Class PortletFacesContext

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PortletFacesContext extends BaseFacesContext
PortletFacesContext contains all of the per-request state information related to the processing of a single request, and the rendering of the corresponding response. It is passed to, and potentially modified by, each phase of the request processing lifecycle.

A PortletFacesContext instance is associated with a particular request at the beginning of request processing, by a call to the getFacesContext() method of the PortletFacesContextFactory instance associated with the current web application. The instance remains active until its release() method is called, after which no further references to this instance are allowed. While a PortletFacesContext instance is active, it must not be referenced from any thread other than the one upon which the servlet container executing this web application utilizes for the processing of this request.

  • Field Details

    • m_portletContext

      protected javax.portlet.PortletContext m_portletContext
    • m_portletConfig

      protected javax.portlet.PortletConfig m_portletConfig
    • m_request

      protected javax.portlet.PortletRequest m_request
    • m_response

      protected javax.portlet.PortletResponse m_response
    • m_externalContext

      protected PortletFacesContext.PortletExternalContext m_externalContext
  • Constructor Details

    • PortletFacesContext

      public PortletFacesContext()
      Default constructor.
    • PortletFacesContext

      public PortletFacesContext(FacesContext wrapped)
      Create a PortletFacesContext with a wrapped FacesContext.
      wrapped - FacesContext
  • Method Details