API Gateway 11.1 | Using API Gateway | Microservices | AppMesh Support | Configure API Gateway to Connect to a Service Mesh Environment | Creating a Microgateway Image
Creating a Microgateway Image
The Microgateway image is required to deploy the Microgateway as a sidecar in the Kubernetes pods. The Microgateway has to be present in the registry repository for it to be available for deployment as a sidecar into a Kubernetes pod.
1. Run the following commands to build the required Microgateway image:
./microgateway.sh createDockerFile --docker_dir . -p 9090
docker build -t your-repo:mcgw-app-mesh -f Microgateway_DockerFile
docker push your-repo:mcgw-app-mesh
The Microgateway image can now be used to inject Microgateway as a sidecar in the Kubernetes pods while deploying AppMesh.