CloudStreams 11.1 | IBM webMethods CloudStreams Documentation | Administering webMethods CloudStreams | CloudStreams Analytics (End of Life) | Installation and Configuration Tasks | Creating a JDBC Connection Pool for CloudStreams
Creating a JDBC Connection Pool for CloudStreams
SQL Statement Execution and Connection Timeouts
*To create a JDBC connection pool for CloudStreams
1. Start Integration Server and open Integration Server Administrator.
2. Go to the Settings > JDBC Pools page.
3. On the Settings > JDBC Pools page, click Create a new Pool Alias Definition and complete the fields to point to the tables you created in Creating the Schema and Tables Required by CloudStreams Analytics, as follows.
Alias Name
Specify a name for the connection pool.
Alias Description
Description for the pool.
Associated Driver Alias
Database driver to use.
Database URL
URL for the database server. Sample URL formats for the DataDirect Connect JDBC 5.0 driver are displayed.
Use the DataDirect Connect connection option MaxPooledStatements=35 on the database URL. This connection option improves performance by caching prepared statements.
For DB2, if Integration Server will connect to a schema other than the default schema for the specified database user, you must specify these connection options in the URL:
;AlternateId=schema;”InitializationString=(SET CURRENT PATH=current_path,schema)”;MaxPooledStatements=35
AlternateId specifies the name of the default schema that is used to qualify unqualified database objects in dynamically prepared SQL statement.
User ID
Database user for Integration Server to use to communicate with the database.
Password for the database user.
Minimum Connections
Minimum number of connections the pool must keep open at all times.
If you use this pool alias for more than one function, each pool instance keeps the specified number of connections open. For example, if you specify keeping at least 3 connections open, and the IS Core Audit Log and the Document History database components both use this pool, the pool keeps a total of 6 connections open: 3 for the IS Core Audit Log pool instance and 3 for the Document History pool instance.
If your logging volume has sudden spikes, you can improve performance by making sure the connections needed to handle the increased volume open quickly. You can minimize connection startup time during spikes by setting this value higher, so that more connections remain open at all times.
Maximum Connections
Maximum number of connections the pool must keep open at all times.
Calculate this value as part of the total possible number of connections that could be opened simultaneously by all functions and applications that write to the database. Make sure the total number does not exceed the database's connection limit. If one of the applications opens more connections than the database allows, the database will reject subsequent requests for connections from any application.
Idle Timeout
Period of time, in milliseconds, the pool can keep an unused connection open. After the specified period of time, the pool closes unused connections that are not needed to satisfy the Minimum connections value.
You should also consider setting connection timeouts as described in SQL Statement Execution and Connection Timeouts.
4. Click Save Settings.
5. Click Return to JDBC Pool Definitions.
6. In the Functional Alias Definitions table, locate the functional name CloudStreams.
7. Click Edit under the Edit Association column.
8. In the JDBC Functional Alias field under Associated Pool Alias, select the connection pool alias you created.
9. Make sure Integration Server can connect to the database by clicking Test Connection.
10. Click Save Settings.
11. Restart Integration Server.