Integration Server 11.1 | Web Services Developer’s Guide | Array Handling for Document/Literal and RPC/Literal | How Integration Server Represents Arrays for Document/Literal and RPC/Literal
How Integration Server Represents Arrays for Document/Literal and RPC/Literal
As of Integration Server version 8.0, the way in which Integration Server represents arrays in the schema for a generated WSDL document with a Document/Literal or RPC/Literal binding style has changed.
In Integration Server 7.x, Integration Server used a wrapping technique to represent an array element. As of Integration Server 8.0, Integration Server represents an array as a series of repeating elements without adding a wrapper element.
In the 7.x wrapping technique, Integration Server used the name of the array field as the name of wrapper element in the schema. Integration Server declared the wrapper element to be of a complex type named ArrayOflistType, where listType was the actual data type for the repeating element. Integration Server defined the complex type ArrayOflistType to be an unbounded sequence of an element named ArrayOflistTypeItem, where listType was the actual data type of the repeating element. The ArrayOflistTypeItem elements contained the actual data at run time.
The following examples illustrate how Integration Server represents an array for a Document/Literal or RPC/Literal service in version 7.x and version 8.0. In these examples, a flow service named myFlowService contains an input parameter named myStringList which is of type String list.
Integration Server 7.x: String List in a WSDL Schema
<xsd:complexType name="myFlowService">
<xsd:element name="myStringList" nillable="true" type="tns:ArrayOfstring"/>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfstring">
<xsd:element name="ArrayOfstringItem" type="xsd:string" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Integration Server 8.0: String List in a WSDL Schema
<xsd:complexType name="myFlowService">
<xsd:element name="myStringList" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"
Backward Compatibility for Web Service Descriptors Created in Integration Server 7.x.