Administration APIs

API Gateway provides the capability to administer and manage various functions of API Gateway.

If you are a new user, ensure that you have logged in to API Gateway atleast once before you run a REST API for the first time.
Do not provide values starting with a dot (.), in any of the fields when making API calls from a REST client as Elasticsearch does not support saving those values.

API Gateway Administration

API Gateway provides the following REST API and the resources to manage API Gateway configuration:

  • GET/rest/apigateway/is/truststore/{truststoreName}: Retrieves an existing truststore matching the given name from API Gateway.
  • POST/rest/apigateway/is/truststore/{truststoreName}: Updates an existing truststore in API Gateway.
  • DELETE/rest/apigateway/is/truststore/{truststoreName}: Deletes an existing truststore in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/is/truststore: Retrieves all available truststores from API Gateway.
  • POST/rest/apigateway/is/truststore: Creates a truststore in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/is/kerberos: Retrieves the configured Kerberos settings from API Gateway.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/is/kerberos: Persists the configured Kerberos settings in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/is/license: Retrieves the license details from API Gateway.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/is/license: Updates the license details in API Gateway.
  • DELETE/rest/apigateway/is/outboundproxy/{outboundproxyAlias}: Deletes the specified outbound proxy server alias from API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/is/outboundproxy: Retrieves the list of all available outbound proxy server aliases in API Gateway.
  • POST/rest/apigateway/is/outboundproxy: Creates the outbound proxy server alias in API Gateway.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/is/outboundproxy: Updates the outbound proxy server alias in API Gateway.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/is/outboundproxy/{outboundproxyAlias}/enable: Enables an already existing outbound proxy server alias in API Gateway.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/is/outboundproxy/{outboundproxyAlias}/disable: Disables an already existing outbound proxy server alias in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/logAggregation/downloadLogs: Downloads logs from different components used by API Gateway, server configurations, and thread dumps.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/is/cluster: Retrieves the configured cluster settings from API Gateway.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/is/cluster: Updates the cluster settings in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/is/keystore/{keyStoreName}: Retrieves the keystore matching the name specified in API Gateway.
  • POST/rest/apigateway/is/keystore/{keyStoreName}: Updates an already existing keystore in API Gateway.
  • DELETE/rest/apigateway/is/keystore/{keyStoreName}: Deletes the keystore matching the name specified in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/is/keystore: Retrieves all keystores available in API Gateway.
  • POST/rest/apigateway/is/keystore: Creates a keystore in API Gateway.
  • DELETE/rest/apigateway/apitransactions/typedefinitions: Retrieves the list of runtime event types. The available event types are transactionalEvents, monitorEvents, errorEvents, performanceMetrics, threatProtectionEvents, lifecycleEvents, and policyViolationEvents. You can use these eventType to scope the archive or purge operation.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/apitransactions: Retrieves the API transactions data. The data to be downloaded is filtered based on the input parameters. The user should be part of API-Gateway-Administrators group or should have Manage purge and restore runtime events privilege to perform this operation.
  • DELETE/rest/apigateway/apitransactions: Purges the API transactions data and the data to be purged is filtered based on the input parameters. This method returns the job id as response and the job id is used to track the job status.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/is/webServiceEndpoints/{webServiceEndpointId}: Retrieves the specified Webservice endpoint in API Gateway.
  • DELETE/rest/apigateway/is/webServiceEndpoints/{webServiceEndpointId}: Deletes the specified Webservice endpoint in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/is/webServiceEndpoints: Retrieves list of all Webservice endpoints in API Gateway.
  • POST/rest/apigateway/is/webServiceEndpoints: Creates a Webservice endpoint in API Gateway. The API request body must contain the payload for the Webservice endpoint.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/is/webServiceEndpoints: Updates the Webservice endpoint in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/apitransactions/archives: Retrieves the details of existing archive files and response of this method would be the list of archive file names. You can select one of the archive file names returned by this method and use the POST /apitransactions/archives/{fileName} method to restore.
