Class TaskSearchQueryV2

All Implemented Interfaces:
ITaskConstants, ITaskSearchQuery, ITaskSearchQueryExtended, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
TaskInboxIndexedSearchContentProvider.InboxSearchQuery, TaskSearchQueryExtended, TaskSearchQueryV2

public class TaskSearchQueryV2 extends TaskSearchQuery
TaskSearchQueryV2 extends TaskSearchQuery. It adds properties to support paging and sorting.
This query should be used only for for indexed task searches. When using indexed searches you need to specify the sortField and sortOrder for the search results and also what range of tasks (page) return.

When indexed search result is used from table control on the page, it will automatically set paging and sorting parameters on the query from table control being used on the page.

If using query directly from java code then paging and sorting parameters should be explicitly set by caller
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TaskSearchQueryV2

      public TaskSearchQueryV2()
      Default constructor.
    • TaskSearchQueryV2

      public TaskSearchQueryV2(TaskSearchQueryV2 taskQuery)
      Copy constructor
    • TaskSearchQueryV2

      public TaskSearchQueryV2(TaskSearchQuery taskQuery)
  • Method Details

    • getSortBy

      public String getSortBy()
      Returns sortBy value.
      the comma-separated list of fields which are used for sorting. Defaults to null.
    • setSortBy

      public void setSortBy(String sortBy)
      Sets sortBy value.
      sortBy - sort by value. This property contains single field name or comma-separated list of field names to sort search results For list of TaskInfo fields see ITaskSearchQuery. For sorting by indexed business data fields you need to specify index name as defined for the field.
    • getSortOrder

      public String getSortOrder()
      Returns sortOrder value.
      the comma-separated list of the sort orders, corresponding to the fields defined in ITaskSearchQueryExtended.getSortBy(). Defaults to null.
    • setSortOrder

      public void setSortOrder(String sortOrder)
      Set sort order. See ITaskSearchQuery.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING and ITaskSearchQuery.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING. When more than a single field is used for sorting (as comma-separated list of fields) then you have to specify a comma-separated list of sort order for each field to be sorted
      sortOrder -
    • getFromIndex

      public int getFromIndex()
      Returns start index for search paging
      the start index for search paging, if any. Defaults to -1.
    • setFromIndex

      public void setFromIndex(int fromIndex)
      Set start index for search paging
      fromIndex - start index value
    • getToIndex

      public int getToIndex()
      Returns end index for search paging
      the end index for search paging, if any. Defaults to -1.
    • setToIndex

      public void setToIndex(int toIndex)
      Sets end index for search pageing
      toIndex - end index value
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class TaskSearchQuery