Integration Server 11.1 | Web Services Developer’s Guide | Working with Web Services | About Refreshing a Web Service Descriptor
About Refreshing a Web Service Descriptor
How Refresh Affects a Web Service Descriptor
Considerations for Refreshing a Web Service Descriptor
Refreshing a Web Service Descriptor
If the WSDL document used to create a web service descriptor changes, you may want to refresh the web service descriptor to reflect the recent changes. For example, if you created a WSDL first provider web service descriptor from a WSDL document that has since changed to include a new operation or new input/output messages, you can refresh the web service descriptor. Refreshing the web service descriptor does the following:
*Updates the web service descriptor or its associated IS elements to reflect changes in existing elements in the updated WSDL document.
*Adds elements, such as operations, headers, or binders, to the web service descriptor to reflect new elements in the updated WSDL document.
*Adds new IS elements, such as IS document types, IS schemas, and services, that correspond to new elements in the updated WSDL document.
*Removes web service descriptor elements or IS elements that correspond to elements that have been removed from the updated WSDL document.
*Preserves any changes you made to the web service descriptor since it was created from the original WSDL document.
If multiple web service descriptors are created from a single WSDL file, refreshing the first web service descriptor (the first web service descriptor is the one that has the name that you provided) will not be successful. To overcome this, delete the other associated web service descriptors and then refresh the first web service descriptor.
Refreshing a web service descriptor is different than refreshing web service connectors. When refreshing a web service descriptor, Integration Server uses an updated version of the WSDL document to regenerate the web service descriptor and its associated IS elements. When refreshing web service connectors, Integration Server uses the original WSDL document to recreate the web service connectors and the contents of the consumerWSDName_ folder. For more information about refreshing web service connectors, see Refreshing a Web Service Connector.
The following table provides an overview of the activities involved in refreshing a web service descriptor.
You select the web service descriptor that you want to refresh. You can refresh WSDL first provider web service descriptors or consumer web service descriptors created on Integration Server version 7.1 or later.
Service first provider web service descriptors are not created from a WSDL document and therefore cannot be refreshed.
You specify the location of the WSDL document that you want Integration Server to use when refreshing the web service descriptor. If the web service descriptor was created on Integration Server version 8.2 or later, Integration Server defaults to the WSDL document at the location specified by the Source URI property. If the web service descriptor was created before Integration Server version 8.2, Designer prompts you to select the location of the WSDL document to use as the source for the refresh.
Integration Server creates a backup copy of the web service descriptor and its associated elements, such as IS document types, IS schemas, services, and web service connectors. Integration Server uses the most recently saved version of the web service descriptor and its associated elements as the backup copy. Integration Server makes a backup copy in case it cannot refresh the web service descriptor successfully.
Integration Server regenerates the web service descriptor using the options specified in the New Web Service Descriptor wizard at the time the web service descriptor was first created. For example, if you specified Strict for the Content model compliance option, Integration Server uses the Strict option when refreshing.
If you want Integration Server to use different options than the original ones when refreshing the web service descriptor, do not refresh the web service descriptor. Instead, delete the web service descriptor and then recreate it using the updated WSDL document and the different New Web Service Descriptor wizard options.
During regeneration, Integration Server does the following:
*If an existing element in the WSDL document has been modified, Integration Server updates the corresponding elements in the web service descriptor or its associated IS elements. For example, suppose that a complex type definition changed and that type definition was used in the input message for an operation. During refresh, Integration Server would recreate the document type that corresponds to the input signature.
*If the WSDL document includes new information or elements, Integration Server adds that information to the web service descriptor or one if its associated IS elements. For example, if the WSDL used to create a provider web service descriptor includes a new operation, Integration Server generates a new skeleton service and adds the service as an operation in the web service descriptor.
*If information or an element has been removed from the updated WSDL document, Integration Server removes the corresponding web service descriptor information or associated IS element. For example, suppose that the original WSDL document included a header but the updated WSDL document does not include that header. During refresh, Integration Server removes the header from the web service descriptor and deletes the IS document type that corresponds to the original header.
Note:Integration Server considers a renamed element to be a new element. For example if the name of an operation changed from “myOperation” to “yourOperation”, Integration Server removes the operation “myOperation” from the web service descriptor. Integration Server creates a new service for “yourOperation” and adds that service to the web service descriptor as an operation.
*Integration Server merges in changes that you made since the web service descriptor was first created or since the last refresh. For example, if you added logic to a skeleton service generated for a WSDL first provider web service descriptor, Integration Server adds that logic to the refreshed service. If you added a header or fault to the web service descriptor, Integration Server adds that header or fault to the refreshed web service descriptor.
When refreshing a web service descriptor, Integration Server does not preserve any changes made to IS document types or IS schemas that were generated from the WSDL document.
*Integration Server sets the properties of the refreshed web service descriptor to match the property values that were specified before the web service descriptor was refreshed. Integration Server also ensures that any services created from the original WSDL document have the same properties after the refresh.
Upon successful refresh of the web service descriptor, Integration Server deletes the backup copy of the web service descriptor and its associated elements. If Integration Server cannot successfully refresh the web service descriptor, Integration Server reverts to the backup copy.