Integration Server 11.1 | Guaranteed Delivery Developer’s Guide | Overview of Guaranteed Delivery | How Transactions Are Managed | Customizing the Job Manager
Customizing the Job Manager
You can customize how the Job Manager manages guaranteed delivery transactions programmatically or through system properties. To specify programmatically, your client application must specify the setting with the parameters of TContext methods. To specify through system parameters, specify the setting on the Java command line.
If a setting is specified both with a parameter of TContext and through a system property, the Job Manager uses the setting specified through the system property.
*Location of the client transaction log. Specify the file in which the Job Manager maintains its log of all the guaranteed delivery transaction operations for clients that are standalone Java programs.
Tcontext Method:
Specify using a parameter with the init method.
System Property:
Use the –Dwatt.tx.logfile = filename option. If a parameter is supplied to the TContext.init method and watt.tx.logfile is set, the value in watt.tx.logfile is used. If neither is set, the default is .\tx.log.
*Submission interval for the Job Store. Specify the number of seconds between sweeps of the job store. The Job Manager sweeps the job store to submit transactions to IBM webMethods Integration Server.
TContext Method:
Cannot specify using a TContext method.
System Property:
Use the -Dwatt.tx.sweepTime= seconds option.
The default is: 60 seconds
*Time to Retry Interval. Specify the number of seconds to wait after a service request failure before the Job Manager resubmits the request to IBM webMethods Integration Server.
TContext Method:
Cannot specify using a TContext method.
System Property:
Use the -Dwatt.tx.retryBackoffTime= seconds option.
The default is: 60 seconds
*Number of Client Threads in Thread Pool. Specify the number of threads you want to make available in a thread pool to service pending requests.
TContext Method:
Cannot specify using a TContext method.
System Property:
Use the -Dwatt.tx.jobThreads.
The default is: 5 threads