  • POST/rest/apigateway/apitransactions/archives: Archives the runtime events and metrics. You can additionally scope the archive data using input parameter filters. This method returns the job id as the response which is used to know the status of the job.
  • POST/rest/apigateway/apitransactions/archives/{fileName}: Restores the runtime data of the archive file that is specified. This method returns the job id as a response to track the status further.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/apitransactions/jobs/{jobId}: Retrieves the status of a specific job. This method returns the status and file name (in case of archive process) as a response.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/apitransactions/jobs: Retrieves a list of pending jobs. Every time you initiate archive, restore or purge process you get the job id as a response. You can use the specific job id to query the status of the initiated operation.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/portalGateways/{portalGatewayId}: Retrieves an Developer Portal configuration in API Gateway.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/portalGateways/{portalGatewayId}: Updates the Developer Portal configuration in API Gateway.
  • DELETE/rest/apigateway/portalGateways/{portalGatewayId}: Deletes the Developer Portal configuration in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/portalGateways: Retrieves Developer Portal configurations available in API Gateway.
  • POST/rest/apigateway/portalGateways: Creates Developer Portal configuration in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/portalGateways/communities: Retrieves the details about communities in Developer Portal. An API can be published from API Gateway to any of the communities available in Developer Portal.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/portalGateways/packages: Retrieves the details of the published packages that the API is part of.
  • POST/rest/apigateway/assets: Changes ownership of application or APIs.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/configurations/loadBalancer: Retrieves information about the load balancer configured.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/configurations/loadBalancer: Updates the load balancer configuration information.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/configurations/whiteListingIPs: Retrieves the details of the allowlisting configuration for IPs in API Gateway.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/configurations/whiteListingIPs: Updates the details of the allowlisting configuration for IPs in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/configurations/apiCallBackSettings: Retrieves the API callback processor settings from API Gateway.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/configurations/apiCallBackSettings: Updates or creates API callback processor settings in API Gateway. The user should have Manage general administration configurations privilege to update the API callback processor settings.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/configurations/settings: Retrieves the list of the extended settings watt properties from API Gateway.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/configurations/settings: Updates or creates a list of the extended settings and watt properties in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/configurations/errorProcessing: Retrieves the configured error template and the value of the property sendNativeProviderFault, which enables the server to forward the native error as it is.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/configurations/errorProcessing: Updates the default error template with any custom templates and the value of the property sendNativeProviderFault.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/configurations/keystore: Retrieves the details of the default keystore, truststore and alias settings in API Gateway.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/configurations/keystore: Updates the details of the default keystore, truststore and alias configurations in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/configurations/gatewayDestinationConfig: Retrieves the details of the API Gateway destination. API Gateway can publish events and performance metrics data. By default, error events, lifecycle events, policy violation event, and performance data are published to API Gateway.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/configurations/gatewayDestinationConfig: Updates the details of the API Gateway destination in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/controlplane/config: Retrieves API Control Plane agent configuration in API Gateway.

