Class TaskInboxSearchContentProvider.InboxSearchQuery

All Implemented Interfaces:
ITaskConstants, ITaskSearchQuery, ITaskSearchQueryExtended, Serializable
Enclosing class:

public class TaskInboxSearchContentProvider.InboxSearchQuery extends TaskSearchQuery
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • InboxSearchQuery

      public InboxSearchQuery()
      Default constructor
  • Method Details

    • init

      protected void init()
      Initializes search terms
    • setLastAcceptedDateRange

      public void setLastAcceptedDateRange(DateRange dateRange)
      Sets date range value for task "lastAcceptedDate" search term
      dateRange - date range value
    • getLastAcceptedDateRange

      public DateRange getLastAcceptedDateRange()
      Returns date range value for task "lastAcceptedDate" search term
    • setCreatedDateRange

      public void setCreatedDateRange(DateRange dateRange)
      Sets date range value for task "createdDate" search term
      dateRange - date range value
    • getCreatedDateRange

      public DateRange getCreatedDateRange()
      Returns date range value for task "createdDate" search term
    • setExpirationDateRange

      public void setExpirationDateRange(DateRange dateRange)
      Set date range value for task "expireDate" search term
      dateRange - date range value
    • getExpirationDateRange

      public DateRange getExpirationDateRange()
      Returns date range value for task "expireDate" search term
    • setModifiedDateRange

      public void setModifiedDateRange(DateRange dateRange)
      Set date range value for task "lastModifiedDate" search term
      dateRange - date range value
    • getModifiedDateRange

      public DateRange getModifiedDateRange()
      Returns date range value for task "lastModifiedDate" search term
    • setAcceptedPrincipalList

      public void setAcceptedPrincipalList(List<IPrincipalProvider> principalList)
      Helper setter to populate value for acceptedByList term as list of principal model objects
      principalList - list of principal model objects
    • getAcceptedPrincipalList

      public List<IPrincipalProvider> getAcceptedPrincipalList()
      Returns value from acceptedByList search term as list of principal model objects
      list of principal model objects
    • setAssignedPrincipalList

      public void setAssignedPrincipalList(List<IPrincipalProvider> principalList)
      Helper setter to populate value for assignedToList term as list of principal model objects
      principalList - list of principal model objects
    • getAssignedPrincipalList

      public List<IPrincipalProvider> getAssignedPrincipalList()
      Returns value from assignedToList search term as list of principal model objects
      list of principal model objects
    • setCreatedByPrincipalList

      public void setCreatedByPrincipalList(List<IPrincipalProvider> principalList)
      Helper setter to populate value for createdBy term as list of principal model objects
      principalList - list of principal model objects. This list must contain only single object (as task may have only single value for createdBy)
    • getCreatedByPrincipalList

      public List<IPrincipalProvider> getCreatedByPrincipalList()
      Returns value from createdBy search term as list of principal model objects
      list of principal model objects
    • setLastAcceptedByPrincipalList

      public void setLastAcceptedByPrincipalList(List<IPrincipalProvider> principalList)
      Helper setter to populate value for lastAcceptedBy term as list of principal model objects
      principalList - list of principal model objects. This list must contain only single object (as task may have only single value for lastAcceptedBy)
    • getLastAcceptedByPrincipalList

      public List<IPrincipalProvider> getLastAcceptedByPrincipalList()
      Returns value from lastAcceptedBy search term as list of principal model objects
      list of principal model objects
    • setLastModifiedByPrincipalList

      public void setLastModifiedByPrincipalList(List<IPrincipalProvider> principalList)
      Helper setter to populate value for lastModifiedBy term as list of principal model objects
      principalList - list of principal model objects. This list must contain only single object (as task may have only single value for lastModifiedBy)
    • getLastModifiedByPrincipalList

      public List<IPrincipalProvider> getLastModifiedByPrincipalList()
      Returns value from lastModifiedBy search term as list of principal model objects
      list of principal model objects
    • getCollaborationProcessID

      public TaskSearchQueryTerm getCollaborationProcessID()
      Returns search term for ad-hoc workflow process ID
    • getTaskID

      public TaskSearchQueryTerm getTaskID()
      Returns search term for taskID
    • getStatus

      public TaskSearchQueryTerm getStatus()
      Returns search term for task status
    • getPriority

      public TaskSearchQueryTerm getPriority()
      Returns search term for task priority
    • getTaskTypeID

      public TaskSearchQueryTerm getTaskTypeID()
      Returns search term for task type ID
    • getTaskName

      public TaskSearchQueryTerm getTaskName()
      Returns search term for task name
    • getCustomID

      public TaskSearchQueryTerm getCustomID()
      Returns search term for task customID
    • getProcessID

      public TaskSearchQueryTerm getProcessID()
      Returns search term for business process ID (process which owns the task)
    • getAcceptedByCurrent

      public TaskSearchQueryTerm getAcceptedByCurrent()
      Returns search term to support searches for tasks accepted by current user. The value to this term should be set to boolean true in order to use it.
    • getLastAcceptedStart

      public TaskSearchQueryTerm getLastAcceptedStart()
      Returns search term for task lastAcceptedDate start value
    • getLastAcceptedEnd

      public TaskSearchQueryTerm getLastAcceptedEnd()
      Returns search term for task lastAcceptedDate end value
    • getCreatedStart

      public TaskSearchQueryTerm getCreatedStart()
      Returns search term for task createdDate start value
    • getCreatedEnd

      public TaskSearchQueryTerm getCreatedEnd()
      Returns search term for task createdDate end value
    • getExpirationStart

      public TaskSearchQueryTerm getExpirationStart()
      Returns search term for task expireDate start value
    • getExpirationEnd

      public TaskSearchQueryTerm getExpirationEnd()
      Returns search term for task expireDate end value
    • getModifiedStart

      public TaskSearchQueryTerm getModifiedStart()
      Returns search term for task lastModifiedDate start value
    • getModifiedEnd

      public TaskSearchQueryTerm getModifiedEnd()
      Returns search term for task lastModifiedDate end value
    • getAcceptedPrincipals

      public TaskSearchQueryTerm getAcceptedPrincipals()
      Returns search term for task acceptedByList field. Value for this search term should be array or list or user names to search on.
    • getAssignedPrincipals

      public TaskSearchQueryTerm getAssignedPrincipals()
      Returns search term for task assignedToList field. Value for this search term should be array or list or user/group/role names to search on.
    • getCreatedByPrincipals

      public TaskSearchQueryTerm getCreatedByPrincipals()
      Returns search term for task createdBy field. Value for this search term should be name of the user
    • getLastAcceptedByPrincipals

      public TaskSearchQueryTerm getLastAcceptedByPrincipals()
      Returns search term for task lastAcceptedBy field. Value for this search term should be name of the user
    • getLastModifiedByPrincipals

      public TaskSearchQueryTerm getLastModifiedByPrincipals()
      Returns search term for task lastModifiedBy field. Value for this search term should be name of the user