps

    On the Document summary section, click Transaction ID to view the transaction details such as Document Attributes, Activity Logs, Tasks and so on. The transaction details are displayed on the Transactions summary page. For details on viewing the Transactions page, see Viewing Transactions.

    Important: Use the above steps to submit actual business documents manually into IBM webMethods B2B without using channels.

    Searching for Specific Transactions Using Filters

    Search for a precise list of transactions by using a combination of document attributes, values, and filters.

    The entire set of partner names appear for the Sender and Receiver filters in the dropdown list. If you do not see a partner name, type the name of the partner in the Search sender or Search receiver text boxes to select them.

    The standard attribute filters available by default are:

    You can search for a transaction using any word that appears only on the following columns on the Transactions page: Sender, receiver, user status, business document, and processing status.

    The search filters allow you to select multiple values as search criteria for each filter. Use the More filters option to include all other document attributes as filters to refine your search result further.

    If you are monitoring transactions end-to-end by using the End-to-End Monitoring page on IBM webMethods Integration, then on clicking on More details redirects you to the Transactions page of IBM webMethods B2B. In such a case, only the transactions belonging to the groupID appear on the page and you can use the search box and filters to search for transactions within that group.

    To search using filter conditions

    1. In IBM webMethods B2B go to Monitoring > Transactions.

    2. Click icon. Specify one or more search filters. For each filter, specify the field, operator, and value to use in the search. To add another filter that is not available in the standard list, click icon. This displays all the available document attributes in the system.

    3. Click icon to create bookmark and to retain the selected attributes filters within the current session even if you switch to different pages on the user interface. This option also remembers the document attribute selections under the Recent attributes section in the current log in session within the drop box.

      Tip: Select the Negate value option to use the opposite values while searching. In the following example, on filtering with Application Reference which is a document attribute, all transactions in which the applicationReference attribute does not have a value equal to new, are listed:

    4. Click Apply to see the search result.

    Next Steps

    Download the list of live transactions you search for. See Viewing and Downloading Transactions.

    Using Quick Filters

    Quick filters enable you to quickly create a filter based on a transaction in focus. It also helps you to find list of transactions for a given period. After you click the quick filter toggle, you can:

    To Apply Quick Filters

    1. In IBM webMethods B2B, go to Monitoring > Transactions.

    2. Click the quick filter toggle to enable the quick filter control.

    3. Hover over the transaction and click on the required fields with the quick filter control.

    4. Hover over the values of interest in other transactions to select the values for the quick filter. The selected values appear in grey. For example, if the sender attribute has Ronnie as the value in the filter section and when you click on the sender cell in the row where the sender value is Serena, then the sender attribute value in the filter section is updated with Serena. If you unselect the value in the sender cell, then the sender attribute value in the filter section is updated with the default All value.
      The time range of 10 minutes implies values which are plus or minus 10 minutes of the current time. To update the time range, click the Add and Apply button again.

    5. Click Add in the Quick filter control.
      The filtered values are added to the transaction filter.

    6. Click Apply next to the transaction filter to view a list of all transactions that adhere to the applied filter.
      The values against the Search results for field are updated accordingly.

    Comparing Transactions

    Select two transactions and compare their details. You can compare the following items by switching to compare mode:

    To Compare Two Transactions

    1. In IBM webMethods B2B, go to Monitoring > Transactions and click mutli-transaction view icon to enable the compare transaction mode.

    2. Select two transactions using the checkboxes (either in List view or Group view) and click to see two transaction overlays open up one beside another. This view helps you to compare two transactions and their details. The two views allow you to choose the details on each transaction independently.

    3. Click mutli-transaction view icon to view the details of a transaction. After you view the transaction details, click mutli-transaction view icon to close the details view.

    Note: You cannot resubmit or reprocess transactions in Compare mode, but you can switch between Group and List views.

    Viewing Multiple Transactions Together

    Transactions may have a certain pattern that you may want to examine further. In such a case, you can select a maximum of four transactions to view across pages and compare their details.

    To enable multi-transactions view

    1. In IBM webMethods B2B, go to Monitoring > Transactions and click mutli-transaction view icon to enable the multi-transaction view.

    2. Select a maximum of four transactions across pages and switch between the tabs of the transactions you selected to examine their details.

    3. Click mutli-transaction view icon to view the details of a transaction. After you view the transaction details, click mutli-transaction view icon to close the details view.

    Note: You cannot resubmit or reprocess transactions in multi-transactions view, but you can switch between Group and List views.

    Managing Tasks

    IBM webMethods B2B creates tasks internally to monitor the following actions defined under a processing rule during document processing:

    Switch between All tasks, In-progress, or Failed tasks. Tasks not found in the Failed tab appear under the In-progress tab with the following statuses: PENDING, NEW, HELD, DELIVERING, and QUEUED. The tasks in DONE and STOPPED statuses appear in the All tasks tab.

    Note: You can select a maximum of 100 tasks at once, to perform actions on those tasks.

