CloudStreams 11.1 | IBM webMethods CloudStreams Documentation | Administering webMethods CloudStreams | CloudStreams Analytics (End of Life) | Installation and Configuration Tasks | Creating the Schema and Tables Required by CloudStreams Analytics
Creating the Schema and Tables Required by CloudStreams Analytics
*To create the schema and tables
1. Start the Database Component Configurator GUI as follows:
On the Start menu, go to Program > webMethods > Tools > Database Component Configurator.
Go to IBM_directory and run the command
2. In the Action area, in the Type list, click create.
The create action type creates the database components you select in the Action area, and lets you create a database user and storage.
3. Click Component, and in the text box next to Component, select CloudStreamsEvents.
4. In the Version field, select Latest.
The configurator will create the latest version of the database component.
5. In the Connection area, in the RDBMS field, select the RDBMS in which to create the database component.
A URL specific to the selected database appears in the URL field.
6. Modify the URL to point to the database where the CloudStreams events should be collected.
Sample URL formats for the DataDirect Connect JDBC 5.0 driver are displayed. Below is additional information for completing this field.
*For Oracle, if you are going to create storage and the Data Purge database component, you must specify the sysLoginRole connection option on the URL (for example: ;sysLoginRole=sysdba).
*For DB2, if you are going to create database components in a schema other than the default schema for the specified database user, you must specify these connection options in the URL, where AlternateID is the name of the default schema used to qualify unqualified database objects in dynamically prepared SQL statements:
;AlternateId=schema;”InitializationString=(SET CURRENT PATH=current_path,schema)”
*For information about options supported by the DataDirect Connect JDBC 5.0 driver used by webMethods products, see DataDirect Connect for JDBC User's Guide and Reference 5.0 in the IBM_directory/_documentation directory.
7. In the User ID and Password fields, your entries depend on the task you are going to perform as follows:
If you are...
Creating a database user and storage in Oracle or SQL Server
The database user and password to create.
For SQL Server, the user will be created and a default schema named dbo will be assigned to that user.
For Oracle, do not use the SYSTEM user to create the database components in the SYSTEM schema.
Creating a database user and storage in DB2 for LUW
The OS user to which to grant permissions, and the password for that user.
8. Select the Create Tablespaces check box. (To create tablespaces, you must have Admin privileges for the database.)
This check box is labeled Create Database and Database User for SQL Server, and Create Tablespaces and Grant Permissions to OS User for DB2.
For DB2 on Linux systems, tablespaces are created for each DB2 database. If you are creating webMethods database components in more than one DB2 database, either the tablespace directory or the tablespace names must be unique for each DB2 database.
9. In the Admin ID field, identify the database user or operating system user that has database administrator credentials to create the database user and storage. Supply the password for the user in the Admin Password field.
10. The next field and your entry depend on your RDBMS.
Field and Entry
Oracle or DB2 for LUW
In the Tablespace Directory field, identify the directory in which to create the tablespaces. For Oracle, use this field only if the DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST parameter is not set for your Oracle instance.
SQL Server
In the Database field, specify the database to create.
11. The default tablespace names are as follows:
Data Storage
Index Storage
BLOB Storage
DB2 for LUW
DB2 for iSeries
12. For Oracle or DB2 for LUW, you can select the Use Custom Tablespace Names check box and specify custom tablespace names in the fields. You must have Admin privileges to do this.
*For Oracle, the custom tablespace names will replace the defaults WEBMDATA and WEBMINDX.
*For DB2 for LUW, the custom tablespace names will replace the defaults WEBMDATA, WEBMINDX, and WEBMBLOB. You can also specify a custom name to use for the buffer pool for webMethods products (WEBMBUFF by default).
webMethods products support all tablespace configurations deployed by users.
13. Click Execute.
The execution information is displayed on the Results tab and is written to the log file dcc_yyyymmddHHMMss in the IBM_directory\common\db\logs directory. If the execution is successful, all required tables are available.
If you intend to run the configurator more than once, you can set the current field values as the defaults for subsequent runs by clicking Save Settings as Default. You can also export field values to .xml files by clicking Export, then later import the values from a file by clicking Import Configuration. In each case, the values for the two Password fields are not saved.