Integration Server 11.1 | Web Services Developer’s Guide | Working with Web Services | About Refreshing a Web Service Descriptor | Refreshing a Web Service Descriptor
Refreshing a Web Service Descriptor
To update a web service descriptor to use the latest version of a WSDL document, you can refresh the web service descriptor. Keep the following points in mind when you refresh a web service descriptor.
*You can refresh any consumer web service descriptor or WSDL first provider web service descriptor created on version 7.1 or later.
*To refresh a web service descriptor, you do not need to have Write access to the web service descriptor or any of its associated elements (document types, schemas, services, or web service connectors).
*When refreshing a web service descriptor Integration Server uses the same options you selected in the New Web Service Descriptor wizard when you originally created the web service descriptor. If you want to use different options, you must delete the web service descriptor and recreate it using the updated WSDL document.
*If the Validate Schema using Xerces property is set to true for a web service descriptor, Integration Server validates the schemas associated with the web service descriptor during refresh.
*Any pre-requisites that existed for generating the original web service descriptor apply to refreshing the web service descriptor.
For information about pre-requisites for creating a WSDL first provider web service descriptor, see Creating a WSDL First Provider Web Service Descriptor. For information about pre-requisites for creating a consumer web service descriptor, see Creating a Consumer Web Service Descriptor.
*Refreshing a web service descriptor is different than refreshing web service connectors. For more information about refreshing web service connectors, see Refreshing a Web Service Connector.
*Before refreshing a web service descriptor, review the information in Considerations for Refreshing a Web Service Descriptor.
*To refresh a web service descriptor
1. In Package Navigator view, lock the web service descriptor that you want to refresh.
2. Right-click the web service descriptor and select Refresh Web Service Descriptor.
3. Review the informational message about potential changes to the existing web service descriptor and click OK to continue with refresh the web service descriptor.
4. If the Source URI property specifies a location for the original WSDL document, Designer asks you if you want to use a different source file for refreshing the web service descriptor. Click Yes to select a file at a new location as the source. Click No to use the file at the specified location as the source.
If you selected No to use the specified location and Designer cannot read the WSDL file at that location, Designer displays a message prompting you to cancel the refresh or to select a new source location. Click Cancel to cancel the refresh. Click OK to specify a new location.
5. If you indicated that you wanted to select a new source location in the previous step, or if the Source URI property has no value, in the Refresh Web Service Descriptor dialog box, select the location of the WSDL file as File/URL.
*To refresh a web service descriptor from a WSDL document on the Internet, enter the URL for the WSDL document. The URL should begin with http:// or https://.
*To refresh a web service descriptor from a WSDL document that resides on the file system,click Browse to navigate to and select a WSDL document on your local file system.
6. Click Next.
7. Click Next if you want to specify different prefixes than those specified in the XML schema definition. If you do not want to change the prefixes specified in the XML schema definition, click Finish.
8. On the Assign Prefixes panel, if you want the web service descriptor to use different prefixes than those specified in the XML schema definition or modified at the time of creating the web service descriptor, select the prefix you want to change and enter a new prefix. Repeat this step for each namespace prefix that you want to change.
The prefix you assign must be unique and must be a valid XML NCName as defined by the specification
9. Click Finish.
Designer refreshes the web service descriptor. If Designer cannot refresh a web service descriptor, Designer rolls back to the last saved version of the web service descriptor. If refresh is not successful, use the messages returned by Designer and the messages in the error log to determine why.