API Gateway 11.1 | Using API Gateway | Microservices | AppMesh Support | Configure API Gateway to Connect to a Service Mesh Environment
Configure API Gateway to Connect to a Service Mesh Environment
Creating a Microgateway Image
To discover the services and deploy AppMesh, you must configure API Gateway to connect to the service mesh environment where the services reside.
This configuration section is visible in the API Gateway user interface if you have the required AppMesh license and the Manage general administration configurations privileges.
Before you begin
Ensure that you have:
*Manage general administration configurations privileges.
*Kubernetes client configuration file and its location to set up the connection between API Gateway and the service mesh.
For details about Kubernetes in general and the Kubernetes client configuration file, see Kubernetes documentation.
*Valid namespaces in Kubernetes with or without the Istio service mesh environment setup.
*Docker image for Microgateway pushed to a registry that is reachable by your Kubernetes environment.
For details about how to create the Microgateway image, see Creating a Microgateway Image.
*To configure API Gateway to connect to a service mesh environment
1. Click user_menu and select Administration.
2. Click External accounts > Service mesh.
3. Click Browse, select and upload the required Kubernetes client configuration file.
On successful upload of the file, the cluster name and the cluster endpoint details appear in the table.
API Gateway supports a single Kubernetes cluster and context. If multiple cluster or contexts exist, AppMesh uses the context present in the current context field of the Kubernetes client configuration file.
4. Provide the following details required for AppMesh configuration:
API Gateway URL
Optional. Specify the API Gateway URL of the API Gateway instance.
This is required to set up the communication channel between API Gateway and the Microgateway that is injected into the Kubernetes pod.
If you do not configure the API Gateway URL, the default value is picked up from the Load balancer URLs that are configured under Administration > Load balancer in the following precedence:
a. First of the HTTPS Load balancer URL, if configured.
b. First of the HTTP Load balancer URL, if configured.
c. Default host name with 5555 as the default port.
API Gateway username
The username of the API Gateway instance.
API Gateway password
The password of the API Gateway instance.
Microgateway image
Specify the location of the Microgateway image to deploy Microgateway as a sidecar in the Kubernetes pod.
Microgateway port
Specify the port the Microgateway listens on.
Specify the Kubernetes namespace to monitor using AppMesh.
You can add multiple namespaces.
If you do not provide any namespace, then the default namespace default, that is present in Kubernetes environment is picked up.
5. Click Save configuration.
The service mesh environment is configured, and the communication between API Gateway and the service mesh is enabled.
You can now proceed with discovery of services and deploying AppMesh.