Trading Networks 11.1 | IBM webMethods B2B Trading Networks 11.1 Documentation | Building Services with Trading Networks | Mime Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder |
Sets the digest algorithm that you want the service to use to compute a message digest for the specified MIME object when it writes the MIME object to a stream.
Input Parameters
Object The MIME object for which you want to compute a digest.
String (optional) The algorithm to use to compute the digest. You can specify one of the following values for digestAlgorithm: SHA-1 or MD5.SHA-1 is the default.
String (optional) Whether to include the MIME headers when computing the message digest. Valid values are:
*yes- Default. Include the headers when computing the message digest.
*no - Do not include the headers when computing the message digest.
String (optional) Whether to include all headers when computing the message digest or only those specified by the headersToDigest input parameter. This parameter is used when you specify yes for the digestHeader input parameter. Valid values are:
*yes - Include all headers when computing the message digest. When you specify yes, this service ignores the headersToDigest input parameter.
This service includes all headers for this MIME message when computing the message digest. The digest is computed based on the headers in the message at the time this service was invoked. If additional headers are added after you invoke this service, those headers will not be included in the final message digest.
*no - Default. Include only those headers specified by the headersToDigest input parameter when computing the message digest.
String [ ] (optional) The headers to include in the message digest if digestHeader is yes. The default is { "Content-Type", "Content-Transfer-Encoding", "Content-Disposition" }.
The value that you specify for headersToDigest is not case sensitive. However, the order you specify the headers must match the order they appear in the message.
If no headers are specified (headersToDigest is empty), no headers will be digested.
Output Parameters
Usage Notes
*Invoking this service on a MIME object indicates that you want the contents of this object to be digested when written to a stream using the service. To retrieve the message digest invoke the service after calling Do not alter the MIME object after invoking the service because it will cause service to compute the message digest incorrectly.
*Use this service when sending a message that you created. For more information, see Using the MIME Services to Send MIME Messages You Create.
*This service is not compatible with those in the pub.mime folder. The MIME objects that the pub.mime:createMimeData service creates will not work with this service.