  • PUT/rest/apigateway/controlplane/config: Updates API Control Plane agent configuration in API Gateway.
  • POST/rest/apigateway/controlplane/config: Configures API Control Plane agent.
  • DELETE/rest/apigateway/controlplane/config: Deletes API Control Plane agent configuration in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/configurations/auditlogDestinationConfig: Retrieves the details of the Audit Log destination in API Gateway. Audit log captures the API runtime invocations performed in API Gateway. The audit log data is written to a file or a database based on the configurations. Transactions events are written to the audit log only when the Audit Log is selected as a destination in Log Invocation policy.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/configurations/auditlogDestinationConfig: Updates the details of the Audit Log destination in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/configurations/centraSiteDestinationCommunicationConfig: Retrieves the communication details of the CentraSite destination in API Gateway. API Gateway can publish events and metrics to the configured CentraSite destination.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/configurations/centraSiteDestinationCommunicationConfig: Updates the communication details of the CentraSite destination in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/configurations/centraSiteDestinationSNMPConfig: Retrieves the SNMP details of the CentraSite destination in API Gateway. API Gateway can publish events and metrics to the configured CentraSite destination.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/configurations/centraSiteDestinationSNMPConfig: Updates the SNMP details of the CentraSite destination in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/configurations/jdbcDestinationConfig: Retrieves details of the Database destination in API Gateway. API Gateway can publish events and metrics to the configured database.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/configurations/jdbcDestinationConfig: Updates the details of the database destination in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/configurations/elasticsearchDestinationConfig: Retrieves details of the Elasticsearch destination in API Gateway. API Gateway can publish events and metrics to the configured Elasticsearch destination.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/configurations/elasticsearchDestinationConfig: Updates the details of the Elasticsearch destination in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/configurations/snmpDestinationConfig: Retrieves details of the SNMP destination in API Gateway. API Gateway can publish events and metrics to the configured third party SNMP destination.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/configurations/snmpDestinationConfig: Updates the details of the SNMP destination in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/configurations/emailDestinationConfig: Retrieves details of the Email destination in API Gateway. API Gateway can send alerts to the email ID specified either in the Log Invocation, Monitor Performance, Monitor SLA or Traffic Optimization policies through the configured Email destination.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/configurations/emailDestinationConfig: Updates the details of the Email destination in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/configurations/apiPortalDestinationConfig: Retrieves details of the Developer Portal destination configuration. API Gateway can publish events and performance metrics data. By default, error events, lifecycle events, policy violation event, and performance data are published to Developer Portal.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/configurations/apiPortalDestinationConfig: Updates the details of the Developer Portal destination in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/configurations/cache: Retrieves the cache configuration in API Gateway.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/configurations/cache: Updates the cache configuration in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/configurations/customContentTypes: Retrieves the configured custom content types in API Gateway. Custom content types can be defined for base types XML,JSON and Text.These Custom types can be then used for payload processing in policies like Content based routing,Identify and access and Conditional error processing.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/configurations/customContentTypes: Updates the configured custom content types in API Gateway. The response is a set of key/value pair where key indicates the custom content type and value indicates the base type. The value can be application/xml or application/json or text/xml.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/configurations/logConfig: Retrieves the log settings of various components used by API Gateway.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/configurations/logConfig: Updates the details of the log configuration in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/configurations/ldapConfig: Retrieves the LDAP configuration settings configured in API Gateway.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/configurations/ldapConfig: Updates the LDAP configuration settings configured in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/configurations/passwordRestrictions: Retrieves the password restrictions settings configured in API Gateway.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/configurations/passwordRestrictions: Saves the password restrictions settings configured in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/configurations/passwordExpiry: Retrieves the password expiry settings configured in API Gateway.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/configurations/passwordExpiry: Saves the password expiry settings configured in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/configurations/accountLockSettings: Retrieves the account lock settings configured in API Gateway.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/configurations/accountLockSettings: Saves the account lock expiry settings configured in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/configurations/jsonWebToken: Retrieves the details of the API Gateway JSON Web Token (JWT) configuration. API Gateway can generate a JWT itself or validate the JWT generated by a trusted third party server. JWT is a JSON-based open standard (RFC 7519) means of representing a set of information to be securely transmitted between two parties. A set of information is the set of claims (claim set) represented by the JWT. A claim set consists of zero or more claims represented by the name-value pairs, where the names are strings and the values are arbitrary JSON values.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/configurations/jsonWebToken: Updates the details of the JWT configuration in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/approvalConfigurations: Retrieves a list of available approval configurations in API Gateway.
  • POST/rest/apigateway/approvalConfigurations: Creates an approval configuration in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/approvalConfigurations/{id}: Retrieves the details of a specified approval configuration in API Gateway.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/approvalConfigurations/{id}: Updates the details of a specified approval configuration in API Gateway.
  • DELETE/rest/apigateway/approvalConfigurations/{id}: Deletes the specified approval configuration in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/urlaliases: Retrieves all URL Aliases or a URL Alias with a particular ID in API Gateway (if the query parameter alias is provided).
  • POST/rest/apigateway/urlaliases: Creates a new URL alias in API Gateway.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/urlaliases: Updates an existing URL alias in API Gateway.
  • DELETE/rest/apigateway/urlaliases: Deletes a URL alias in API Gateway.
  • Alias Management

