Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Using Enhanced Logging for Messaging | Using the Messaging Log or the Server Log for Enhanced Logging
Using the Messaging Log or the Server Log for Enhanced Logging
When you configure a messaging connection alias to use enhanced logging, you can specify that Integration Server write the log entries to the server.log or the messaging log.
The messaging log is an audit log exclusively for enhanced logging entries written for sending and receiving of messages with Integration Server. The messaging audit log is formatted to align the log entries, including the log message text and message properties, into columns. This may make the log easier to use.
The server log is a journal log and contains log entries for all of the server log facilities. You can view the messaging log and server log in Integration Server Administrator or with text editors.
You can use the messaging log or the server log as the destination for enhanced log entries. However, you cannot set the same messaging connection alias to write to both locations.