Class BrokerInputParseException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BrokerInputParseException extends BrokerException
This exception is thrown by the ADL parser when the import file contents are invalid in some way.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • toLocationString

      public String toLocationString(Reader reader)
      Returns a string containing the nature and location of the parse problem. The exact location of the problem is highlighted by the use of the carat symbol (^) in the line under the quoted content. The reader given must be freshly opened and positioned at the beginning of the file. This may mean closing and re-opening the reader if it does not support the reset() method. If reader is null, an empty string will be returned.
    • getLineNumber

      public int getLineNumber()
      Returns the line number of the input file on which the error occurred. The first line in the file is line number 1. 0 is returned if the parse error is not specific to a particular line. -1 is returned if the line number is not known.
    • getColumnNumber

      public int getColumnNumber()
      Returns the column number of the input file on which the error occurred. The first column of a line is column number 0. -1 is returned if the column number is not known.