    API Gateway provides the capability to create aliases, retrieve alias information, update alias properties as required, and delete the existing aliases using a REST API.

    API Gateway provides the following REST API and the resources to manage aliases:

  • GET/rest/apigateway/alias: Retrieves the list of all aliases in API Gateway. You can also use this to retrieve details for a particular alias by providing the aliasName.
  • POST/rest/apigateway/alias: Creates an alias in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/alias/{aliasId}: Retrieves the details of the specified alias in API Gateway.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/alias/{aliasId}: Updates the details of the specified alias in API Gateway.
  • DELETE/rest/apigateway/alias/{aliasId}: Deletes the specified alias in API Gateway.
  • Application Management

    API Gateway provides the capability to create applications, retrieve application information, update application properties as required, and delete the existing applications using a REST API. You can use this REST API to register APIs to the application, modify details of the registered APIs for the application, and unregister APIs from the application.

    API Gateway provides the following REST API and the resources to manage applications:

  • GET/rest/apigateway/applications: Retrieves the list of available applications in API Gateway. You can also use this to retrieve details for a particular application by providing the applicationId.
  • POST/rest/apigateway/applications: Creates an application in API Gateway.
  • DELETE/rest/apigateway/applications: Deletes the specified application in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/applications/{applicationId}: Retrieves the details of the specified application in API Gateway.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/applications/{applicationId}: Updates the details of the specified application in API Gateway.
  • PATCH/rest/apigateway/applications/{applicationId}: Suspends the specified application in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/applications/{applicationId}/apis: Retrieves the list of registered APIs for the specified application in API Gateway.
  • POST/rest/apigateway/applications/{applicationId}/apis: Registers APIs with the specified application in API Gateway.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/applications/{applicationId}/apis: Updates the details of the APIs that are registered with the specified application in API Gateway.
  • DELETE/rest/apigateway/applications/{applicationId}/apis: Unregisters APIs from the specified application in API Gateway. You can also use this to unregister a particular API by providing the apiIDs.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/strategies: Retrieves a list of all strategies in API Gateway.
  • POST/rest/apigateway/strategies: Creates a strategy in API Gateway. The API request body must contain the payload for the strategy
  • DELETE/rest/apigateway/strategies: Deletes the specified strategy in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/strategies/{strategyId}: Retrieves the details of the specified strategy in API Gateway.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/strategies/{strategyId}: Updates the details of the specified strategy in API Gateway.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/strategies/{strategyId}/refreshCredentials: Refreshes the credentials of the specified strategy in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/applications/{applicationId}/accessTokens: Retrieves a map of access token endpoints for all the authorization servers configured in API Gateway.
  • POST/rest/apigateway/applications/{applicationId}/accessTokens: Regenerates the access tokens of an application in API Gateway.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/applications/{applicationId}/accessTokens: Updates the access tokens of an application in API Gateway.
  • DELETE/rest/apigateway/applications/{applicationId}/accessTokens: Deletes the access tokens from a specified application in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/applications/_search: Retrieves a list of available applications in API Gateway based on the search query parameters.
  • API Gateway Archive

    You can import already exported archives of APIs, global policies, and other related assets and re-create them in API Gateway. Each artifact in an archive is associated with a universally unique identifier (UUID) across all API Gateway installations. When importing an archive, the UUID helps in determining whether the corresponding artifact is already available in API Gateway. In such a situation, you can specify whether to overwrite an already existing artifact during the import process.

    API Gateway provides the following REST API and the resources to export and import an archive:

  • GET /rest/apigateway/archive: Retrieves the archive, which is a ZIP file that contains the selected assets and its dependent assets.
  • POST /rest/apigateway/archive: Imports the API Gateway archive as well as exports the assets as an archive.
  • API Gateway Availability

    API Gateway provides the capability to monitor the health of API Gateway and report the overall health of API Gateway. Each health check request displays a status field as the first entry. The status can have the values green, yellow or red describing the overall status of the components to check. This means that when any of the components signals a problem, then the status is set to red.

