Class BrokerSubscription


public class BrokerSubscription extends Object
This class is a data structure used to describe a subscription.
  • Field Details

    • sub_id

      public int sub_id
      The subscription id for this subscription. Must be a non-negative number.
    • event_type_name

      public String event_type_name
      The event type name.
    • filter

      public String filter
      The filter string. For example "
       cost < 300.00
      " or "
       (total >= 300.00) and (state = "CA")
  • Constructor Details

    • BrokerSubscription

      public BrokerSubscription()
      Create an empty subscription object
    • BrokerSubscription

      public BrokerSubscription(String type_name, String filter_string)
      Create a subscription object with event_type_name and filter set. sub_id is set to zero.
    • BrokerSubscription

      public BrokerSubscription(int id, String type_name, String filter_string)
      Create a subscription object setting all three parameters, sub_id, event_type_name, and filter.
  • Method Details

    • toString

      public String toString()
      Convert to string.
      toString in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString(int indent_level)
      Convert to string. The "indent_level" is the number of 4-space indents that the output should be generated for.
    • toString

      public String toString(int indent_level, boolean include_sub_id)
      Convert to string. The "indent_level" is the number of 4-space indents that the output should be generated for. If include_sub_id is false, the subscription's id will not be included in the output.