Integration Server 11.1 | Guaranteed Delivery Developer’s Guide | Overview of Guaranteed Delivery | How Transactions Are Managed
How Transactions Are Managed
Customizing the Job Manager
Guaranteed delivery transactions are managed by Job Managers. For client applications, the Job Manager runs on the client. For services, the Job Manager runs on the server.
The Job Managers manage all guaranteed delivery transactions that a process creates using TContext. The Job Managers maintain a job store of the guaranteed delivery transactions. The job store contains a record for each transaction. In addition, the Job Managers maintain a log that tracks the progress of all transaction operations.
The Job Manager handles the invocation of the service using background threads, which the Job Manager allocates from a configurable pool of threads. The Job Manager sends the service requests to IBM webMethods Integration Server and accepts the results on behalf of the client applications or services that use TContext. If the Job Manager does not receive a result for a transaction in its job store, it resubmits that request to execute the service. It continues to resubmit requests until it either receives a result or the transaction expires.
For client applications, a single Job Manager runs in the client process and is shared by multiple TContext instances. For services, a single Job Manager runs in the server process and is shared by all TContext instances.