Integration Server 11.1 | Web Services Developer’s Guide | Array Handling for Document/Literal and RPC/Literal | Backward Compatibility for Web Service Descriptors Created in Integration Server 7.x
Backward Compatibility for Web Service Descriptors Created in Integration Server 7.x
The change in how Integration Server represents arrays in a WSDL schema for Document/Literal and RPC/Literal web services affects the structure and content of the SOAP requests and SOAP responses for the operations of the web service. To ensure that web service consumers created using a WSDL generated in Integration Server 7.x still execute successfully, Integration Server only uses the new array handling approach for provider web service descriptors created in version 8.0 or higher. A WSDL generated for any web service descriptor created in Integration Server 7.x continues to use the array wrapping technique even after the web service descriptor is edited in Integration Server 8.0.
To determine which array handling technique is used for a web service descriptor that specifies an RPC/Literal or Document/Literal binding, examine the WSDL file for a web service descriptor with an operation (service) that contains an array in the signature.
If you want a web service descriptor created in Integration Server 7.x to use the new array format in the WSDL schema, you need to create a 8.x provider web service descriptor that uses the same operations (IS services) as the 7.x provider web service descriptor. The WSDL for the new provider web service descriptor contains a schema that makes use of the new array format. Consumers must create new web service clients based on the new WSDL.