Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Using Enhanced Logging for Messaging | What Is in Log Entries for Enhanced Logging?
What Is in Log Entries for Enhanced Logging?
Logging Levels for Enhanced Messaging Logging
Enhanced logging entries include details about the message for which the log entry is being written in addition to the typical time stamp and log message text that appear in other log entries.
These message details can include a UUID, the message ID assigned by the provider, and the connection alias used to send or receive the messages. Each log entry includes the message details in the same order, which may be helpful when reviewing the log entries.
The message information that appears in the log entry depends on the point in publishing or subscribing at which Integration Server writes the log entry. For example, a log entry about sending a message would not include the provider ID for the message because the messaging provider has not yet received the message. A log entry about writing a message to the client side queue would not include a trigger name. A log entry for preparing to publish a document to Universal Messaging does not include a UUID if one was not specified in the document or the publishing service does not allow custom UUIDs because Integration Server has not yet generated the UUID.
A log entry includes a message ID or UUID whenever possible, which makes it easier to track a message as it is published and/or received and processed by Integration Server.
The following table identifies and describes the possible information in each enhanced logging entry for a message being sent or received:
Message property
Universally unique identifier for the message being sent or received.
*In IBM webMethods messaging, you can set a value for the _env/uuid field when publishing the document.You can only use a user-defined UUID for messages sent to Universal Messaging by the pub.publish:publish service. If you do not set a UUID value or if you are using a service for a user-defined UUID cannot be set, Integration Server assigns one during publication.
*For JMS messaging, you can set a UUID in the JMSMessage/properties/uuid field when sending the JMS message. For JMS messaging, the uuid field is optional. Integration Server does not generate or assign a UUID if one is not specified.
Messaging connection alias
Name of the messaging connection alias associated with the sent or received message.
*For IBM webMethods messaging, this is a Universal Messaging connection alias. Enhanced logging cannot be used with IBM webMethods Broker
*For JMS messaging, this is a JMS connection alias.
Destination to which the message was sent.
*For IBM webMethods messaging, the destination is the name of the channel to which the message was sent. The name of the channel corresponds to the publishable document type for which Integration Server published an instance document.
*For JMS messaging, the destination contains the JNDI lookup name for the queue or topic to which the JMS message was sent.
Message ID
The ID assigned to the message by the messaging provider.
*For IBM webMethods messaging, the message ID is the Universal Messaging event ID which Universal Messaging generates when it first receives the message.
*For JMS messaging, the message ID is the JMSMessageID which is generated on behalf of the JMS provider.
Trigger name
Name of the trigger that received the message.
Enhanced logging entries written to the server.log are not identical to the enhanced logging entries written to the dedicated messaging log. The formats used by the server.log entries and by the messaging log entries are different. However the server.log entries and messaging log entries contain the same log message text and message properties. For more information about directing enhanced logging to the server.log or the messaging log, see Using the Messaging Log or the Server Log for Enhanced Logging.