Package com.webmethods.caf.faces.portlet
package com.webmethods.caf.faces.portlet
Provides implementation for JSF Portlets.
ClassesClassDescriptionPhaseListener wrapper around PhaseListener that checks if this is a portlet context before invoking the listenerPhaseListener wrapper around ClearSubmittedValuesPhaseListener that checks if this is a portlet request before invoking the listenerDeprecated.Class replaced by Jetty 8+ Request.getPart() and getParts() methods.This class implements storage for Page Flow to preserve portlet state.Quick check to determine if the 'CAF Portlet Controls' are being loaded in a portlet container.Override the exception handling for the portlet context.Override exception handler to provide the error messages for portlets that are a fragment of a larger page.
contains all of the per-request state information related to the processing of a single request, and the rendering of the corresponding response.CAF FacesContextFactory implementation for portlets.PortletLifecycle
manages the processing of the entire lifecycle of a particularPortletRequest
is a factory object that creates (if needed) and returnsPortletLifecycle
instances.Subclass to fix MWS-11016.This listener will delegate to the appropriate page beanPhaseListener wrapper around PortletRequestPhaseListener that checks if this is a portlet request before invoking the listenerAn implementation of @linkIPortletURLFactory
that understands the FacesContext object as the passed in context parameterPortlet view handler extends XMLViewHandler by providing customPortletViewHandler.getActionURL(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.String)
method implementation to pass current viewId on the action url as a parameter.PhaseListener wrapper around PreferencesPhaseListener that checks if this is a portlet request before invoking the listener