Integration Server 11.1 | Web Services Developer’s Guide | SOAP Message Exchange Patterns | How <wsdl:output> and <wsdl:fault> Elements Affect a Consumer
How <wsdl:output> and <wsdl:fault> Elements Affect a Consumer
At run time, a consumer web service descriptor expects a SOAP response or SOAP fault based on whether the operation’s WSDL has a <wsdl:output> and/or <wsdl:fault> element. The Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property dictates whether a web service connector ignores or honors unexpected SOAP responses.
*When an operation has a <wsdl:output> element (i.e., In-Out MEP operation), the web service connector expects a SOAP response.
If the operation completes successfully, the web service connector expects a SOAP response that corresponds to the output defined for the operation. The web service connector returns the corresponding output values.
If an exception occurs, the web service connector expects a SOAP fault. The web service connector returns the SOAP fault information as output.
*When an operation has no <wsdl:output> element and no <wsdl:fault> element (i.e., In-Only MEP operation), the web service connector expects no SOAP response, even if the operation results in an exception. How the web service connector handles an unexpected SOAP response/fault depends on the Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property.
If an operation completes successfully and the provider returns an unexpected SOAP response, when the Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property is:
*false, the connector ignores the response and does not return output.
*true, the connector honors the unexpected response, returning the corresponding output values.
Similarly, if an exception occurs and the provider returns a SOAP fault, when the Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property is:
*false, the connector ignores the SOAP fault and does not return the SOAP fault as output.
If an exception is thrown on the consumer side for any reason, the web service connector will return information about the exception in its output.
*true, the connector honors the unexpected SOAP fault, returning the SOAP fault information as output.
*When an operation has no <wsdl:output> element but has a <wsdl:fault> element (i.e., Robust In-Only MEP operation), the web service connector expects no SOAP response unless an exception occurs. If an exception occurs, the connector receives a SOAP fault, and in turn, returns the SOAP fault information as output.
If the operation completes successfully and returns a SOAP response, how the web service connector handles the unexpected response depends on the Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property. When the Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property is:
*false, the connector ignores the response and does not return output.
*true, the connector honors the unexpected response, returning the corresponding output values.
Note:Integration Server does not fully support Robust-In Only for SOAP over JMS bindings. For more information, see Consumer Support for Robust In-Only Operations with SOAP/JMS Bindings.