Integration Server 11.1 | Web Services Developer’s Guide | Using SOAP over JMS with Web Services | Using SOAP/JMS with Web Services with Transactions | Guidelines for Using Transactions with SOAP/JMS and Consumer Web Service Descriptors
Guidelines for Using Transactions with SOAP/JMS and Consumer Web Service Descriptors
If you want to send SOAP/JMS messages as part of a transaction, keep the following guidelines in mind:
*The WmART package must be installed and enabled.
*The consumer web service endpoint alias assigned to the JMS binder must use a transacted JMS connection alias. A JMS connection alias is considered to be transacted when it has a transaction type of XA_TRANSACTION or LOCAL_TRANSACTION. For information about creating a JMS connection alias, see Creating a JMS Connection Alias.
*SOAP/JMS messages can be sent as part of a transaction for operations with any message exchange pattern (MEP). However, if you want to use a transaction to send a SOAP/JMS message for an In-Out MEP, you must send the request asynchronously. For more information, see Asynchronously Invoking an In-Out Operation. Keep in mind that Integration Server offers limited support for Robust-In-Only operations and asynchronous In-Out operations. For more information, see Asynchronously Invoking an In-Out Operation and Consumer Support for Robust In-Only Operations with SOAP/JMS Bindings.
*The client side queue cannot be used when SOAP/JMS messages are sent as part of a transaction. Do not enable the client side queue for a JMS binder if messages will be sent as part of a transaction.
*SOAP/JMS messages can be sent as part of an implicit transaction or an explicit transaction.
*Integration Server starts an explicit transaction when the service executes. The explicit transaction ends when the service or the service executes. You can also allow Integration Server to commit or roll back the transaction implicitly based on the success or failure of the service.
*Integration Server starts an implicit transaction when Integration Server sends the SOAP/JMS message using a transacted JMS connection alias. Integration Server only starts an implicit transaction if another service has not yet started a transaction. Integration Server implicitly commits the transaction when the top-level service succeeds. Integration Server implicitly rolls back the transaction if the top-level service fails.