    API Gateway provides the following REST API and the resources to monitor the health of API Gateway:

    Document Management

    API Gateway provides the capability to store and manage the documents associated with an API.

    API Gateway provides the following REST API and the resources to manage the documents associated with APIs:

  • GET/rest/apigateway/documents/{documentId}: Retrieves the requested document from API Gateway.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/documents/{documentId}: Updates the requested document in API Gateway.
  • DELETE/rest/apigateway/documents/{documentId}: Deletes the requested document from API Gateway.
  • PATCH/rest/apigateway/documents/{documentId}: Patches the requested document in API Gateway.
  • POST/rest/apigateway/documents: Creates and stores the documents in API Gateway.
  • Internal Service

    API Gateway provides internal APIs that work on identified applications that are identified based on identifiers such as API Key, OAuth token, IP address and so on.

    API Gateway provides the following REST API and the resources to manage application identification:

    Policy Management

    API Gateway provides the capability to retrieve API Gateway policy related data such as policies, parameters, policy stages, policy templates, binding assertion, token assertion and service result cache. You can use this REST API to create, update or delete policies.

    API Gateway provides the following REST API and the resources to manage policies:

  • GET/rest/apigateway/denialofservice/deniedIP: Retrieves the list of denied IPs (IPs that violated the threat protection rules configured).
  • DELETE/rest/apigateway/denialofservice/deniedIP: Deletes the specified IP from the denied IP list. Once the IP is removed from the list the request from that IP is processed.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/assertions: Retrieves a list of available assertions in API Gateway.
  • POST/rest/apigateway/assertions: Creates an assertion in API Gateway. Custom assertions allow the API providers to extend and provide additional security policies that are not available by default in API Gateway. In WS-Security, custom assertions are used for expressing individual security requirements, constraints, or both. The individual policy assertions can be combined to create security policies that ensure secure and reliable exchanges of SOAP messages between a client and a SOAP API.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/assertions/{assertionId}: Retrieves the specified assertion element.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/assertions/{assertionId}: Updates the specified assertion.
  • DELETE/rest/apigateway/tokenAssertion/{assertionId}: Deletes the specified assertion.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/policyActionTemplates/{policyActionTemplateId}: Retrieves the template details of the specified policy action.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/policyActionTemplates: Retrieves all the template detail for list of policy actions. You can also use this to retrieve template details for a particular policy action by providing the policy action template Id.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/policyStages: Retrieves the list of policy stages available in API Gateway. It also displays the list of policies associated with each stage.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/configurations/mobileApp: Retrieves the configuration details for the mobile applications for which access has been denied. You can use API Gateway to disable access for certain mobile application versions on a predefined set of mobile platforms. By registering the required devices and applications and disabling access to these versions, you ensure that all users use the latest versions of the applications and take advantage of the latest security and functional updates.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/configurations/mobileApp: Updates the details of the mobile applications configuration in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/policyActions: Retrieves the list of all policy actions from API Gateway. It can also be used to retrieve details for particular set of policy actions by specifying the policy id, policy details for list of policies of a particular policy type.
  • POST/rest/apigateway/policyActions: Creates policy actions of different types in API Gateway. The result of this request is a policy action payload and is available in the response.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/policyActions/{policyActionId}: Retrieves the policy action details for a specified policy action based on the id specified in API Gateway.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/policyActions/{policyActionId}: Updates the policy action details for a specified policy action based on the id specified in API Gateway.
  • DELETE/rest/apigateway/policyActions/{policyActionId}: Deletes the policy action based on the id specified in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/policies: Retrieves the list of all policies from API Gateway. It can also be used to retrieve details for particular set of policies by specifying the policy id, policy details for list of policies of a particular policy type.
  • POST/rest/apigateway/policies: Creates policies of different types in API Gateway. You can also use this to clone policies.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/policies/{policyId}: Retrieves the policy details for a specified policy in API Gateway. If policy id is available then the policy details is sent in response.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/policies/{policyId}: Updates the policy details for a specified policy in API Gateway. For Global policy user should have API Gateway administrator access to update global policy.
