Integration Server 11.1 | Web Services Developer’s Guide | Using SOAP over JMS with Web Services | Consumer Support for Robust In-Only Operations with SOAP/JMS Bindings
Consumer Support for Robust In-Only Operations with SOAP/JMS Bindings
For a consumer web service descriptor, Integration Server provides partial support for Robust In-Only operations with a SOAP/JMS binding. When Integration Server creates a consumer web service descriptor from a WSDL that contains a Robust In-Only operation and that operation is defined as part of a portType with a SOAP over JMS binding, Integration Server populates the reply destination in the JMS message header (the JMSReplyTo header field), but otherwise treats the operation as In-Only.
Specifically, the generated web service connector will not produce or wait for any output besides the transportInfo parameter. If an exception occurs while the provider processes the request, the web service connector does not retrieve or process the SOAP response.
If you want to retrieve a SOAP response (which includes the SOAP fault) that the provider sends when an exception occurs during web service execution, you need to receive and process the response with a custom solution. This might include using a standard JMS trigger or an on-demand message consumer created using the pub.jms* services to receive the message and using the pub.soap* services to process the SOAP message.
Using a JMS trigger or message consumer to receive the response bypasses any policies applied to the SOAP response and any response handlers assigned to the consumer web service descriptor.
The SOAP over Java Message Service standard considers the Robust In-Only message exchange pattern (MEP) to be non-normative and does not define the MEP. The SOAP over Java Message Service standard considers a solution for non-normative patterns to be proprietary. Other vendors might not interoperate with these solutions.