    Viewing Task Details

    1. In IBM webMethods B2B, go to Monitoring > Tasks.

    2. Click the on the timestamp to view the task details.

      You can view the details of the task on the Summary tab and the course of transaction, attributes, tasks and content of document on the Transaction tab.
      The Summary tab has the following details:

      Columns Description
      Task ID Unique identifier for the task.
      Task type Type of task. Possible values are: External call, IBM webMethods Cloud Container call, Delivery, or IBM webMethods Integration call.
      Transaction ID Transaction ID for which the task is created.
      Time created Time at which the task was created.
      Time updated Time at which the task was updated last.
      Status Status of the task. The possible values are:
      • DONE. Successfully delivered the document or run the integration.
        Note: For running the integration, the return value for status is success.
      • FAILED. Reached the maximum retry limit for the task without success.
      • NEW. Task is created, but not attempted even once.
      • PENDING. Task was attempted but has not succeeded, and the maximum number of retries are also not exhausted.
      • STOPPED. Manual user action has interrupted and stopped the task that was in-progress.
      • DELIVERING. For scheduled delivery tasks, IBM webMethods B2B invokes scheduled delivery and is delivering the document.
      • HELD. When delivery is suspended for a partner, IBM webMethods B2B assigns the delivery tasks to HELD status and does not try to run. When delivery resumes, IBM webMethods B2B updates the task statuses to PENDING and resumes trying to run the integrations.
      • QUEUED. IBM webMethods B2B has added the delivery task to the scheduled delivery queue.
      • RATE-REGULATED. Document delivery rate is regulated based on the value configured for the outbound channel.
      Outbound channel The outbound channel used to deliver the document to the receiving partner only if the task type is Delivery.
      Sender The sender of the document for which the delivery task is created.
      Receiver The receiver of the document for which the delivery task is created.
      Transport task message Information about the transport status.
      Retries The number of times task run is attempted for a failed integration. The default value is 5.
      Retry limit Maximum number of times IBM webMethods B2B tries to deliver the document or call an integration.
      Retry factor Factor to use to determine the time interval between retries of a failed task. IBM webMethods B2B calculates the time interval by multiplying the last wait time by the retry factor. The default value is 1. For example, the following shows sample values for the reliable execution mode and how they affect the wait times between attempts to redeliver a document.
      Delivery Maximum Retries = 3
      Wait Between Retries = 10000 ms
      Retry Factor = 2
      Wait until next attempt:
      1. Retry attempt 1: 10000 ms
      2. Retry attempt 2: 20000 ms
      3. Retry attempt 3: 40000 ms
      Time to wait Number of milliseconds for IBM webMethods B2B to wait before making the next attempt to re-run a failed task. The default value is 300ms.
      Transport time The time (in milliseconds) it took for the task to complete irrespective of the resulting status in the previous attempt.
      View transaction Navigate to the Transactions page for the details.

    Searching for Tasks

    Search for tasks using the date range filters: 24H, 7D, 15D, 30D, 60D, 90D, and custom. The start date and end date cannot exceed a maximum of 90 days.

    Stopping a Task

    To stop a running task, click icon for that task and select Stop.

    Stop tasks that are in the following states: NEW, PENDING, QUEUED, DELIVERING, and HELD.

    Restarting a Task

    Restart STOPPED or FAILED tasks. When you restart a task, IBM webMethods B2B resets the task status to PENDING and the retries to 0.

    If the task status is FAILED, then resolve the problem that caused the failure. To restart a task, click icon for that task and select Restart.

    Deleting a Task

    IBM webMethods B2B automatically archives or purges a task when the document that is associated with the task is archived or purged. Delete tasks manually if you do not use the archive and purge schedules. You can delete the task even before the purge or archive schedule runs.

    To delete a task, click icon for that task and select Delete.

    Actions on Multi-selection of Tasks

    The following table indicates the actions you can perform when you select multiple tasks that have various task statuses.

    If you select multiple tasks, and even if one among them is in STOPPED state, then only the delete task is enabled for all the selected tasks.

    Select multiple tasks, and click icon to delete, stop, or restart them.

    Task Status Stopping a task Restarting a task Deleting a task
    NEW icon icon icon
    PENDING icon icon icon
    DONE icon icon icon
    FAILED icon icon icon
    STOPPED icon icon icon
    QUEUED icon icon icon
    DELIVERING icon icon icon
    HELD icon icon icon
    RATE-REGULATED icon icon icon

    Data Sources and Permitted Task Actions

    The following table indicates the actions you can perform when you select tasks in Live and Archive data sources.

    Task Actions Live Data Source Archive Data Source
    Stopping a task icon icon
    Restarting a task icon icon
    Deleting a task icon icon

    Reconciling Functional Acknowledgement

    To perform Functional Acknowledgment (FA) reconciliation IBM webMethods B2B records each group or interchange EDI document that it sends and receives. Based on the EDI standard of the business document, IBM webMethods B2B records it either as a group or as an interchange document.

    The reconciliation of FA status is available for both EDI batch and non-batch documents.

    Filtering and viewing FA Reconciliation Data

    In IBM webMethods B2B, go to Monitoring > FA Reconciliation.

    Downloading FA Reconciliation Report

    In IBM webMethods B2B, go to Monitoring > FA Reconciliation.

    Interpreting FA Status

    The following table lists the values of the FA status recorded for an ANSI X12 group or UN/EDIFACT interchange document:

    FA Status Description
    None IBM webMethods B2B has not yet received or sent an FA to acknowledge this document.
    Disabled The FA Reconciliation EDITPA variable is set to false, which disables FA reconciliation and reporting. For more information about this variable, see FA Reconciliation Variable.
    Duplicate IBM webMethods B2B has one or more other documents recorded that match the FA for this document.
    Error IBM webMethods B2B received an FA for which it could not locate a matching document.
    Duplicate FA IBM webMethods B2B received more than one FA that matches this document.
    Accepted IBM webMethods B2B received a single FA that matches this document.
    Accept w/Error IBM webMethods B2B received a single FA that matches this document and the FA has an Error status on the confirmed level.
    Accept- Partial IBM webMethods B2B received a single FA that matches this document.
    Rejected IBM webMethods B2B received a single FA that matches this document and the FA has Rejected status on the confirmed level.
    FA Error IBM webMethods B2B encountered other unknown errors.
    Interchange Received IBM webMethods B2B received an interchange.