  • DELETE/rest/apigateway/policies/{policyId}: Deletes the specified policy in API Gateway. This request will automatically delete the associated policy action for this policy.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/policies/{policyId}/apis: Retrieves the list of applicable APIs for a global policy. An API become applicable API for a global policy only if it satisfies the scope specified in the global policy. By default it will return the basic API details of all the applicable APIs either if the API is active or inactive for a global policy.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/policies/{policyId}/conflicts: Retrieves the conflicts for the specified global policy.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/policies/{policyId}/activate: Activates the specified global policy. This request does not require any request body. This request tries to activate the global policy and if any error occurs during activation it is reported as response or if the global policy is activated then its policy details active flag set to true is sent as response. If the global policy has any conflicts then it cannot be activated and the conflicts are manually resolved.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/policies/{policyId}/deactivate: Deactivates the specified global policy. This request does not require any request body. This request tries to deactivate the global policy and if any error occurs during deactivation it is reported as response or if the global policy deactivated the policy details of a global policy with active flag set to false is sent as response. An active global policy cannot have conflicts with other active global policy and hence the deactivation fails only when the conflict occurs between active global policy that is specified and one or more applicable active APIs. This can happen when the applicable active API policy action depends on one or more policy action from the specified global policy. If you deactivate this policy, it would cause the active API to have an unstable state. Hence the deactivation is reported as failed in this case.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/policies/{policyId}/disable: Disables the Threat protection policy created in API Gateway. This request does not require any request body. If the threat protection policy is disabled successfully then the policy details of specified policy will be sent as response.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/policies/{policyId}/enable: Enables the Threat protection policy created in API Gateway. This request does not require any request body. If the threat protection policy is enabled successfully then the policy details of specified policy is sent as response.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/policies/{policyId}/movedown: Moves down the execution order of the Threat protection policy created in API Gateway.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/policies/{policyId}/moveup: Moves up the execution order of the Threat protection policy created in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/serviceResultCache/{apiId}: Retrieves the Service Result Cache size for the specified API accessed using the API Id.
  • DELETE/rest/apigateway/serviceResultCache/{apiId}: Deletes the Service Result Cache for the specified API accessed using the API Id.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/serviceResultCache: Retrieves the Service Result Cache size for the specified API accessed using apiName and apiVersion.
  • DELETE/rest/apigateway/serviceResultCache: Deletes the Service Result Cache for the specified API accessed using apiName and apiVersion.
  • Promotion Management

    API Gateway provides supports staging and promotion of assets. Staging and promotion allows you to promote all the assets across different stages.

    API Gateway provides the following REST API and the resources to manage staging and promotion:

  • GET/rest/apigateway/promotion: Retrieves the promotions history with each promotion entry providing the details such as promotion name, promoted by whom, when it is promoted, and the promoted assets status.
  • POST/rest/apigateway/promotion: Promote the API Gateway assets from the source machine to destination machine where the destination machine is configured as a stage.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/promotion/{promotionId}: Retrieves a promotion based on the promotion Id.
  • DELETE/rest/apigateway/promotion/{promotionId}: Deletes a promotion based on the promotion Id.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/stages: Retrieves all the configured stages.
  • POST/rest/apigateway/stages: Configures a stage in the source API Gateway where promotion is initiated.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/stages/{stageId}: Retrieves a particular stage object based on a stage Id.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/stages/{stageId}: Updates a particular stage in the source API Gateway where the promotion is initiated.
  • DELETE/rest/apigateway/stages/{stageId}: Deletes a particular stage.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/rollback: Retrieves the list of possible rollbacks from the local (target) API Gateway instance.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/rollback/{rolbackId}: Retrieves a rollback based on the rollback Id.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/rollback/{rolbackId}: Rolls back the assets to the previous state, That is, the state prior to promotion. Rollback should be initiated from the local API Gateway instance.
  • DELETE/rest/apigateway/rollback/{rolbackId}: Deletes the rollback.
  • Public Services

    This API allows you to fetch a JWT from API Gateway and also fetch JSON Web key URI of API Gateway.

