Interface IBizPolicy

All Superinterfaces:
IComponent, IInitializable, ISystemHandler
All Known Subinterfaces:
IAccessPolicy, IAliasPolicy, IAliasPolicy2, IBasicPolicy, ICachePolicy, IClassManagerPolicy, IConnectionManagerPolicy, IContainerPolicy, IContextPolicy, IDirServiceBizPolicy, IDirSystemBizPolicy, IGroupBizPolicy, IInstallPolicy, ILicensePolicy, IPortletPolicy, IPrincipalAttributeBizPolicy, IPrincipalBizPolicy, ISchedpubPolicy, ISchedulePolicy, ISQLPolicy, ISubscriptionPolicy, ISystemPolicy, ITaskBizPolicy, ITopicSpacePolicy, IUserBizPolicy, IVersionPolicy, IViewableContainerPolicy, IViewablePolicy, IWebSpacePolicy

public interface IBizPolicy extends ISystemHandler

BizPolicies group all the Portal high level api's together into a group of related functions.

Policy commands are always invoked with a IContext object. The IContext object contains information about the user on whose behalf the command is invoked, as well as access, event, and workflow states. These states, which can be toggled on and off, are known as traits, and are encapsulated by the ITraits object. By default, all policy commands will check access, fire events, and initiate workflow as appropriate for the command.