    API Gateway provides the following REST API and the resources to manage public services:

    Service Management

    API Gateway provides the capability to retrieve and manage all APIs in API Gateway and the related information such as applications associated, scopes, versions and so on.

    API Gateway provides the following REST API and the resources to manage services:

  • GET/rest/apigateway/apis/{apiId}: Retrieves an API based on the apiId specified.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/apis/{apiId}: Updates an API by importing a file, URL or inline based on the apiId specified.
  • DELETE/rest/apigateway/apis/{apiId}: Deletes an API based on the apiId specified.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/apis/{apiId}/activate: Activates an API so that the API is exposed to consumers.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/apis/{apiId}/deactivate: Deactivates an API so that the API is not exposed to consumers.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/apis/{apiId}/publish: Publishes API to the registered Developer Portal.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/apis/{apiId}/unpublish: Unpublishes an API from the registered Developer Portal.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/apis/{apiId}/mock/enable: Enables you to mock an API by simulating the native service.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/apis/{apiId}/mock/disable: Disables the mocking capability to mock an API.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/apis/{apiId}/tracing/enable: Enables tracing for an API.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/apis/{apiId}/tracing/disable: Disables the tracing capability to trace an API.
  • POST/rest/apigateway/tracer/archive: Creates an archive of the tracer events.
  • POST/rest/apigateway/tracer/import: Imports the traced data from the archive. This API does not import the events in to the storage. It simply reads the archive and returns all the events and their tracing data in the archive.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/tracer/{correlationID}: Retrieves trace information for an API invocation event specified by its correlationID.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/apis: Retrieves all APIs or subset of APIs based on the apiIds specified.
  • POST/rest/apigateway/apis: Creates an API as specified. You can create an API by importing a file, URL, or from scratch.
  • DELETE/rest/apigateway/apis: Deletes APIs based on the apiIds specified.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/apis/{apiId}/applications: Retrieves the list of registered applications of an API.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/apis/{apiId}/source: Retrieves the source file along with the root file name that was used while creating an API.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/apis/{apiId}/globalPolicies: Retrieves the list of active global policies applicable for the specified API.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/apis/{apiId}/versions: Retrieves all versions of the specified API.
  • POST/rest/apigateway/apis/{apiId}/versions: Creates a new version of an API and retains applications if required.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/apis/{apiId}/scopes: Retrieves the scopes for the specified API.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/apis/{apiId}/scopes/{scopeName}: Retrieves the scopes for the specified API based on the scope name.
  • PUT/rest/apis/{apiId}/implementation: Updates the API in API Gateway after its implementation by any API provider tool. This is used by API provider tools to update the API after implementing from their end.
  • GET/rest/apis/{apiId}/providerspecification: Downloads the provider specification of REST and SOAP based APIs. Provider specification is nothing but, the specification file (in swagger or wsdl format) with out the concrete API Gateway endpoint and contains all resources, methods, and operations irrespective of whether their exposure to consumer.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/serviceRegistry/unpublish: Unpublishes one or more APIs from one or more service registries.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/serviceRegistry/publish: Retrieves the service registry publish information for the API.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/serviceRegistry/publish: Publishes one or more APIs from one or more service registries.
  • Transaction Data

    API Gateway provides the capability to to query the API transactions. API Transactions are generated (as events) every time an API invocation happens. API Transactions may contain the details about the invocation such as request and response headers, request and response payloads, consumer applications and so on. API Provider may choose to store these events to one or more destinations by using Log Invocation Policy. API Gateway provides different destination options to the API Provider (like API Gateway’s own data store, relational databases, Elasticsearch, and so on) where the events can be stored. By default, API Gateway is chosen as a storage destination for these events. This REST API queries for the transactions data only from the API Gateway’s default datastore. There are multiple use cases where you can use this transactions data. For instance, you can integrate this API with your billing system wherein this transactional data can be used to compute the usage history of your API for different consumers for monetization usecases. In other scenarios, the data extracted from this service can be used for custom report generation.

    API Gateway provides the following REST API and the resources to retrieve the transaction events data:

  • GET/rest/apigateway/transactionEvents/_search: Retrieves the transaction events for a given API, Application, Plan or Package for a specific period of time. Multiple request parameters of this method provide options to specify the request criteria to match the expected result and most of these input parameters support regular expression in their values. Along with the mandatory parameters, fromDate and toDate, any one of the other filter criteria should be passed in the request.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/transactionEvents/_count: Retrieves the number of transaction events for a given API, Application, Plan or Package for a specific period of time. Multiple request parameters of this method provide options to specify the request criteria to match the expected result and most of these input parameters support regular expression in their values. Along with the mandatory parameters , fromDate and toDate, any one of the other filter criteria should be passed in the request.
  • User Management

    API Gateway provides the capability to manage Users, Groups and Access profiles in API Gateway.

    API Gateway provides the following REST API and the resources to retrieve the User ACL list:

  • GET/rest/apigateway/accessProfiles: Retrieves a list of all access profiles in API Gateway.
  • POST/rest/apigateway/accessProfiles: Creates an access profile in API Gateway. The API request body must contain the payload for the access profile.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/accessProfiles/{accessProfileId}: Retrieves the details of an access profile in API Gateway.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/accessProfiles/{accessProfileId}: Updates the details of a specified access profile in API Gateway. The API request body must contain the payload for the updated access profile.
  • DELETE/rest/apigateway/accessProfiles/{accessProfileId}: Deletes an access profile from API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/groups: Retrieves list of all groups in API Gateway.
  • POST/rest/apigateway/groups: Creates a group in API Gateway. The API request body must contain the payload for the group.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/groups/{groupId}: Retrieves the details of a group in API Gateway.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/groups/{groupId}: Updates the details of a specified group in API Gateway. The API request body must contain the payload for the updated group.
  • DELETE/rest/apigateway/groups/{groupId}: Deletes a group from API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/users: Retrieves list of all users in API Gateway.
  • POST/rest/apigateway/users: Creates an user in API Gateway. The API request body must contain the payload for the user.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/users/{userId}: Retrieves the details of an user in API Gateway.
  • PUT/rest/apigateway/users/{userId}: Updates the details of a specified user in API Gateway. The API request body must contain the payload for the updated user.
  • DELETE/rest/apigateway/users/{userId}: Deletes the a specified user in API Gateway.
  • POST/rest/apigateway/users/authenticate: Authenticates a user in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/installedLanguages: Retrieves list of installed language packs in API Gateway.
  • GET/rest/apigateway/is/lockedAccounts: Retrieves the locked user accounts in API Gateway.
  • POST/rest/apigateway/is/lockedAccounts: Unlocks the locked user accounts by API Gateway.
  • Subscription Management

    You can manage subscriptions from the REST API provided by API Gateway. This API allows you to create application, view applications, get the application details for a specific package and plan, and so on. Alternatively, you can also use Developer Portal to manage subscriptions. To use the subscription APIs, you must have the Manage application permission.

    API Gateway provides the following REST API and the resources to manage subscriptions:

    Backward compatibility support for REST APIs

    All the REST APIs in API Gateway are backward compatible. The backward compatibility handles payload transformation from the previous version to the current version of API Gateway. If you want to use version specific payload then use the corresponding endpoint. For example, if you want to use the 10.1 payload to create an asset, then you have to use http://hostname/rest/apigateway/v101/asset

    With the backward compatibility support, API Gateway exposes the following REST end points with the version number mentioned.

    The archive REST endpoint to export assets does not give a version specific archive. It always gives the archive with latest version regardless of the version specified in the REST endpoint.